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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
5,838 posts

I had trouble making Anxiety different from fear

I agree, I'm not sure what definition of anxiety I used but I hoped I made it feel different enough from my other poem. Then again the theme was quite east since I am constanly anxiety filled about everything
262 posts

Anxiety is an emotional side effect of many situations, some fearful, some everyday occurrences. While anxiety and fear do go hand in hand, anxiety CAN be separated from fear.
I didn't think your poem was off-topic, I absolutely felt the anxiety IN the poem. That IS a good thing

262 posts

Oh Shoot! Should have put this in my last post ... oh well ...
Remember, only ONE DAY LEFT until JUDGING!

6,800 posts

Ah judging is tomorrow, im not gonna be here to see the results cuz im going to the beach for 4th of July. And now that I read my poem again, i do think it dwells more on fear than anxiety.

304 posts

I think all the poems were great. And maverick4, I think yours was more about Anxiety then fear. You focused more on being nervous not exactly fearful at going toward the balloon then being worried about getting down. I liked it. I think the title was good to

6,800 posts

thanks, the cooks worst critic is hisself (or herself). Or in this case, writer. Im probaly gonna get sued by pixar if they see the title :P

1,252 posts

they all started running away
how could things happen this way
I looked down and saw I was red
one wrong move and everyone would have dread

the reds not blood as you may think
it makes me so tense I cant even blink
they crowd around me each with a glass shield
no matter how much I try I can't yield

they called me the destroyer of society
this is what it must feel like to have anxiety
when I wouldn't respond they said the waiting was done
strapped to me was a bomb stuck at one

262 posts

And maverick4, I think yours was more about Anxiety then fear. You focused more on being nervous not exactly fearful at going toward the balloon then being worried about getting down. I liked it. I think the title was good to

I agree, I couldn't have said it any better ...thanks adrecka
2,492 posts

Don't really have time to write a long poem, so I'll just write another haiku, lol.


A child -- still, asleep,
Cowering, shivering, dead.
Needs to run away.

I don't really think it makes sense but, oh well. :P

262 posts

It's that time for judging again! OK, here goes ... <drum roll>

First place is awarded to thisisnotanalt

trying to put up a light
to read the writing on the wall
my fixation is a dreadful sight
I answer to no hearken or call

There's an untold story that I need to know
lest I be left behind and oblivious
not enough space, but no other place to go
my want for safety and comfort so lascivious

every one of my faults magnified
can't rest, too much pressure
every possible evac failed and retried
the waters of life stagnated, there are none fresher

I thought you really caught the essence of anxiety in your poem and especially in the line "my want for safety and comfort so lascivious". Excellent job!

Second place goes to The_AG_King

I feel my inner demons awaken,
as the clock next to me turns to midnight,
As I must face their horrible face,
in this hour of fright.

Seeing myself in this pain and agony,
Waiting until the clock strikes one,
Trying not to lose control of myself,
To let this all be done,

But no, I must wait,
In pain and fear,
Hoping these demons dont get the best of me,
Hoping my end is not near...

Definitely felt the anxious fear in your poem. Great Job!

Third place goes to adrecka_33

Time slows to a crawl.
And I feel it rising, this thing inside me
Growing to unimaginable depths.

As I wait and wonder, what will happen next.
This thing inside me causes my mind to whirl.
This is what it lives for, to torment me
To make me think of the worst.

When you have to make a decision of life or death.
When your waiting for the bad news to come.
When you know there's nothing you can do.
It comes to you.

Its not fear, but no less as strong
It comes alive to make you worry.
It feeds on and creates misery

The only thing you can do is wait.
Time is the only thing that can conquer it
Time can make it go away.

When, what you were waiting for is here.
The thing inside you disappears.
But sometimes Anxiety is replaced with fear.

I like how I could feel anxiety throughout your poem. Well done!

Fourth place goes to Maverick4


Standing in line just waiting
The advertisements baiting
Snaring you in like a hungry fish
Saying its all you wish

Happy thoughts flood through my mind
But soon do I find
That I'm in front of the line
The pilot reassures me that I'll be fine

Rising higher, higher, higher still
My worst nightmare is now fulfilled
In this ballon above the ground
A shred of courage cannot be found

Eyes shut tight
I ponder my plight
Till the pilot says where going down
And soon we begin heading towards the town

With clammy hands and a pale face
I sit and wonder about my case
And when we land and I can leave
I hop off and through the crowd I weave

Looking back to that day
With regret all i can say
Should have i just glimpsed down
I could have seen the whole town...

Well, a lot of us have experienced this fear, and you made it palpable. Nicely done!

Fifth place goes to zlith

hey all started running away
how could things happen this way
I looked down and saw I was red
one wrong move and everyone would have dread

he reds not blood as you may think
it makes me so tense I cant even blink
they crowd around me each with a glass shield
no matter how much I try I can't yield

hey called me the destroyer of society
this is what it must feel like to have anxiety
when I wouldn't respond they said the waiting was done
strapped to me was a bomb stuck at one

I almost felt as if I had a bomb strapped to me, good story inside a poem!

Honorable Mentions go to: Pixie214, Kipdon & jereN

Thanks for taking time to share your poetry Shaynell and Krizaz

OK, now for this weeks theme ...

THIS WEEKS THEME IS STORMS (You can write about tropical, electrical, Thunder, hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, or even emotional storms)

The deadline will be Sunday, July 12th

Have a good weekend everyone!

262 posts

OMGosh ..I just realized that thisisnotanalt won last week ... and sorry, the rules state that a user cannot win 2 weeks in a row... I am so sorry.

SO, First place shall go to The_AG_King

And, Second place shall go to thisisnotanalt

Once again, sorry for the confusion, my bad.

2,492 posts

Oops, I think I failed!

Lol, I'll try again next week xD

2,399 posts

Thanks for taking time to share your poetry Shaynell and Krizaz

I don't quite understand what you mean by this, explain.
262 posts

Thanks for taking time to share your poetry Shaynell and Krizaz

I don't quite understand what you mean by this, explain.

Sorry, I am not sure I can explain it more then this statement already explains itself. Let me try though ... I guess I am just letting you know that I appreciate all the poems, after all, they are all good poems and well thought out.
324 posts

SO, First place shall go to The_AG_King

Hell ya! I rules!
Ok happy time is over so whats the next topic?
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