The people who go around and say hey there are similar topics going around and post to those are annoying people. why would you lock a forum thats stupid. ya there might be similar topics but not the same topics just let us talk its what this whole forum is about.
To flip this around, it is not the most fun thing in the world to monitor double topics. If we did not do this, then the forums would become clustered with worthless topics. This is most prominent in the Games section. Most new users will not take the time to search for topics.
well i find it annoying when i make a topic like funny pics. and someone trys to copy it have you ever felt what its like on the other end? its like taking away the glory of my post.
i understand that you guys don't like to look at double topics but if you want to free up space then you should get ride of some of the 1 month old stuff and maybe make general categories in the game section so we don't have to search 18 pages of topics to find the one we are looking for.
To be honest, you are the first person I have every heard complain about it. I have heard multiple complaints about people who are annoyed with seeing a bunch of repeat topics though. We make sure to try to identify the difference between which threads are truly repeat, and which ones are different enough to warrant their own thread. Believe me, if we didn't clear out copies, there would be 5 'XBOX 360 vs. PS3' topics on the front page right now. In addition, if we did not get rid of these repeat topics then many of the valid topics would get pushed back, and would end up dying with age because a repeat topic pushed it out. We are just trying to ensure that this doesn't happen. Also, every so often we do go back and delete the older/dead topics. But it really is more about keeping the site cleaner and giving other topics a chance.