ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
189 posts
Peasant here comes little something for you all to think about.


I feel the air around my shelter
I feel rush and start to teeter.
This shelter of mine is a big fail,
because I fear it has turned to my jail.

My jail high above,
only bright sky higher.
The deepest dark down below
I think I am a liar

I walk to the edge,
I open my wings.
I make a holy pledge,
and fear what my action brings.

I prepare for the leap to freedom
I have had enough of this boredom.
I take the speed but hear a rumble
I start to hesitate and on the ledge I stumble.

I fall through the air,
into the darkness I'm going.
I beat with my wings,
but no result is showing

The darkness surrounds me and something I see,
oh no! My god!
It looks like it's
... ...

Now the second last line with six it means you need to have around 2 seconds dramatic pause in that point.
And sorry for the possible's 2 am here :P

1,855 posts

I walk. I feel the light air sweep myself off my feet. I panic.
I don't know what to do, swinging my arms and legs frantically,
trying desperately to get back down.
But then, I stop. I lay down in the air.

I realize that I need to calm down, and enjoy the peaceful moment.
I find a nice spot in the clouds, and sit down.
The peaceful setting turns into a blurry madness.
The gust of wind stops, and I start falling.
Down, down, down I go. Further and further, faster and faster.

I try to yell, but no sound comes out. I look at the houses,
the roofs becoming larger and larger, as I fall closer and closer.
I see lots of people, but they do not see me.
i cannot believe that this is the end of my life.

As I reach the final thousand feet, I say goodbye to myself.
I say a little prayer, and close my eyes.
The air is whipping at my face.
But when I am supposed to hit the ground, I feel nothing.

I open my eyes.
I'm fine. I can't believe it.
I must be dreaming, i think to myself.
But I'm fine. I shout as loud as I can, and jump for joy

I start walking along the sidewalk, like nothing ever happened.

I know it's not that great, but at least I tried. :/

4,013 posts

Air it surronds me and makes me feel
so light, light as a feather
drifting in the fall wind
not knowing where it will go
Air every breath makes me feel better than the last
Nothing I can experiance can give me the same feeling
the feeling of freedom
of hope
of grand relaxion
Air I look to you to refresh my day

784 posts

Breathe in, sigh, breathe out
The black, grungy quality
Of this dirty air

Does not compare to
The unmatchable power
Of these sturdy lungs

Whisps of the freshest
Can null out the filthiest
Before it's whiffed out

Thus, it comes to this
Good triumphs over evil
And air over air

60 posts

A gentle breeze,
a soothing swirl,
are but one side,
of that in ref'rral,
for wind is too great
and far too immense,
to be contained,
in mere words or
simple utterance.
For air is mighty yet simple
with many facets
to give great gusts
and make water ripple.
Although it's unseen,
and often forgotten,
its beauty unmatched
to all but one thing.

9,821 posts

No, beastahayes, non-rhyming poetry is much more challenging. It's extremely tough to make a non-rhyming poetry that still has fluid flow, and to do so is a commendable feat.

1,855 posts

non-rhyming poems are much more peaceful, and that's what we're going for here.

9,821 posts

Beastahayes, don't be condescending. I know what rhyming is, and I guarantee you that it's more difficult to make a good nonrhyming poem than it is to make a good rhyming one.

3,562 posts

Trapped air.

I am but trapped air within you,
Embody something that should be free.
Maybe that one thing you had, or was it two?
Just be in someplace private is the key.

You know, so sorry we were never meant to be,
around the globe and seven seas.
We both live as separate entities.
I try to force myself out when you pee.

Cmon bud, don't be sad.
sometimes there are things you lack
if anything you should be glad.
self control just can't be packed.

Now disgusting as this may be
Amorphously I'll escape with ease.
silent and deadly like the bees
you'll feel nothing but a breeze.

Insidiously I creep around
I slither everywhere unbound
As I waft up to your nose and astound
your senses will be gunned down

The squeeze of your buttocks pushes me through
The contraction of intestine creates my lore
Once you smell me you will spew
what was once your lunch before.

I am that flatulence from whom you could not pin
Where every evil man comes to sin
I live in the bathroom of the tainted air
My brother feces and I make a fearsome pair


'scuse me.

3,386 posts

So this is about air? ( i am guessing because I dont feel like flipping through 211 pages of poetry at the moment)

9,821 posts

You could just go to page 209 like the title says :P

But yes, the theme for this round is air - any interpretation of the theme will do. The deadline for submissions is tomorrow, and the judging will either be the same day or on Sunday or Monday at the latest.

3,386 posts

Alrighty well I will give it a try. This is my first poem post, so don't prepare for it to be spectacular.

The wind is strong,
The breeze is sincere,
All throughout life,
We hold our air dear.
We breathe it in,
We breathe it out,
Without air we couldn't talk,
Without air we couldn't shout.

Air makes up you,
Air makes up me,
And we thank it,
By cutting down the trees.
We are killing it,
While it lets us live,
Now if you think that is fair,
You must not know how we could give.

We should recycle,
As a token of our thanks,
So life can go on,
As we give what we take.
Air is sweet,
Air is kind.
It lets our boats sail,
It's what gives life to your mind.

So next time time you take a smoke,
Or next time you throw away plastic,
Remember that you are giving life,
That last one was sarcastic. ;P
Let's keep our grass green,
Let's keep our oceans blue,
Let's keep the air clean,
Because if not,
It will eventually kill you.

3,386 posts

And I didn't see the title XD And yeah, I made this last minute, so it kind of sucks. And Remember to read it slowly, otherwise if you rush it, a few lines won't make sense. The last paragraph has a playful 'tune' in it, and there is a dramamtic pause after the if not. Alright! I will be entering future ones too, So prepare for more sucky entries!

552 posts

A fluttery leaf
Floats down from an old elm tree
It doesn't just drop
The air is there to stall it
To make sure the leaf is safe

2,180 posts

Free Radicals

Up and up it runs, behold!
Invisible, the highest spire
Made of motion, icy cold
To funnel up the moving gyre
That burns my skin like flying fire
And fills my lungs to full inspire.
Each breath I siphon up, my heart
Will pump and beat, will stop and start;
You nourish us, you are required,
Why must you force us to depart?



The center cannot hold.

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