ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3759343
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
3,437 posts

Is there a required number/limit of stanzas? Also, is there a required number/limit of lines per stanza?

No. The poems can be any length, they must follow the guidelines on the first page though
2,261 posts

No. The poems can be any length, they must follow the guidelines on the first page though.

Alright, thanks.

This is my first entry anywhere in AMW, so here goes nothing:

My Private Shore

I walk along the paths of others,
As if they were there, to guide me,
To call to me, to tell me.
Of what is right, and what is not.

As I look out along the shore,
The sand sinks, falls between me.
The distant water crashes, roars.
Its yearning, its rage, calling, calling.

I think about all that I've done.
I think, and I know, but I don't want to.
Because My past is part of me.
My past won't be undone.

So as I look along the shore,
I ponder, ponder on all.
But I know one thing, and one thing only:
That the shore is me, and me alone.


*wipes sweat off brow*
6,800 posts

Alas I feel somewhat bad for not giving you the merit

Why? If its not good enough, than I don't deserve the merit. I will work harder.
133 posts

What was more beautiful than this
Not even my wife


3,437 posts

Why? If its not good enough, than I don't deserve the merit. I will work harder.

Some people get touchy. Remind me to have someone change the title.
157 posts

My Private Shore

My private shore.
Far away in the distance,
an horizon separates:
Water, Earth and Air.

My private sea.
A soft breeze gently
let's the waves roll,
white-headed opals of the ocean.

My private land.
Here are peasants sweating,
tilling this soil,
to nourish their little families.

My private clouds.
Not one can touch me,
not even Malleus,
or so they say.

My private world,
All that is here is mine,
I can say. Hubris! Tell me:
what am I?

I am a god.

644 posts

My Private Shore

My private shore:
Lay secret by the horizon.
A place to always adore,
A bliss never to wizen!

My private island,
A paradise in it's own;
A blessed highland
High above humanity's bemoan.

My private life,
Away from pain.
There is no strife;
Devil's attempt in vain.

My private ocean
Right in my backyard.
Protects my notion;
The Ocean, my vanguard!

My private breeze,
Soothing on my flesh.
Banishing humanity's sleaze,
Leaving my life afresh.

My private days,
The joy they bring.
Excitement they raise,
Keeping my mind keen.

My private nights,
The dark swallowing.
Cool, crisp air invites
You to my divine wallowing!

My private heaven;
My death to be refined.
A place to leaven
My tired mind.

3,437 posts

Wow...we barely have enough entries. SUBMIT!

1,936 posts

Wow...we barely have enough entries. SUBMIT!

'Twas busy, Wolf! DX
I'm working on it right now!
4,220 posts

Border of Tears

In my heart exists a place,
It's a place I seldom grace,
It's will is magnetic,
Its existence diametric.

There lies a sea of blood,
There lies an ocean of tears,
The spout from my eyes, a flood,
The spout from my life, my fears.

A million miles and twenty days,
I shall not ever arrive,
I walk upon the burning rays,
To get there I must strive.

I weep upon the sullen stones,
Amongst my fellow's bones,
Intrinsic is the will to live,
Beneath the clouds I writhe.

I have come to this place,
On a vacation;
To win my own race,
To survive my nation.

A world of bones of obsidian,
Crossing the ghastly meridian,
Four hundred miles and an inch,
Spinning my soul's winch.

The veins that run of molten gold,
Have turned into rotten mold,
My mind has wandered somewhere cold,
To be destroyed ten thousand fold.

On my land I watch the sea,
And finally I feel free;
I gaze into what is my soul,
And I see what was a hole.


Best poem I've ever written, ever . . . .

1,936 posts

The cool wind whispers
Chilled songs in my ears
And the ocean's dark waves
Flood their way to the piers.

Along the winding coast lie
Pearly flecks in the sea.
Floating atop
The waves breaking free.

Rising and falling
With the silver moon's strain,
Kissing the shore;
The tides' only restraint.

The sky dims to purple,
Chasing gold from the air,
And the sun dips below
The skyline laid bare.

I view this treasure alone,
Pondering the meaning of it,
Then I realize that the meaning
Doesn't matter one bit.

6,800 posts

My Tears Flow From Kokytos
Also entitled, The Old Man of Crete


My tears flow from Kokytos;
Haides' river of lamentations.
My sorrows bequeth from Man's nature.
Eternal, I stand my vigil at the banks.

And through the march of and flow of time,
The cries of those who are cast here
Leap out and molest my ears,
Only adding to my sorrow that brings these tears.

Verse I: Caina

"Abel! It is I crouching at your door!
For am I not your Brother's keeper?
Alas, cursed to lie beneath the ground,
Enshrouded in my frost-white tomb."

"Your fury seven times have I come to know!
And yet, is it not true that I have done you no harm?
For cursed is the ground from which Cain worked,
Cold, hard, unforgiving; only misery sprouts here now."

Verse II: Antenora

"No respite shall you find at my people's house!
Nay, only a Panther Skin have they to offer the weary.
Only too willing am I to open the door to my enemies,
Despite the trouble they will pass on to my neighbor's house."

"For what is worth a moment's reprieve from this torment?
Not even a face that could launch Ten-Thousand Ships?
For even Ares would not save the d*mned whom the ice shackles,
Although the Shroud of Peace is absent from this hell."

Verse III: Ptolomea

"What amount of gold or silver could my freedom buy?
Better, how much does simple courage cost?
For what I perceived to be cunning and ingenuity,
Was only Eris, clad in a web of fine mist."

"How voluntarily I welcomed them into my home!
And voluntarily I slaughtered them as they dined!
Thus my betrayal is deemed a hundred-fold worse,
And I curse the day I came forth from my mother's womb!"

Verse IV: Judecca

"Frozen in my eyes lie my countless tears.
How I weep at my sin of my great betrayal!
For only I hold acclaim to the death of the Lord,
And have deserved this flaying from Satan's claws."

"For at the heart of Hell I dwell forever,
With Brutus and Cassius as my eternal friends.
And how Satan here will grind my bones,
His ears deaf to my cries, my pleas."


And alone, I sit on my pedestal.
As eternity watches over them.
And Kokytos flows 9 times around,
Encircling this realm of Haides.

But who am I to ramble on?
As I dwell here on its icy shores.
And forever you shall find me here,
For my tears come from Kokytos.

6,800 posts

And through the march and flow of time,


And Kokytos flows nine times around,

2,917 posts

I would mind if it were a puddle of water
It's a place that I don't feel like a cannon fodder
I watch the waves lap the shore
This place gives me peace from its core

Misty mountains awake over yonder
I look at my haven, and I begin to ponder
Why can't others feel this surreal
But their lives are more shaky than a ships keel

I hear the cry of a blue heron
Without this place, my life would be baron
Here I can escape myself
Put the old me on a dusty shelf

I start to shuffle back to the wood
If I could start anew, I certainly should
But I can't leave my Forrest chums
From deer to fish, Daisies to mums

So that's why Im here where nature does subside
A new me is being born, the city me died
I love my private shore more than anything
I stand on the sand and begin to sing
Then my alarm clock begins to ring

1,813 posts

Wow...we barely have enough entries. SUBMIT!

Rejoice, for I am back!
Just give me a day or two.

Showing 2851-2865 of 3868