ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
3,137 posts

Ninja walk

Dressed in black from head to toe
keeping quite quiet to not let himself show
walking almost running for whom he is stalking
silent as if not there, he waits

Armed with the weapons of a silent scream kill
all over the floor his blood will spill
he won't even see it
he won't even feel it

He looks back up from where he is hiding
only to be surprised at his finding
the target was gone
gone with out a trace

Walked out the door leaving his stalker behind
where he went the the killer is blind
the stalker leaves without a sound
and searches once more for the target

Around corners, up stairs the chase is on
although it must be over by dawn
for the night is when the work is done
in the light a normal life must resume

The stalker peeps up over a wall
there is the target standing tall
out in the open not expecting a thing
he is unaware of his fate at this time

Just over the wall the black dressed man peers
a slight miss is what the man fears
he only has one shot and it must be silent
the suspense builds as the blow gun is raised

The man falls and no one was there
The ninja turns and is gone in the air
his just was stealth
and that's how he did it, stealth

2,180 posts

Graham: Were you playing Hobo 3? LOL.

3,386 posts

SAAAAWEEEEEET!! I got a runner up on my 1st one!!!! \\m/>.<\\m/ YEAAAAHHHH. And yes the second stanza, I did mess up lol. I caught that after I posted it. I will do A stealth thing on ninjas. Xverb kinda stole the idea i had, but I will change it! prepare yourself for the ninja-ness!

948 posts

I sneak up on you
and then I pee on you.


Lolololol i am laughing so hard
4,220 posts

A Mile Away

I kill you from a mile off,
I make you dead before the sound even comes,
I laugh as you fall down with a blood sputtered cough.

With a crack from to sky, the bodies fall down,
Each one gone with a half inch of lead,
Laughing as I blow off their crown.

Left for naught but to die again and again,
A snipers bullet shall shred through thee,
So short and quick you don't feel the pain.

And it drives you insane.

Death from a mile, you don't see a flash,
As your bodies splits with a violent crash.
It takes two seconds to reach you with my fingers of God,
It takes two seconds to wipe out your squad.

Roll in the dust before you're snuffed out,
This is what you get for being a lout.
Fifty caliber rounds with smash through your head,
Shortly the rest of you will end up dead.

I invade your dreams in the predawn hours,
Filling you with terror and take what's ours.
You will never see me, for I am death,
Silently smiling as you take your last breath.

It's time to die for the final time,
Your life to me isn't worth a dime.



2,906 posts

unseen and unheard
the killer stabs his victim
and no scream is heard

3,386 posts

Floyd, Did you mean to do A haiku on here 0.o

3,386 posts

You won't see them coming.
You won't hear them run.
You won't see them hiding.
Cause if you do your life is done.

Stealth is their name
Killing is their game.
If you are who they are after,
Your cries will die in my laughter.

Because I tell them who to kill.
I send them after you.
I am the boss of them all.
I am the master of the skill.

They are my ninjas.
And they are hiding in plain sight.
They will come after you.
Be it day or night.

So when you see a flash of black.
You might have a shuriken in your back.
Or when you hear my call
Onto your knees, you will fall.

Hahahahaha I had fun with this one. I made my last line sound like yoda! XD Ninjas are beastly.

3,386 posts

So when you see a flash of black.
You might have a shuriken in your back.
Or when you hear my call
Onto your knees, you will fall.

I am making a minor change in this one...

So if you see a flash of black.
You might have a shuriken in your back.
Or if you ever hear my call.
Onto your knees, you will fall.

I think this one flows better. so just cut that last stanza and put this new one in!
552 posts

Floyd, Did you mean to do A haiku on here

I doubt he put it here on accident. Which reminds me, I need to make a tanka for this round.

How do I do it?
At one point, I'm over there
Now I'm over here
You didn't see or hear me
What am I? A magician?
3,386 posts

Whats a tanka? o.o

6 posts

The silence is deafening.
A foot-fall,
a snapped branch.
They're coming.

I run through the trees.
They can't catch me.
Weaving in and out of the undergrowth.
Now I'm lost.

The darkness,
blackens every corner of the forest.
I learn to adapt.
Sneaking up on my prey.

My former pursuers rest.
Not for long.
My feet never make a sound.
The prisoners rest.

I jump from a tree,
Stealing their food.
They will never expect it.
But they know it was me...
5,061 posts

Scurrying through the shadows
There a silhouette visible in the darkness
Easily evading capture
Already far away
Lungs spasm, gasping for air
There another one
Hot in pursuit

I don't know, I tried my best.

1,044 posts

Like shadows a depth,
or the mother of night.
There is a surrean darkness,
hindering sight.
A perfect darkness,
for an assassin of life.
It wears only a cloak,
it's weapon: a scythe.
Slipping through shadows,
and avoiding gaze.
It glides to it's target,
in a foggy haze.
No one has seen it,
even if they say some.
You only know it's there,
when it says:
your time has come.

3,137 posts

when is the judging?

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