ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
938 posts

And so they prodded on,
Through the jungles and wood,
From dusk till dawn,
The same dreary mood.
Neither bucks nor fawn,
They are adolescent.
Not coming or gone,
Past or present.

Speak to me,
Oh wizards of old,
You must see,
The tales been told.
Is broken again
Find the key,
Unlock the bed.

Then you'll find
The rest of our,
Chanted clearly
From a tower.
Form a line,
Protect the flower.
Give the sign,
Receive the shower.

They sweep right in,
From the dark and cold,
The lights turn dim.
They steal your soul,
When their forces win,
You dig a hole.

A hole in which you bury yourself,
Sneak and snitch,
And boil and belch.

Them crooks
Of whom have petrified
You and your friends
No one defied.

You are ended,
So am I,
Dead dreams pretended
To never die.
But we are dead,
And they are too.
Head filled with lead,
Life renewed.

It makes no sense!
Hooray for insanity!
Why not!

P.S. No illegal substances were used in the making of this content.
Just mental problems.

1,813 posts

Carbon cycle, carbon cycle...I'm glad to be out of the contest this time around; the competition is thoroughly challenging!
Oh, I shouldn't say that; always strive to better yourself ^^.

3,437 posts

I suppose that's why I'm editing...

3,437 posts

This Hollow Land

Within these silent rooms
The pacing yet to cease.
I pass the time of night and day
And wallow in my grief.

Oh fair wonder of the world.
Oh angel in my waking eye
What beast have I become?
What wicked soul am I?

Black hearted ambitions
Which were filled with good intention
Have led me down this path
Of war and grieving aftermath.

Where the sun rose red and bloody
And set over fields of crimson red
I have destroyed thy beauty
In one grave you lie dead.

Here marches the legions
That I have spawned forth
Through wicked thought and deed
Good thoughts are not my worth.

For here in Hell I shall abide
With wicked words upon my tongue.
These thoughts and actions I have made
And the world has become undone.

**Note: There is no greater shock than coming to terms with the consequences you have created. This is my final submision for this week, if you feel this does not fit the theme then please disregard this**

323 posts

i believe that it suits the theme perfectly.. if you think about it the word Shock has 9 meanings in the dictionary. your poem wolf, could possibly fit into this definition
"Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent unexpected blow"
i find the poem itself dark as the person in question has realised the consequences of his sins which has caused shock.

3,437 posts

In case anyone is wondering the flow is intended to be broken or at least a little off.

938 posts

They stumbled upon the old men waiting
In the fields, leaning, shading,
A tiny egg from which it came
The broken legs,
The wicked shame.

They creeped and crept and weeped and wept
They slithered and smothered and withered and shuddered
This whole damn thing led to great extent,
No praise did they sing, just a fret

As the moon crawled up the cloud,
An angel moved and cleared the crowd.
The dawn shall never come again,
You cease to move,
It happened again!

I choose this as my submission.

333 posts

Shock, i'm going to attempt a freestyle right now i wont be reading over it either, not great with poetry anymore but then i'm not here to win, i just want to enter a piece, be it to anyones taste or not. I just have a lot of things going on right now which fit this topic.

Well i thought that we could sit around and talk for hours,
i thought the words we spoke were true,
they created our walls which surrounded us in security and hope;
i thought the moments we shared would never end,
where your smile brightened up the life ahead;
i thought we would never end and live to see our final hours,
but this is where our story ends another chapter closed by travesty and contempt.

The bombshell, the eye-opener to life;
completing the days which seemed to never stop,
you were all of it and more, sowing your name deep in my heart;
Leaving your presence burning strong but I'll survive the shock and awe,
and i WILL get up,
i WILL brush myself down,
i WILL wake up to a new day and be OK.

So i write this, about the loved and lost;
I gave my being for the love we shared
without regret i carry on, without you by my side
but with a friend gained and a lesson learned.

I Saw & I Found, I Liked & I Loved, I Listened & I Learned, I Lost & I Mourned, I Carry On & I Move On, Another Day Is Soon To Peak Over The Green Hills & Blue Skies With One More Life Lesson In Tow And The Memories Of You To Show.

=] Hope that is OK for a submission. Spoken Word Freestyle Poetry, no editing was made, only spelling errors

252 posts

My poetry, Shock. Just made this one up
I stood there, staring off into space on my front porch.
The men in uniform barely even registered.
Though thier words had hit my heart like a blowtorch..
They told me my husband was dead.
That he would never return home to kiss me goodnight.
I'd never see his smiling face again,
It was like someone had taken my life and removed the light.
How could this happen to him?
He was such a good man, faithful and kind.
The men on our porch looked at me, tears in thier eyes too,
"Some days I just wish I could rewind"
he told me this, then walked away,
I shut the door, and cried until I saw him looking at me.
Evan? I asked,
Shh, baby, I'm free.
He stroked my cheek, then was gone.

75 posts

Brother, please wake up!
Wake up for me, snap out of it!
I still remember the day
That you came home;
Despite my young age, I saw
When you looked me in the eye,
That there was something inside you
That changed.

When you were made to go and fight,
I still remember your last words to me,
"Sister, don't forget who I am,"
And with that you left for war.
But when you returned, too long later,
I could see your eyes.

I saw that in them was a knowledge
That dimmed the fire of your life.
I saw that they looked tired and worn,
But much more than that.
It was a haunting look; a look
That haunts my nightmares even still.

You barely said a word that day;
The day that you returned to us.
And still, so many years after that,
The life inside you has not come back yet.
When I look in your eyes,
I don't see what I saw so long ago.

Before you left was so long ago,
I can hardly remember it anymore.
You still look as though
You saw things you shouldn't have.
You look like you saw death
At its worst, and that death
Affected your existence.

Explosions you saw,
The blood and the death;
If merely your eyes haunt me,
How much more are you haunted
Than I?

I hope this is a good poem.
It doesn't rhyme or anything (lol!), but I still hope you like it. I know it doesn't roll so smoothly, but I tried to make it as good as I could. I didn't go over a correct it; this is first draft!
Hope you like.


9,821 posts

Judging tomorrow, mosyt likely. Busy busy busy.

3,437 posts

Hello? *listens to echoes*

2,180 posts

As they say, tomorrow is always tomorrow...

4,196 posts

I know what it is like Alt...take as long as you need...

*coughing fit*

9,821 posts

All right, I will do judging today, because the weekend has finally arrived.

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