ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
3,437 posts

Time We Never Had

Where have you gone?
Down some dark deserted drive that trails ever on?
Into the lost light that lives among the grey gloom of the night?
Into the black shadows that hide hideous things from sight?
I wander aimlessly from place to place
Clutching at the phantom image of your face.
It withers and strugles to escape my mind's eye,
As if all I have said and done, has come to hurt you, and make you cry.
But, still, through this cramped crowd of peerless wanderers I press,
My heart is a shallow thing, I must confess
For, ever in my heart I ponder one night so long ago,
When I heard you whisper the word, "Angelo."

These half made streets that I walk
Forever hear the heels of my soles go tock, tock.
And it seems to me that all else has faded,
And into this monsterous, onerous ocean, I never waded.
But still my heart bears the scars of our last parting.
How we fled the grand places! So young and swift, so darting.
In the night we made our home
And so we passed out days on the grassy loam. we spent those days.
Alas, now it is all a haze.
A haze...a haze...
How I yearn for those sun filled days.
Where we could count the blue birds by song,
O a beautiful escape from the city throng.
Ah the places we went!
Now the seem so broken, so bent.

In these latter days I have come to questions,
Not by any virtue of curiosity I assure
But, by my own actions I must concure,
With whole stately manner in this affiar,
I have begun to wonder, "Did you ever care?"
For, it seems to me that you have led me blind
And into dark places where I have no hopes in which to fine
The way out and back to you.
No way out and back to those places I once knew
And not in ten score years
Shall I ever find a more hated place than these empty fears.
This wandering of empty streets
Amid grey fog, purple fog, red fog, black fog, and endless sleets;
A ceaseless search for one so lost,
I fear my sanity may be the cost.

The cost of which I must pay
To find once more a brighter hope, and light of day.
While the drum beats roll on and on
I ask myself edlessly, "Where have you gone?"
How long have a combed these coridoors?
Glancing at old and worn barred doors!
Only to prowl these long lost streets
With a broken mind and weary feet,
It seems so drear in the end.
I was once told, "Drink is your only friend,"
So silence sighs in the face of all hopes and dreams.
Which slowly give way to endless screams.

Ah, but where am I now?
I smell the salt and tang of the sea,
Is this the place that has called to me?
Is this the place where you ran and hid?
And with a cruel cold smile that did
In truth reveal those wicked fangs.
Is these where all of man hangs?
The sea.
The sea that has cried out to me,
And bid me come ease my worries in its waters,
To forget the names of sons and daughters,
To let go of all I hold dear,
And place my mind far from fear.
My fears of those emoty street I once tread
The sea softly tells me, "They are dead."

A knife to the heart to be sure.
For this disease there is no cure.
No cure in which to make me whole,
I've given my heart, mind, and soul
To the sea.
To you whispering voice,
"No god was I! I had no choice,
But to submit to my wicked ways."
The days, it seems are in a haze,
O such a lovely haze I do recall...
But now that summer has faded into fall
I must go where I am needed most,
And as it slips away I offer this one last toast:

O give me your thoughts and fears!
O give me your worries and cares!
I shall take them away, across the sea!
Please do not weep, for you cannot follow me!
But, at last, alas, I go to the sea.

Ah, the tost has been given,
The streets now cleared,
And away I shall sail.
Away...away into a brighter day.
And now I realize I have given
What was not mine to give.
O, but smile sweetly for the world,
Cherish these moments we never dreamed.
As I whisper on my sailing shipe.
Alas, my life has finally brought me
To the sea.

You weep away the sunset hours
Though the sky is clear, you bring showers.
You weep, you say, forevermore,
Until heartless sea devours the shore.
But my dear, my love, my friend
All that lives must come to and end.
Fear not death or passing time,
It is not a punishment for some long forgotten crime.
Hold our memories in a secret jar
The, you'll know, I shall never be far.
But know that I love you forever
From the bottom of my crimson heart.
You left me, and I you.
Yet, never did, and never shall we bid

This poem tells the story of two lovers who have parted ways, the man, grief sticken falls into a madness in which there seems little escape. He ever wanders his old haunts and the places he remembers where he and his love visited in hopes of finding the joy and happiness that he once knew. However, these attempts fail and he eventually ends up dying from his grief.

The woman led the man on to believe that he was still loved, for a time, before turning her back on him completely (3rd stanza). Yet, upon the man's death she realizes she has made a mistake, and yet it is too late to change the past. However the last stanza is the voice of the man's ghost giving his love one last farewell as she contemplates suicide. In the end their love did not die.

The crossroads in life are many and varied, and they do not always intersect when we wish them to, or they come when we wis they didn't. Unfortunately we cannot keep the things we cherish the most no matter how much we might wish it. I wrote this poem almost three years ago thinking I knew what it was about. I realize now that I only now have come to terms with only part of the themes within this work.

And yes, the explaination is important.

26,390 posts

The Crossroads of La Malhora

My life was so boring and dull.
I had nothing at all to do.
I wondered how to make it full.
Suddenly, one day I knew.

There was a very special train.
That takes you through the world and time.
Deserts and mountains, winds and rains.
This idea was so sublime.

So, with the attendant I spoke,
and quickly enough I did learn.
They would let in all sorts of folk,
the chance didn't have to be earned.

But there was a small catch, you see.
You could only ride the train once.
Just once, in all eternity.
I thought naught of it, like a dunce.

The attendant also explained
that the doors only opened at
crossroads on this one special train.
Then I boarded, and that was that.

There were several others I met
on the train, folks from everywhere
All of them had seen nothing yet.
And strangely, they seemed very scared.

I asked what was wrong, they wouldn't tell.
I felt fear begin to creep in.
I wondered, is everything well?
Dark nightmares haunted my sleeping.

Like the others, I stayed inside.
Wracked by nervousness and worry.
From something, I would try to hide.
Crossroads approached, slowly, surely.

We arrived at the first crossroads.
For a moment, I was unafraid.
The doors slid open that were closed.
I took one step, but then I swayed.

On the crosssroads stood a figure
horribly scarred, and clad in black.
Terror gripped me; stiff with rigor,
I could not move, could not go back.

"It's La Malhora!" came the cries.
"She will appear at a crossroads
when someone is about to die!"
In me, oh! What terror she sowed!

Slowly, La Malhora approached.
I found my strength, and ran back in
before she crushed me like a roach.
I slammed the door, and caused a din.

I felt my head rush, my heart pound.
I swore never to leave the train
unless to exit to safe ground.
Outside, was lovely falling rain.

All about, beauty surrounded.
At each crossroad, I hid, eyes shut.
For fear La Malhora's around
to claim my life with one last cut.

Other passengers looked and saw
the beauty and the history.
But I saw La Malhora's maw,
I saw her coming after me.

After seeming eternity,
the train fin'ly came to a stop
Now the ride was over for me
With joy, out of the train I hopped.

Then I realized I saw nothing
I could have seen beauty, felt joy.
But chose fear over everything.
My one chance, I let fear destroy.

Then I recalled, to my chagrin
I'd never have that chance again.
We've no choice, she comes after all
But it is our choice what we do
Before we must heed La Malhora's call.

From the plains to the midnight sun
I chose to look the other way
I've made my choice, now it is done.
My life over 'fore it's begun.
On that special train, on that special trip
I stood before crossroads in more ways than one.

1 posts

so ok then i've understood the basics but where should i post.(i'm new to all of this)

26,390 posts

so ok then i've understood the basics but where should i post.(i'm new to all of this)

What do you mean, where should you post? What are you trying to do, exactly? Join the contest?
2,180 posts

Please post your entries on this thread, if you have a poem to submit.

1,946 posts

Path to Heaven, Path to Hell

Oh, I've reached this place again
so many times before I've been
can this continue? Is it time?

I've taken that way oh so often
its seemed right, its always been
choosing that should again be fine

Yet the other way, it seems so clean
could it be better than what i've seen?
Is it better to walk that line?

Now I've no more time to spend
will sin stay strong? Or will it end?
be tamed by hurt, or make my life mine

2,180 posts

It's fine. The theme is a loose guideline; you're free to take it in any direction you want.

26,390 posts

Hey, I had an idea. I thought I'd pitch it.
How about, instead of having a permanent judge, the person who wins the competition gets to pick the theme and judge the next round, and then the winner of that round does the same, etc.? And then we could have an appointed default judge, who will judge if the winner doesn't want to judge the contest or something like that? That would certainly help with judge burnout, and the winners would already be somewhat invested in the contest.
Just a thought.

2,180 posts

In practice, I think it's a good idea, but it takes a large amount of coordination to actually do it. In any case, it's the last day to submit, so if there are any submissions still out, get 'em out or hold your peace.

347 posts

ok im a lil new in this section but i love poetry. heres mine!!!

A man
The robber of the night
He catches your eye
As if to say your next.
Do you run?
Were do you go?
There is nowere to turn.

A flash
Your life infront of you
The sun is rising
What is your choice?

A sprint.
The mile of desperation
Coming up on you like a wild wolf
You are the prey.
Do you dare look behind you?
Is he still there?
There is nowere to run.

A hope
Your life infront of you
The sun is setting
What is your choice?

The end
The crushing wall of despair
You stop knowing you made the wrong decision.
I shoulld have stayed home.
Is this fate?
why is it me?
Over a simple mistake.

The sun has fallen
But all is not done.
You see the man with a steel dagger.
You are worried.
For a last attempt, you try to jump the wall.

There are two rodes. What will you choose?

Thats it. you like?

1,813 posts

After quite a long waiting, my brand new laptop is home and ready to take me back for blank nights on Ag. It took quite a while, but I'm sure glad I took a guarantee since one of my devilish cats threw a whole glass of water on my pc *sigh*.
So, expect to see me submit any time soon!

2,180 posts

While I'm taking a look at these poems, feel free to work on the next theme, chosen by our month's poet, IcyIndia: Perfection, due February 17.

2,180 posts

Judging is here! Not many submissions, but plenty to think about.

Bronze: Waluigi

Path to Heaven, Path to Hell

Oh, I've reached this place again
so many times before I've been
can this continue? Is it time?

I've taken that way oh so often
its seemed right, its always been
choosing that should again be fine

Yet the other way, it seems so clean
could it be better than what i've seen?
Is it better to walk that line?

Now I've no more time to spend
will sin stay strong? Or will it end?
be tamed by hurt, or make my life mine

I think the most interesting item about its poem is the ambiguity it creates...which is heaven, and which is hell? Even the narrator doesn't claim to know. Perhaps sometimes the choices we take on the crossroads are blind after all.

Silver: Neef

The path that I have taken,
Is not the one I should be on,
For I thought you were mistaken,
When you took me along.

When our paths crossed,
And I ran straight into you,
You led me till I was completely lost,
And I hesitated to tell you the truth.

I could only be in love,
If then just with my god,
But telling you it mattered,
I could see was a lost cause.

The reason I hesitated so,
was that I saw you wanted me,
If only it was just the result,
of formerly lacking good company.

I knew that if i didn't leave soon,
I would turn my back on what was right,
I wouldn't be able to leave with out hurting you,
So I knew I couldn't stay another night.

I was happy that we did meet,
But when I said you didn't need woe,
You threw yourself down at my feet,
And begged me not to go.

After our last encounter,
I just wanted you to know,
when I backtracked to the fork in the road,
I figured out I had taken the right path after all.

By time I would know,
Then it would be too late,
So I then took the other road,
The one that had become my fate.

I thought that this poem was interesting in that retrospect plays out here. Generally when we think of crossroads we think of it as a choice that cannot be revoked...this is the first time I think I've read a poem where the choice is firm but the way back is always open.

Gold: wolf1991

Time We Never Had

Where have you gone?
Down some dark deserted drive that trails ever on?
Into the lost light that lives among the grey gloom of the night?
Into the black shadows that hide hideous things from sight?
I wander aimlessly from place to place
Clutching at the phantom image of your face.
It withers and strugles to escape my mind's eye,
As if all I have said and done, has come to hurt you, and make you cry.
But, still, through this cramped crowd of peerless wanderers I press,
My heart is a shallow thing, I must confess
For, ever in my heart I ponder one night so long ago,
When I heard you whisper the word, "Angelo."

These half made streets that I walk
Forever hear the heels of my soles go tock, tock.
And it seems to me that all else has faded,
And into this monsterous, onerous ocean, I never waded.
But still my heart bears the scars of our last parting.
How we fled the grand places! So young and swift, so darting.
In the night we made our home
And so we passed out days on the grassy loam. we spent those days.
Alas, now it is all a haze.
A haze...a haze...
How I yearn for those sun filled days.
Where we could count the blue birds by song,
O a beautiful escape from the city throng.
Ah the places we went!
Now the seem so broken, so bent.

In these latter days I have come to questions,
Not by any virtue of curiosity I assure
But, by my own actions I must concure,
With whole stately manner in this affiar,
I have begun to wonder, "Did you ever care?"
For, it seems to me that you have led me blind
And into dark places where I have no hopes in which to fine
The way out and back to you.
No way out and back to those places I once knew
And not in ten score years
Shall I ever find a more hated place than these empty fears.
This wandering of empty streets
Amid grey fog, purple fog, red fog, black fog, and endless sleets;
A ceaseless search for one so lost,
I fear my sanity may be the cost.

The cost of which I must pay
To find once more a brighter hope, and light of day.
While the drum beats roll on and on
I ask myself edlessly, "Where have you gone?"
How long have a combed these coridoors?
Glancing at old and worn barred doors!
Only to prowl these long lost streets
With a broken mind and weary feet,
It seems so drear in the end.
I was once told, "Drink is your only friend,"
So silence sighs in the face of all hopes and dreams.
Which slowly give way to endless screams.

Ah, but where am I now?
I smell the salt and tang of the sea,
Is this the place that has called to me?
Is this the place where you ran and hid?
And with a cruel cold smile that did
In truth reveal those wicked fangs.
Is these where all of man hangs?
The sea.
The sea that has cried out to me,
And bid me come ease my worries in its waters,
To forget the names of sons and daughters,
To let go of all I hold dear,
And place my mind far from fear.
My fears of those emoty street I once tread
The sea softly tells me, "They are dead."

A knife to the heart to be sure.
For this disease there is no cure.
No cure in which to make me whole,
I've given my heart, mind, and soul
To the sea.
To you whispering voice,
"No god was I! I had no choice,
But to submit to my wicked ways."
The days, it seems are in a haze,
O such a lovely haze I do recall...
But now that summer has faded into fall
I must go where I am needed most,
And as it slips away I offer this one last toast:

O give me your thoughts and fears!
O give me your worries and cares!
I shall take them away, across the sea!
Please do not weep, for you cannot follow me!
But, at last, alas, I go to the sea.

Ah, the tost has been given,
The streets now cleared,
And away I shall sail.
Away...away into a brighter day.
And now I realize I have given
What was not mine to give.
O, but smile sweetly for the world,
Cherish these moments we never dreamed.
As I whisper on my sailing shipe.
Alas, my life has finally brought me
To the sea.

You weep away the sunset hours
Though the sky is clear, you bring showers.
You weep, you say, forevermore,
Until heartless sea devours the shore.
But my dear, my love, my friend
All that lives must come to and end.
Fear not death or passing time,
It is not a punishment for some long forgotten crime.
Hold our memories in a secret jar
The, you'll know, I shall never be far.
But know that I love you forever
From the bottom of my crimson heart.
You left me, and I you.
Yet, never did, and never shall we bid

I love to read the development of this poem, how it meanders on through the good and the bad in life, and stops contemplatively at the crossroads of life. The redemptive ending is simply beautiful. I don't have much to say, other than the fact that this is "very wolf."

Diamond: Hypermnestra

The Crossroads of La Malhora

My life was so boring and dull.
I had nothing at all to do.
I wondered how to make it full.
Suddenly, one day I knew.

There was a very special train.
That takes you through the world and time.
Deserts and mountains, winds and rains.
This idea was so sublime.

So, with the attendant I spoke,
and quickly enough I did learn.
They would let in all sorts of folk,
the chance didn't have to be earned.

But there was a small catch, you see.
You could only ride the train once.
Just once, in all eternity.
I thought naught of it, like a dunce.

The attendant also explained
that the doors only opened at
crossroads on this one special train.
Then I boarded, and that was that.

There were several others I met
on the train, folks from everywhere
All of them had seen nothing yet.
And strangely, they seemed very scared.

I asked what was wrong, they wouldn't tell.
I felt fear begin to creep in.
I wondered, is everything well?
Dark nightmares haunted my sleeping.

Like the others, I stayed inside.
Wracked by nervousness and worry.
From something, I would try to hide.
Crossroads approached, slowly, surely.

We arrived at the first crossroads.
For a moment, I was unafraid.
The doors slid open that were closed.
I took one step, but then I swayed.

On the crosssroads stood a figure
horribly scarred, and clad in black.
Terror gripped me; stiff with rigor,
I could not move, could not go back.

"It's La Malhora!" came the cries.
"She will appear at a crossroads
when someone is about to die!"
In me, oh! What terror she sowed!

Slowly, La Malhora approached.
I found my strength, and ran back in
before she crushed me like a roach.
I slammed the door, and caused a din.

I felt my head rush, my heart pound.
I swore never to leave the train
unless to exit to safe ground.
Outside, was lovely falling rain.

All about, beauty surrounded.
At each crossroad, I hid, eyes shut.
For fear La Malhora's around
to claim my life with one last cut.

Other passengers looked and saw
the beauty and the history.
But I saw La Malhora's maw,
I saw her coming after me.

After seeming eternity,
the train fin'ly came to a stop
Now the ride was over for me
With joy, out of the train I hopped.

Then I realized I saw nothing
I could have seen beauty, felt joy.
But chose fear over everything.
My one chance, I let fear destroy.

Then I recalled, to my chagrin
I'd never have that chance again.
We've no choice, she comes after all
But it is our choice what we do
Before we must heed La Malhora's call.

From the plains to the midnight sun
I chose to look the other way
I've made my choice, now it is done.
My life over 'fore it's begun.
On that special train, on that special trip
I stood before crossroads in more ways than one.

I was initially rather confused after reading this poem, but a few things helped. The poem reminded me a lot of Latin American poetry, both in subject and in style. To me La Malhora is really the force of urgency that causes people to panic at their crossroads and choose. When we escape the tyranny of the urgent, though, it's at that point that we realize that the place we are at will change as is needed, like the train you are on. If we wait on the right thing, we'll be where we need to go.

Congratulations to Hyper, our merit winner! Please contact a mod for your merit. Remember that the next theme is Perfection, due February 17.
347 posts

oh em g im never gona win!!!!

26,390 posts

Thank you very much for the win.

oh em g im never gona win!!!!

Hey, you've only entered once. There's always next time, you can enter this time. Keep trying.

To me La Malhora is really the force of urgency that causes people to panic at their crossroads and choose. When we escape the tyranny of the urgent, though, it's at that point that we realize that the place we are at will change as is needed, like the train you are on. If we wait on the right thing, we'll be where we need to go.

That's interesting. I was thinking of her as the literally-described embodiment of death. Basically, the train represents life and La Malhora represents death. The narrator depicts a person who is so afraid of death that they allow death to control them, and ironically waste their life trying to stay alive. But it's open to interpretation, that's just what I thought of while writing it. That's one of my favorite parts about writing, people see it in all different lights.
Here's a short story about La Malhora. It's a nice read for you horror lovers. Sad, but not overtly scary.

Anyway, thanks again for the win.
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