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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3767649
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
149 posts


Sorry for the wait Adrecka is doing...something important right now, but she will judge soon!

How do i know this??? i don't...maybe...!

304 posts

Awh!! I'm sorry ok! Yesterday was hecktic! I wasnt on the computer all day and then right when i started writing up the winning thing my father JUST HAD to take apart my computer to help fix a friends!

I will have it done momentaraly. Again sorry.

304 posts

Ok sorry for the delay in the judgingâ¦I sorta forgot it was today and havenât been on the computer tell now. But its here now.

Grand prize goes toâ¦..nichodemus!

For his poem: What is Life

What is life but a play?
Merely a nightmarish dream to while away?
The pseudo-comedy of the Gods,
Or the Conmans greatest Fraud?

A soulless tragedy by the Devil?
Wanton chaos which He revels.
A glittery masque in which the Fool dances,
As the Jester merrily prances.

Wild as the untamed Stallion,
A wondrous ride on the wooden Galleon.
The lonely Stone Path which heroes venture,
A mighty Bronze Gate none will enter.

An empty unlighted Void,
Tiny minute Specks to be destroyed.
A Renaissance scene the Artists paint,
The Madman his actions quaint.

What is life but a play?
To this none can say.
A Timeless Mystery for the ages,
Paragraphs in the Cosmos pages

When I read this poem, I forgot everything thing and noise around me. It was like a trance, it flowed so well!. There were some words I didn't understand but because of the layout of each sentence I could figure out what it meant. And that's really hard to do when you use unfamiliar words so good job on that. I also felt sad and happy when I read it, my emotions changed with every word you said!

Second place goes to: choazmachine

For: La Vida

Tropical forests.
They get cut down.
The fish at sea.
Are no longer being found.
The small red fox.
Is now stuffed and in a house.
The giant elephants,
now a fairy tale that we say to our kids.
The rivers run green and brown,
Where pollution and radiation are found.
Nuclear bombs and warfare,
Tear apart this planet.
Where is all the life?
It must have been taken away.
But do we realize what we've done?
To this beautiful planet that we live on?
Or is life meaningless now, and
life is now fiction.
We need to live our lives and live or life.
Or like the spanish like to say:
La Vida.

I chose this for second place because it show the cruel side of life. How people can take a perfectly good thing and ruin it. But you did it in a calm not so angry tone, you were sorta like scolding the world. At least that's how i read it.

Third Place goes to: KingRyan!

For: Life

Life is the morning sunrise,
The pounding ocean waves.
Life is the singing of the birds,
The music notes flowing on the staves.

Life is a new born baby,
Crying for it's mum.
Life is a grandpa,
Happy for his new grandson.

Life is the turning of the tide,
The departure of our friends.
Life is the parting of ways,
And how the road itself has bends.

But Life is the dawn of a new day,
Waking up to see the sunrise.
Life is the hope for tomorrow,
And reaching for ever blue skies.

La Fin.

I liked this one because it showed the good and the bad of life, but mostly the good, the things we love to see or hear.

Honorable Mentions:

Shortest Poem: UploaderX

time after time,
caterpillar climbs this broken stern
then probes beyond

Short obviously but still good.
And i think it was about life

Most song like: Sonam
Really as i read it i was singing it in my head, its a good song too.

Darkest poem: jalex13
Very descriptive words easily created a picture in my head, though i sorta rather it hadn't

Most realistic: phsycomonkey

I think that really described exactly what happens in real life.

Wish i had time to do better judging but i am already late, as you all have so nicely pointing out. DON'T FORGET TO ASK CARLIE OR ANOTHER MOD FOR YOUR MERIT. (Capitals for exaggeration, see it is important.)

189 posts

OMG :P L0L..this time not even mentioned har har har...I think I really suck in poetry...have to stop then :P...the judge doesn't like my poems 'cos they are too dark :P L0L

304 posts

No no, I really liked that one JereN, but there were so many good ones this time! If there was a fourth place, it would have been all yours! But for the honorable mentions i couldn't come up with a category for you, it wasn't that dark this time so it couldn't go there

101 posts

so what is the next theme going to be? i was hoping to enter something this time.

13,657 posts

*stares at people* Yes, I chose that name just to annoy people who wants to make poetry about me.
And mine was the shortest! Nevermind...
God, I hate Exams - -

304 posts

Yes right the theme: The theme is 'The Seasons"

Judging Date is June, 5th 2009

See much more organized this time.

101 posts

Thsnks! i'll try to meet the deadline this time....

4,196 posts

Hmmmmm.....Yay for third place.

Seasons? I did this as the theme for my anthology of poetry last year in English. Of course I can't enter them because they are not written for the contest, but here is one of them that I wrote:


Four seasons we have, each with a price.
At times each is fun and at times not so nice.
However we endure them with effortless ease,
With heaters and coolers to warm up our knees.

Summer brings sunlight, and warm blue-sky days.
Nothing is free from the sunâs bright rays.
But sometimes the heat can get too much to bear.
So inside we retreat, where we condition the air.

Autumn is known as the season of Fall,
When the leaves leave the trees making them look so small.
The footpath is littered with hue of red and green,
And up on the trees not a leaf is to be seen.

Next is Winter, filled with coldness and gloom.
The sheer frostiness enters each room.
A heater is all that we can use to stop it,
But we can rug up in blankets and learn how to knit.

Finally Spring is here and in the air,
The air is now warmer and no-one has a care.
The End of School is suddenly in sight.
And the cold chill of Winter is gone from the night.

Pity I can't enter that...
304 posts

Humm, ya its good too. But those are the rules. Who came up with them? I dont know.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Wow! I won...=] That was unexpected....Is it a merit?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Are any of the mods authorised to give merits for this Contest? Or only Uber?

189 posts

OK..I trust our judge this time and give it a ONE more try..


Winter starts the year,
deep darkness fills me with fear.
It's the time of depression,
suicides and aggression.

Winter is followed by spring,
hope it would change more than one thing.
You may see a glimpse of the sun,
and you get a feeling that life could be fun.

Summer is next in line,
at this point I'm feeling quite fine.
I see flowers everywhere,
and I hope I could always be there.

Autumn rains are coming,
and I feel them quite stunning.
The days are getting darker again,
and with it comes the inner pain.

Winter bring depression back,
all power to resist I lack.
All my fears are on the loose,
and the only choice for me is the noose.

Thank you thank you...hope this is dark enough for you all

189 posts

*stares at people* Yes, I chose that name just to annoy people who wants to make poetry about me.

Ok I need to make one more entry...the next make a poem about Cen :P
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