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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
5,642 posts

sorry I don't typically do freebies when it comes to contests.So let me make it clear,that you didn't get third as a freebie.I just like your submission.To tell you the truth it was actually one of the best ones(in my opinion) that I have seen from you,but I just couldn't find a way to be specific about what exactly I liked about it.Thats all not a freebie though.

Well, instead of sketching, I took Cen's advice and used a pen (though ballpoint, it was) and I colored using the best concentration I had, and I spilled my heart out into it, even though I, to say the truth, Didn't really like the concept of the Briktuk mask all too much.
9,434 posts

I was like... Smiling over having won, and then I scrolled down and saw the "trophy" and I just laughed... That was brilliant, crimson, absolutely brilliant.

'grats to Zophia, at first I thought well, to be blunt, "another emo entry", but to be more honest it's an incisive commentary on the state of modern urban life. Thus I agree that its first placing was well deserved.
Well, it is another emo entry, it's just emo in a sociocultural way? And I do somewhere find it sick that that really is how it is outside... People don't care about people they don't know.
5,642 posts

Well, it is another emo entry, it's just emo in a sociocultural way? And I do somewhere find it sick that that really is how it is outside... People don't care about people they don't know.

Yep, one time I had been limping (very noticably) and my entire body was twitching, and no one had cared, even for a 13 year old that's just cold man.

I think that the main reason why some people don't say "hey man what's the matter?" when they see someone clearly crying is because it would give a really awkward moment, and people feel that they shouldn't get involved in another persons life, since the generation (and possibly the last generation) thought it to be rude.

9,434 posts

I don't know. But I know I wouldn't ask someone who was clearly upset like that what was wrong, just as I don't expect anyone to do so when I cry in public...
But it just feels wrong somehow. There is no care in that arena, but couldn't there be? All our communication tools create greater distance between people IRL...

Both the newspaper and the phone in my entry have actual text, btw.

5,642 posts

There is no care in that arena, but couldn't there be? All our communication tools create greater distance between people IRL...

Both the newspaper and the phone in my entry have actual text, btw.

I just think that people don't do it because the usual circumstance where, at the end, you end up saying "You try and do something nice or care about somebody and what does it get ya?" because they won't accept your condolences for some whatever reason, or they actually get all pissy on you with a "WHAT DO YOU CARE?!!??!?" with a sob or two. I have noticed that it does upset people by you, however. I would care should someone be sitting next to me, crying, but I wouldn't say anything for the sheer fact that I think they would retaliate overreactingly and mean. Most sadness I see is brought on directly by anger. So yeah.

I thought that the text was maybe yaltan on the phone, or some sort of odd written language I couldn't understand, but I didn't know the newspaper had writing, I'll have to check that out.
9,434 posts

True... It's still really odd that that is how it is.

It is Yaltan on the phone~ And I doubt you can read the paper, since the writing is really tiny~

5,642 posts

True... It's still really odd that that is how it is.

heh, just yesterday I had a terrible situation like this, and I had tried to support, but, beleive it or not, they just got aggressive and angry. Then I just said "I'm sorry" and went to a different seat. I guess that's why people really don't do that, because human instinct tells most of us to be mean, because when we're sad, upset, angry, or anything negative, we wanna cry on the shoulders we know, and yell at a different person's face. you know?
11,891 posts

Well, it is another emo entry, it's just emo in a sociocultural way? And I do somewhere find it sick that that really is how it is outside... People don't care about people they don't know.

I don't know. But I know I wouldn't ask someone who was clearly upset like that what was wrong, just as I don't expect anyone to do so when I cry in public...
But it just feels wrong somehow. There is no care in that arena, but couldn't there be? All our communication tools create greater distance between people IRL...

I just think that people don't do it because the usual circumstance where, at the end, you end up saying "You try and do something nice or care about somebody and what does it get ya?" because they won't accept your condolences for some whatever reason, or they actually get all pissy on you with a "WHAT DO YOU CARE?!!??!?" with a sob or two. I have noticed that it does upset people by you, however. I would care should someone be sitting next to me, crying, but I wouldn't say anything for the sheer fact that I think they would retaliate overreactingly and mean. Most sadness I see is brought on directly by anger. So yeah.

Are you * kidding? I challenge that unless there are experimental results to prove otherwise. The * it matters how the crier would react. Private people want to be left alone. The way is as follows: You say something. They don't want your help. Leave them alone.
They're on a phone. Leave them alone.
They're reading something. Leave them alone.
Hiding in the bathroom? Maybe leave them alone.
They're sitting on a bench. Obviously not.
Circumstance dictates response.
5,642 posts

Circumstance dictates response.

If someones just crying, I've found (through at least 10 experiences) they they act drastically when you try to support or condole them, and have acted overall negatively towards me, and they had just been crying. I saw no phone, and nothing to yeah, I tend not to do that anymore :P
6,823 posts

I think it is mainly because a show of emotion in such a public place is not really something that you want to admit to. Crying is very personal. When someone tries to comfort you for it, they are seeing you in this weakened state, and might receive an over-aggressive response trying to make up for the lack of defense. People don't like being that open to people that they don't know. We all have our defenses up.

Especially with technology, it brings us even further away from other people. It is easier to communicate with someone when you can't see them. It is a very impersonal way to communicate. Closing that gap could be hard for some people.

Or at least that is my psychoanalytical view of it... lol.

10,816 posts

People don't like being that open to people that they don't know.

Moving this beyond the specific scenario of a person crying, I see the main sociological driver of the phenomenon in this discussion to be the breakdown of community spirit in the global pursuit of individualism.

The next thing we should note is that there are things that we have clearly asserted is, loosely speaking, natural and that which is unnatural.
9,434 posts

Have I mentioned I think our society is wrong? Oh well...

That's all I have to say to the seemingly well thought through posts since my last one.

5,642 posts

Have I mentioned I think our society is wrong?

2 words:
Mr. Tweed.
Yeah, our society is corrupt, evil, and overall bastardized. I'm not proud to be human anymore.
5,420 posts

I'm not proud to be human anymore.

Hmm I wasn't in the first place I suppose,since humanity is a self-destructive race that does nothing but bicker and argue instead of actually getting things done.You know when I created the theme I didn't expect it to help create a discussion within the thread about modern society.If I get to become full time judge I already have an idea what the next them could be though...
5,642 posts

I already have an idea what the next them could be though...
*raises hand*
oo! oo!
Speciesism? War? Human interaction?
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