for me, lord of the rings
Lord of the rings wins by a lot for me but harry potter is still good.
I say LOTR because it has more creativity
harry potter all the way lord of the rings is 2 boring and desriptive for me
LOTR easily wins this one for me. HP is aimed at a market that has forsaken reading and because of this it is simpler can it could of been. The storyline is much more predictable and hard to re-read because of the sheer length of it.
i like harry potter better
I personally enjoy the harry potter books a little more than LOTR.
I like Lord of the Rings better, but Harry Potter isn't bad...
Lord of the Rings! Books are more interesting than Harry Potter. But in films, it's the same, excellent special effects.
Harry Poter totally pwns Lord Of Rings!I think Harry Potter got a better story.And i have read all books 3 times!
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