ForumsGame WalkthroughsWARLORDS how to use DARK ELVS

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Dark Elves

Start buy Axe men id they get the upper hand in 1 line the send some axes at em!

Start use your Axe men to charge always

start speer men are week but use them more than any thing else.
Save money then get whirlers.

Whirlers they are like super axe men lol amazing driving power and good armor with fast and good damage.
use on charges against other uniqe units like flailers but never on huge trolls.

any way whirlers if thers a small line of men like 4-5 speermen or sword men coming at u then send 1 whirler and 1-2 speer men to support him and take some damage for him.

after enough games get some mounted speer men expensive and pwnd most units with lots of health med range and AMAZING driving back powers!!

Mounted speermen keep whirlers charging though the mounted speermen are used to get up to the enemy at ends of the feild while they are un protected but only if there speer men 1-4 axe men 1-2 or archers and swords men 1-3.

Well i hope that helped and dont forget night elvs pwn alot!!!


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nice one


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