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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3767326
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
6,800 posts

whens the judging? tommorow right?

3,562 posts

My friend sent me that background for my birthday last year, I just only came across it online sometime this week.

1,973 posts

Season's Real Reasons

Weather changes with the seasons.
Raining, hailing and snowing.
Everyone knows the reasons,
as to why this occurs.

Feelings change with the seasons.
Happy and glad, mad and angry.
Can someone explain the reasons,
as to why this occurs?

People change with the seasons.
Friends, best friends, then enemies.
No one knows the reasons,
as to why this occurs.

The seasons are just a way of life.
Just a happening in our world.
No one will know the true meaning,
as to why this occurs.

6,921 posts

Estel... You're back!

Nice poetry.

1,420 posts

Judging today, yay. Hopefully.

293 posts

time for a last minute entry!
Sorry that it doesnt have corrrect punctuation, kinda in a rush to get it in.

The Whisper

the seasons
they go round and round
as the leaves blow off the auburn ground
I stare into the meadow green ahead
and watch the fireflies corress the weads
as the bumblebees seem to heed to an essence,
something invisible to the human eye
mazzehlic and majestic in appearance
it whispers into a child's ear.
The wind howls, and the sound disapears,
never to be heard again.

2,180 posts

Adrecka has been more active about it, I think.

831 posts

When are you going to be judging. Because it said june 5th O.O and its june 6th right now

1,420 posts

Adrecka isn't online yet, so she will when she does, there isn't much to figure out.

304 posts

Sorry, I had a .... plans to day and yesterday and went home and just feel asleep. And i just got home now so here it is.

Alright so congratulations to all of you, there are many many good poems. But as always there is one winner. But this time, the choice was not just mine it was all of yours. I looked at the comments to see what one you liked best. But of course I made the final decision and here it is:

The Winner Is: The Seasons

Right now is Spring,
Next is Summer, Then
it's Fall, After Fall is
Winter. Soon it will
repeat all over again.

First with Spring. Spring has
sprung! Each Spring has a brand
new beginning with many things
to do. Buds were peeping. Birds
are chirping. Vines are creeping.
Leaves turn green. Bees are
humming. Time for a swim!

Now with Summer. The
time is now. Summer has
come. Too much hot weather,
but its also lots of fun. Swimming,
fishing, and lots more to do. The
rainbow looks so beautiful and so
do you. Oh how i love the Summer.

It's already time for Fall. The
trees are brown, the little leaves
come falling down. They do not
make a sound. Silent. But uh oh,
the wind comes, and off the leaves
go. Making such a crumble sound.
But no more pounding snowballs,
Winter has to wait.

Brrr.. Its Winter. Snowflakes float
gently from the sky. Slowly they fall
passing by. Twirling and whirling in
the sky. Down they come. Going
somewhere they may. On the ground
they lay, until they melt.

No more Winter. No more Fall. No
more Summer. Right now is SPRING!
Enjoy the Spring weather. It wont last that
long. Theres still more seasons to come.
Over and over again. Its a cycle of seasons.

Like I said I really liked the style of writing. It is unique. The lay out of the stanza were also very different. It made you poem stand out above the rest.

Second place goes to: Parsat

Some say that if they had their way
They'd wish each day a summer day.
But while I love the warmth it brings
I'd miss the cooler, wetter spring.

Others wish, if they could rule the earth,
That fall would be of much more worth.
But there's time to reap and time to grow:
Harvest is good, but seed must be sown.

Still others yearn for the pure bite
Of winter's cold and chilly nights.
The time is that of festive cheer;
It would not fit for one whole year.

Spring has its friends, last but not least,
Who would like to see its time increased.
But that's not how it should unfold,
For green should mature into gold.

And still the Earth turns 'round the sun,
Through the seasons, every one.
Cycle through and then repeat,
So that the circle is complete

Third goes toDX

A Relationship: My Four Seasons

Your love for me is like the summer breeze
Every little time we spend together,
It makes my heart unfreeze.
I dearly wish it lasts forever,

Alas the seasons don't really stay
Just like Frost's First Gold.
Fall decides come and summer walks away,
As the fates themselves foretold.

Each step I take away from you
It gets harder day-by-day.
My heavy heartache accrues,
As I walk down that highway.

Winter comes and I'm so cold,
Your warmth is not in place.
I earn for what you withhold
And that warm embrace.

I grow emaciated without your presence,
The cold winter wind snuffs my yearning.
I hope you fare well in my absence,
We can only hope as time keeps turning.

When world wakes from its winter slumber
I shall see you once more.
No more shall the distance cumber,
And no more shall I be rancor.
Spring is a time of rebirth
As we embrace once more.
The air fills with mirth again,
Just like from day of yore.

Loved how you described romance using the season.

4th place goes to: wistress

Age Uncovers

Chilled to the bone
Awaiting the frost
As bleak winds moan
Their innocence lost

Warmed to their hearts
Expecting the thaw
As blossoms start
Their beauty withdraws

Simmered by heat
Looking for cover
As dog days beat
Their age uncovers

Cooled to the core
Beholding their breath
As tired leaves pour
They cherish their death

Love the metaphors you used, really brought the poem to life.

5th: Estel
Really good, I like the play on emotions.

6th/ favors summer/Darkest: JereN
Oh JereN, really like the poem this time It was very good.

7th: goumas13
Nice stanza arrangement, loved the pattern.

Most random: LufffiStudios
Yes random but most of it was really good whatever."

Favored snow: thisisnotanalt
Funny how much you hate the sun

545 posts

Woot ! I won xP

545 posts

Sry for DP.. but do i get a merit or something?

293 posts

did u even judge mine?

831 posts

Gratz brooke. Knew you'd win, keep it up

304 posts

Yes brooke you do get a merit, but you have to ask Carlie a moderator for it. And yes jalex13 i did judge yours.

The new theme is 'Planets.' But I though we could do something different with it. Try to write a poem like a riddle. Dont make it to easy but make it so we can still figure out which planet you are describing. Any way thats just an idea.

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