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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
13,657 posts

Probably that it will not rain, Deth? I think you could say that?

Poor guy, though, he got a shower of money?

Sadly my next exam where I can do that is in a half year. Written assignments suck, and I still need to finish it! 4am...
Gantic, solutionplz?

5,420 posts

I'm guessing your talking about CholoKid's first submission.I never really understood that one myself.What does it mean Cholokid.I can't make heads or tails of it,and I really don't want to try.Also....

The reports of my not wanting the merit were exaggerated.

Now pop quiz who's famous quote is a reference to?(don't worry if you don't know it,I'm just having a conversation concerning English at home and thought it would be fun to make an English reference)
1,780 posts

Well you do have more merits then Cholokid and myself combined.

Yeah but I haven't had any in over a month I'm just too lazy now.

As for your quote, isn't that Mark Twain?
It's either him or Albert Einstein, I learned that in school but I wasn't really paying attention and they look a lot alike. :P
1,667 posts

@Those whom want to know what my first entry means:
No. Haha, sadly I cannot say.

We just got back from X-mas break and have midterms at the end of the month. Not at all looking forward to that. I'm almost positive that I will fail Spanish. Sad, everything else I have mid 90's in.

13,657 posts

What is even worse, I have just found out there is another exam the 12th-15th = =... Still a written assignment.. I am going to die from stress...

1,667 posts

Man that's tough. I really hate essays, if that is what you mean by written assignment. Do you have the same stress problems I have? What happens to me is I will get so stressed out at times that fluid will build up in my stomach and start to burn it. Causing my stomach to get really upset. Making things even hard and more stressful.

13,657 posts

Even worse than that, Cholo.. It is ten pages of something... Analyzes, methods, stuff like that. University education is bad... And we just get it the 12th, and then we should be able to make it on three days..
My stomach is upset just generally, not quite sure why, though. I tend to get really hyperactive and stressy, and then procastinates a lot. Sometimes, like now, my wrists and hands begin to hurt, which makes it hard to write without keyboard mistakes, and it often spread to elbows, shoulders, hip, knees and ancles. Yesterday I managed to get pains from my fingertips, up through both arm to my neck, and most of the joints as well as some ribs hurting, and my head trying to kill me... I have weird phantom pains like that. What amazes me the most is that, in the moment, it is only my good wrist hurting...

11,891 posts

I haven't even fixed up my entry yet. But should I put up a solution before the judging? The answer is not as important as the puzzle, since the solution is the path. But maybe I will and not go poking at everything.

The Sun and Moon stick out in our minds as opposites, since one is the symbol for day and the other for night. They also resemble the alchemical pictures of a sun and moon, although I made mine with familiar cartoon faces and no shading whatsoever (via line art). The symbol that I said was Money is also an alchemical symbol for the sun, which is also a symbol for gold. but what are the other obvious symbols for the Sun and Moon? Should be obvious.

San and Si, the characters for three and four in Chinese represent life/living and death, respectively. You add them together, you get qi (seven) as you normally would if you add up opposite sides of a die. I'll lose points for this, but unfortunately I'm not exactly sure of the meaning behind seven, but it's not a good number. I'll just mention it but not elaborate: Sun/Moon and 3/4 also have something to do with yin and yang, but that's not entirely relevant to solving what each box means.

The Dinosaur and Plastic bottle thingy are directly derived from my previous art entry. Again, life and death, but there is more. The dinosaur is a predator, something for a human to escape from as seen in Jurassic Park. And who doesn't eat/drink/use plastic containers? There's yet another thing behind it, but I won't go into it. What we want and what we don't want, but referring back to the previous one, it's all the same isn't it when you add it all together (the meaning of 7)?

So what does this mess add up to? Life and Death. The want to live.

I assume everyone understands the basic symbols on this die.

Money and Love are opposites, right? You can one or the other. I wouldn't know, but they are related to relationships. I won't go into it any further since those are major symbols that are probably in everyone's minds and I already linked the alchemical aspect.

II and IIII are Roman numerals. IIII is the number shown on clocks. So what does this pair represent? Time. And as a horrid, horrid pun: What do you get when you add II + IIII? VI, Six. It'll make sense later.

Male and Female are clearly opposites. Again symbols everyone probably has somewhere in their head. What do you get when you add a male and a female? What do the symbols represent?

Sex! Now that I have your attention, the answer being sex is another wordplay, say Freudian for pleasure if I remember correctly. Pleasurable stuff is sexual. What we want and what we don't want.

Love? Money? Time? Pleasure? Life? Losing weight/Being fit? (That's actually in there if you look for it, but it might be too obscure.) What does this all have to do with resolutions? Freud?

Tangential note: Freud, like Einstein, are both well-known and influential and both were wrong about a lot of stuff, or actually, I should say are wrong by today's accepted paradigms.

I'm not going to explain the keyboard code and why I put it in there. And I didn't cover everything. And here's an obligatory mention of dice because I couldn't come up with a good pun.

10,816 posts

but unfortunately I'm not exactly sure of the meaning behind seven, but it's not a good number

Depends on your perspective. In Christian theology, it's God's number. In math, it's the number nobody can think of a divisibility test for and has a really cool repeating decimal when taken as a fraction. Observe!

1/7 = 0.142857...
2/7 = 0.285714...
3/7 = 0.428571...
4/7 = 0.571428...
5/7 = 0.714285...
6/7 = 0.857142...

Got a calculator? Try it!

But yeah. Gosh. I'll think about it some more and see if I can coalesce those hints into a pithy message, and I will look at all the entries together, and judge.
13,657 posts

And there is 7 chakras, is there not? I think...

5,420 posts

As for your quote, isn't that Mark Twain?

yes Mark Twain,and I said English so I don't get where Einstein came from.

Another couple of things to point out,is 7 is known as a lucky number like the one that you see in the slot machines at a Las Vegas Casino or something...

and it is a number you sometimes need to get in some dice games to win.According to Gantic apparently I was right in some aspects of what I assumed were connections between certain things in it,but for some reason this may be quite difficult to figure out still.Although I think this may all link back to the theories that Freud was trying to prove,and that may give a even bigger hint if observed carefully enough.Who knows maybe we just need to look at it differently, or from a different point of view.Its obvious that I will probably feel stupid if I don't figure it out,and it ends up being something obvious that was right in front of our faces,but known of us caught it before the end.
13,657 posts

Einstein came from Switzerland, or Germany, if I recall correctly... I might not, my dead died three hours ago...
But cleverly done, though I think most of you drawings end up loat on us....

5,420 posts

Einstein came from Switzerland, or Germany, if I recall correctly... I might not, my dead died three hours ago...

I am pretty sure it was Germany,and do you mean your Dad?
13,657 posts

Hmm, probably...
Head... My head died... That pretty much shows, does it not....

5,420 posts

oh OK that makes alot more sense(oddly enough)but this goes to show that typos can be quite bad depending on the situation and can cause quite the misunderstandings as well.Also ues by looking at that post it is a bit apparent.

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