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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3764384
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
4,013 posts

Dr Elmer that was a nice short poem.
Also Jessikar, I enjoyed yours as well.

9 posts

I have a cool image that was a photoshop practice /Users/adrianeverett/Downloads/64x64_1241598957_1exploited.jpg

8,570 posts

Gold Medal
Winter Dreams, Winter Dreams

Fists clenched tight around the skis,
Down the slopes of wintry freeze
With dreams of sudden victories.
The world is mine, the day I seize.
Winter dreams, winter dreams.
Business rolling, champagne flowing,
Twilight swimming, moonlight glowing.
See the fish's scales, how they're showing
Hope from which the breeze is blowing.
Winter beams, winter dreams.
See the boat move down the lake:
Watch as she just hits the brake
To bump me gently as the wake
Subsides and falls to quickly break.
Winter seams, winter dreams.
Sleeping with a dozen men
I notice not, except times when
She mentions them to my chagrin
As I move close to touch her skin.
Winter schemes, winter dreams.
Now the dream is off and dead,
There is no Judy in my bed.
And every tear I seem to shed
Falls languidly for my own head.
Winter dreams, winter dreams.

by Parsat

If you would like your poem to be critiqued, you may contact me on my profile. Congratulations. Contact Carlie for your merit. =D

Silver Medal

Epic Mind Journey
I once was the greatest
I once was a star
I was globally famous
I went so very far
I climbed several mountains
I traveled the earth
I flew in a spaceship
For all that it's worth
I flew to Uranus
To a Uranus town
I swam in the ocean
Over 3 miles down
I went to a world
Where the people are bears
And they called me abnormal
"Cause I ain't got no hairs!"
I fought 20 dragons
In a fiery cave
I captured the devil
And made him my slave
I ruled the whole world
Every country, I mended
But then I woke up
And that's where it ended.

by Ernie15

If you would like your poem to be critiqued, you may contact me on my profile. Congratulations.

Bronze Medal

A man is draped in silken shadow
his mind is clouded, and shallow.
Trudging on the beach of dreams
what awaits him is a mystery.
Is it a sad sojourn with a gun,
or a comforting Night on the Sun?
he stumbles in the frigid dark,
trying to Edit the Sad Parts,
thoughts and questions, a million darts -
his murky mind pounding; a million hearts.
there isn't much more worth knowing;
he already knows Space Travel is Boring.
there isn't much worth feeling;
he's already been cut by the glass ceiling.
and so he sits there, beaten and complacent
separate from reality, the two adjacent
but not is all what it seems.
sadness assuaged, passions redeemed;
through sheer determination, the truth is gleaned.
All can be twisted and changed,
when under the influence of dreams.

by thisisnotanalt

If you would like your poem to be critiqued, you may contact me on my profile. Congratulations.

8,570 posts

New Theme: Humanity(humankind)
New Deadline: March 23

2,180 posts

Err...I'd like a critique, but your messenger is closed, so looks like contacting you on your profile would be kinda hard. Thanks for the judging! This next theme looks like a very interesting one.

164 posts

Humanity.......... ok, since I can enter again this time, my entry will be coming up soon.

2,180 posts

Teeheegirl: If you win, you can still enter the next contest, you just can't win a merit that week. By all means, write some more!

13,344 posts

Second place isn't too bad. It's the second best placement I can possibly get, which is pretty good if you think about it. Just a shame that there's no prize for it. :P

Don't expect an entry from me this round. "Humanity" is too difficult for me to write about.

164 posts

If humans weren't humans,
Then what would we be now?
A Pig, ostrich,
Koala or cow?

If we were all cats,
In what trouble we'd be!
We'd eat all the scaly skinned
fish in the sea!

We'd be in a pickle
If we were all dogs,
No comfortable beds
We'd all sleep on logs!

If we were all pidgeons
We wouldn't be smart
We'd smash into windows,
like fast flying darts!

If we were all trees
Our lives would be long,
But we'd get knocked over
By winds oh so strong.

If I were a hippo,
I sure would be hopin'
That my monstorous mouth
Won't get stuck while it's open!

So we are humans.
Humans, we are
Each one is unique
Each one is a star.

4,196 posts

I get inspiration for the previous theme when the new one starts.

That sucks.

4,220 posts

Humanizing flow is where it begins,
Shortly after failing it starts to spin.
Yellow eyes and demon tongues,
Politicians kill each other without the guns.

Mastering spite and killing love,
Over the edge we continue to shove.
Hacking with axes and smashing with death,
We continue to choke our final breath.

The beginnings of hate are always there,
Grinning with pity it will always stare.
Listing the ways which we shall die,
Death lets out a condemning sigh.

Creating our dooms, we shall live,
Life of death, we will give.
Smashing our lies, filling with truth,
All who will die are humanities youth.

All is lost, or so it seems,
But love and caring beings to gleam.
A final ray of hope not lost,
We will live through, but at what cost?

The roots are there, we must care,
We must work together, for life we spare.
The showings are here, formed of insanity,
Showing through is our humanity.

1,416 posts

Teeheegirl, your poem was amazing. You need to make that into a children's book.

If we were all pidgeons
We wouldn't be smart
We'd smash into windows,
like fast flying darts!

That stanza is particularly awesome.
66 posts

its was a deep stab into mother natures heart you see
a curse as plain as can be
it was the curse of humanity
those disgusting things it did
poisoned her throat she was almost dead
they pulled out her hair right off of her head
soon she willl die
they foods they live on will no longer fly
for they dont know it yet
but without her they'll wind up dead

9,821 posts

oh, the drama, oh the fuss
what shall we throw, under the bus?
pretentious lamentation refuses to fit
what whiny emotion shall we choose to transmit?

mixing the messages you choose to send,
don't bother, MOM, I'm just playing pretend!
the sad thing is, so many aren't seeing
how wonderful it is to be a human being

Some darkness here and there does a soul good
but it's not like it makes you misunderstood
invented tortures await through each stanza
sadness like Bosco to George Costanza

to leave behind what makes us great
a hunger for knowledge to satiate
a vive we don't lose till the Pearly Gates
constant belief there's something to await
but drink too much from the fountain of youth
will do nothing besides blind you from the truth
to sour a life is so uncouth
to say humanity's bad is a gross untruth

/anti-pretentious-emo rant

9,821 posts

Erp . . . .

but to drink too much from the fountain of youth

Is what it should be.
Showing 1966-1980 of 3868