Let's see who can create or find the best FAIL pictures!!!!
failthis sucks
Hmm... spam by you much?You shoudl seriously quit it's getting annoying seeing the same pic.
sorry im really really sorry it was an axident i copy and pasted the wrong picture i FAIL
The one with the baby getting kicked is messed up O.O
The one with the baby getting kicked is sooo funny! xD
You guys know mortal combat? Well they made the baby getting kicked into that - With slow-motion. It was an epic fail...
Now I don't have an image, but there should be one with.The guy sticking his finger in the pencil sharpener!
haha i love the one where the baby gets owned!!
nice dude
HUGE FAIL!http://www.freshdames.com/images/uploads/miley-cyrus-birthday.jpg" alt="http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbnhttp://www.freshdames.com/images/uploads/miley-cyrus-birthday.jpg" />
That's not a real fail picture. I don't understand why you posted that. I think that some fail pictures are less appropriate than others, and those need to be watched.
omg this is the best thread i've even read
Thread is locked!