ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
1,388 posts

Here's my submission. I've never done this before.

May Ice prevail and Fire hail

May Ice prevail
May Fire hail,
the two are one
one is love,
one is hatred,
both are tasted
by all.

May Ice freeze all in place,
May Fire burn us into space,
May we never forget this pair,
that work always for our despair,
one will make us fall asleep
one will send us the to deep
low wall.

Let Ice reign forever and ever
Let Fire all these pains sever
For one will be cold as death
one will be the final test
May the Ice send us to Heaven
May the Fire send us to Hell
Promises, there are but Seven
Threats, too many to tell,
stand tall.

1,558 posts

Good job Tacky! I knew I wasn't gonna win the very first time. This time I'ma try much harder.

3,386 posts

I don't get this.
How do people try HARDER to write poetry?
Doesn't it just flow from your thoughts to the page?

1,558 posts

No, I don't flow too well. It's more of mind-goo splatting on the page. I just have to try harder by organizing it better.

1,502 posts

Wow Paarfam, i suppose thats one way you could put it. Mind goo splatting on the page is usually how i start on things, then i go back and try to make it make sense.

1,627 posts

Where has Winter Gone

The snowman has melted in my yard
The trickling stream now a mighty river
Oh where has the winter gone

The heat of the fire
The chill of the bitter wind
All a distant memory inside me
Oh where has the winter gone

Thoughts of summer
Are no longer so distant
As the heat of the sun bears down
Oh where has the winter gone

The calendar says January is here
But the air feels like July
Should there be fireworks
Oh where has the winter gone

The days have passed
The weeks fly by
Leaves fall off the trees
Oh where has the winter gone

A gray sky
Single snowflakes drift through the wind
I have plans for a snowman
Winter is back

The snowman has melted in my yard
Oh where has the winter gone

1,813 posts

I don't get this.
How do people try HARDER to write poetry?
Doesn't it just flow from your thoughts to the page?

Well, you know I'm French Moon, so it's especially hard for me to let it ''flow'' on ''aper'', since I have to go through all the trouble of thinking in English, making sure my ideas are all well traduced, etc...
Thus the need to try harder; when I say ''harder'' though what it's all about is really just the amount of time invested.

2,917 posts

Nothing against wolf, he's a good guy, but could there be another judge who could judge all of us?

1,936 posts

Nothing against wolf, he's a good guy, but could there be another judge who could judge all of us?

I take it that these are longer poems, so they take longer to critique than most poems; like Haikus or Tankas. :b
1,627 posts

Nice poem Joel, and yes, the deadline is the 2nd.

1,813 posts

Nothing against wolf, he's a good guy, but could there be another judge who could judge all of us?

Well, as I once said, I'd gladly do it if I was more well versed in poetry. If it doesn't bother anyone that I don't have as much poetry savvy than Parsat though, I'd be ok judging every once in a while.

Though, I'd prefer not to judge on a week I'm judging the Haiku contest.

Judging Haikus + Judging Poetry > Death

1,813 posts

My ice

On the highest branch I sit
Relishing the woodfire's flame
To make of me what it sees fit
I crave the fire's licking blame

As cold as ice I lay atop
This bland and frigid space
Where freezes the littlest teardrop
Quicken the heat and its embrace

Now a throne rather than wood
Is where I express my lonely
An anguish of snow to melt slowly
An effigy of calm and inert blood

But again the breeze it turns
And further the blaze from me
I shan't feel the precious burns
That used to make me happy

Please remember my darling flame
However fiery you become my dame
That you were once mine to price
Yet you're still the fire of my ice

A little more effort this time. Hope it pays.

6,800 posts

Judging Haikus + Judging Poetry > Death

Writing Haikus + Writing Poetry > Life

I'm sure most people here would agree. Good poems guys, I'm finding myself hard pressed to come up with something measurable, as all the poems are very good.
1,936 posts

The writhing heat I feel
Burning through my bones
I can't think but at all;
Reason's been overthrown
I close my eyes in hopes
Of never meeting yours
I fear if I see you smile
I'll melt right to the floor

Then reality comes knocking
On my locked and welded gate
My fire is then chilled to ice;
A horrid, wretched state.
I glance to the world,
My vision is clear and cold,
There is no passion to be seen,
Those were the days of old.

Then a flame ignites,
Inside my frozen chest.
I burn you with my words;
The pain will do the rest.
I am the beast that kills;
Destroys all in my way.
I gave my all to you...
And this is what you say?

I am empty within,
My heart has lost its beat.
You've consumed my soul;
There is no cold or heat.
What have you done to me
To make me not feel at all?
Perhaps its better this way
I won't have to feel the fall.

And that, O citizens
Is why I'll never trust.
Promises never, ever last;
They'll all fall into dust.
Who could ever know
Where fate doth roll his dice.
But I know I can't survive.
Any more fire and ice.

157 posts

I'm finding myself hard pressed to come up with something measurable

Experiment! The poem I submitted for this contest I started to write with the idea of a song in my head. Also: watch more documentaries and you'll find it easier to come up with a sensible subject.
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