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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
5,642 posts

And you should be too. Be proud of actually finishing a drawing, og get an idea down on paper before it slips your mind. Little stuff like that

maybe I should stop throwing away the 100's of drawings, doodles, and utter chaotic crap.
*goes back in emo corner for no real reason*
11,891 posts

Darn. I was going to do what tuna did but it was too... what's the word... corny! Corny enough it's a pun I would touch, but it's so corny that it's funny.

[quote]Oh well, fail at winning because of too many symbols (the thing Gantic seem to win on).

Not really.[/quote]
I don't win through symbolism. I've won through touching upon art style/theory. Repetition of a repeated pattern based on my username. Lines to form fruit. No symbolism there. Not entirely loaded.

I always hated awards that made people feel special and non left out. Misses it's meaning.

I hate that too. There's a whole world of cynics and realist (which for the purposes of this example are mutually exclusive) out there that hate it, too.

In contrast (or perhaps in supplement) to technique, one may learn to draw better through imitation, that is the mindset of "How would so-and-so do it?" I've obviously been bs-ing my way through the entire comp. I've never used GIMP before my first entry.
With hand drawn pictures, calligraphy, writing, any for of art out there, having some examples readily available is rather helpful reference when you want to do something like what someone else did.
9,434 posts

Darn. I was going to do what tuna did but it was too... what's the word... corny! Corny enough it's a pun I would touch, but it's so corny that it's funny.
Exactly. Or... It's so simple and full of "why have I never seen that joke before" to me. And it still makes me smile~

[quote]I always hated awards that made people feel special and non left out. Misses it's meaning.

I hate that too. There's a whole world of cynics and realist (which for the purposes of this example are mutually exclusive) out there that hate it, too.[/quote]But... I don't give awards! I categorize just for the fun of doing so. I think thoad's is the only one that can be considered an HM, because he said he didn't want one.

Repetition of a repeated pattern based on my username.
Now that you mention it... What does your username mean?
5,642 posts

I think thoad's is the only one that can be considered an HM, because he said he didn't want one

Does not compute.
Fatal error.
Emo mode - engaged.
Blood levels low.
Water consumption levels, high.
Nah really, I don't really understand how me not wanting the HM makes it an HM...
11,891 posts

Now that you mention it... What does your username mean?

Kant + Antic

Obvious innit? It wouldn't be Kantic.

The Son of Sasquatch
Magritte. What have I done?!?!
10,816 posts

*pops head in*

Culture eh? I should do a Chinese New Year entry.

But I don't have the time.

10,816 posts

I have a saying (that is smacked into my head a couple of times every time I draw) "You have to know the rules to break them".

Quote for truth. It took me a few years of drawing picture-'erfect' bodies to know how to start drawing variations of them convincingly. As for which, learn. Use every facet of your knowledge to your advantage.

In contrast (or perhaps in supplement) to technique, one may learn to draw better through imitation, that is the mindset of "How would so-and-so do it?"

This actually helps me understand how I judged the contest better myself.
1,667 posts


Ahhh!!!! I don't know if I'm making a big deal of your post for no reason! I'm pretty sure I am, but AH!!!!


I'm hopefully getting my tablet tomorrow, or Friday. Maybe over the weekend. Anyway, I will finally be able to unleash my true art ability! Oh, I'm a lefty and have been cursed to draw with a right handed mouse sense... forever. So I will be maharajah.

To sum it up, I will be entering. Yay.

5,642 posts

My entry about Nergyl culture (one of the several parts of it)
Well, the art comp had the theme "Culture" so I thought I'd work a little more on the Nergyl culture, since I really didn't want to BS around and research a bunch of crap, and I don't think I could make a pun of the culture, and that would be rude if taken the wrong way too, so I just basically said "I'll get in tune with my inner nergyl!".
So, I'm sure a couple of you are wondering what the hell this is. It is a Nergyl tribal mask, from the first age of the Nergyl, before the Golden Age. This mask was used for all sorts of rituals, but mainly it was for sacrifices and dances. This mask would be worn by the "medicine man" as us humans might call them, but they call them the Briktuk. The Briktuk would take this mask, place it over his head, and the small crystal in the middle (the red one) would have to be ingested by the Briktuk. The Briktuk would then rest for 3 and a half days with a coma. When the Briktuk woke, it would be brought on with a terrible ailment, and would have it's body nearly torn apart. Briktuk went through this trial the day they became an "adult". If the Briktuk should survive, they would live one-hundred times longer than they would have before. The Crystal starts off a killer, and then it becomes like an extra life support. A nergyl would be old, tired, and overly distraught, but if he/she survived, they would live close to an eternity. The Briktuk who survive (currently 13) are heroes, and are called the Nergyl Elders.

So that is the origin of the mask.
What the mask is made of? Well, they first take a main pedal from their tribal pods, of which are abundant in the Nergyl homeworld (the black part). Then, other components of the pods are put on the mask, with an adhesive that would never come off. The brown parts are leaves from the Nergyl tribal tree. The green little spines are from the same tree, but are newer born leaves. The red panels are taken from their prime ore, and work like tinted windows, you can see out (quite clearly) but nothing can see in. The green parts on the pod shell of the mask work to the same effect, except they are mainly to intimidate. The blue parts are a valuable ore, because the Nergyl thought it to be magical. The Horns are made from iron, which on the Nergyl homeworld is actually very rare.

1,667 posts

Well, I was sitting here, and this popped up into my head.

I suppose what it shows is that throughout time people have always depended on war and technology in their culture. How the armies were always respected. How history repeats itself, and how the past is always there.

5,420 posts

first off I thought I would just pull up the painting that Gantic is referring to for....well just for the sake of being informed I suppose...

Secondly Cholokid could you tell me how you got that effect with the Text Opacity(in other words the see-through Army Strong Text) as it is quite an awesome effect,and if you did it in photoshop(which I'm going to assume you did) then I would like to know how to do that for my own stuff later down the road.

Also Thoad yours is good.I won't go into detail about any of them until judgment for the sake of....IDK tradition or something,but it gives me more to say when I finally get around to judging I guess.

Anyways I guess I can say that I like all of the submissions that I have seen so far,and that is all.

5,642 posts

first off I thought I would just pull up the painting that Gantic is referring to for....well just for the sake of being informed I suppose...

lol, I knew about the painting and I thought that's where he was going at, not sure how it inter-twines into culture however.
Good to know that you like it.
You don't like people making fan art for you that much do you?
1,667 posts

Sure, its actually a very simple thing.

1. Enter text (make sure it has its own layer)

2. Right click the layer (there should be a list of the layers you have created... somewhere)

3. Click blending options

4. There will be some options with an opacity bar, slide the little pentagon shaped thing along the bar to choose how you want it to look. I have mine set at 80%

If you need some visuals, let me know.

5,420 posts

not sure how it inter-twines into culture however.

There are multiple uses for the word culture thoad.The two I talked about mainly in the beginning were culture of people in different countries or ethical backgrounds, etc. and then culture as in...well the best way I guess I could explain it would be with this random definition that I think fits.

that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.

you see my intention from the beginning was to have it be one theme that was actually multiple themes wrapped together in a bundle.It was for the purposes of having an easy theme.
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