my name's jason but when we were kids my li'l sis pronounced it as "jahson" so it kinda' stuck with me...i put the "x" at the end to make it sound somehow cool just like the name of that big blade wielding horror flick character!
Once, a LONG time ago in what was basically another life (A time of blissful ignorance) I discovered that two computers could play games against each other.
A friend of mine had two computers in his house that could hook up. He had just bought the latest RTS at the time: Command and Conquer.
We basically turned the matches into a story, so quickly I had to think up a screen name. I liked playing Nod, so I needed to think up a name that sounded menacing. I came up with the name PSYCHO (Though I really had no idea what exactly that meant at the time, I just thought it sounded menacing).
MANY years down the road, a NEW latest RTS came out: Command and Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun. In THIS version, the Nod Hero was a cyborg (Which is actually kind of ironic since in the final battle while playing Command and Conquer, my character PSYCHO died)
The name PsychoIncarnate eventually was born to show PSYCHO had been reborn (Though it went through many evolutions before it settled as PsychoIncarnate). I've just been using it since, though I don't actually talk to that friend anymore (Side note: ...I used to actually be closer friends to his sister up until 2 years ago, but I don't think I will be able to even see her again...)
My friends say that I'm the devil herself! And sarcastically, they began to call me Angel. And since there's always someone that used "Angel" as hers/his username, I had to think of something a little different.
Should of capitalized your name. I wanted to capitalize mine
i remember when i was creating this account a year ago in computer dimensions (my comp was broke at home) that i stressed super duperly capitalizing my first letter.. lowercase g looks so dumb compared to G