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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

6854 5530785
6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
13,657 posts

I actually should draw some more, but... I have homework, and I am denying myself the pleasure of drawing until I am done...

He cannot read > >... So just wonderful to stand before that sign, and think something like "what a pretty thing".

5,642 posts


lol I remember seeing that on Exposed, I beleive. lol.
1,044 posts

286... O.0

It's page 300 now!!!!!!!!

Gr, and now drawings too?!

Man, they should just lock this up, I haven't seen poetry in FOREVER.
[Note to Users] You have comment boxes on your profiles, keep the discussion THERE.

Re-Live old thread of mine!

Bars To Fangs
The ground is hard to beat
When your lying there for life
Can't get on your feet
Until they are there to take a life

So as I turn from rods of steel
And turn to a world unreal
Unraveling complete with leather wings
And pungent breath that makes my eyes sting

Is a viridescent body of reptilian hate
Who would've know this was my fate
Of chops and gore
Lay the repulsive core

And so I step in...
The damp warmth within...

5,420 posts

chaozmachine are you smoking something.You mixed this thread up with the poetry contest twice now.Try this thread...Don't do drugs

1,667 posts

Ah Klaus. Where you at? Unless I'm mistaken the deadline is today. And there is only 1 hour and 15 minutes left of today. :'O

4,196 posts

Deadline is Monday...I think....

10,816 posts

Not to dig up the past, but it might be pertinent at this point to explore what constitutes rudeness and what does not, and what an appropriate reaction might be:

Criticism is a tricky thing to navigate, but on this forum we like to use the maxim that constructive criticism is the only acceptable criticism. What would that mean in this context?

I think Cenere raised the objection most aptly- constructive criticism is necessarily relevant. For example I had a friend who, in the middle of a lecture about ophthamology, pointed out a grammatical error to the consultant who had prepared the slides.

The correction was supposed to be helpful but I judged that to be rude in the extreme. Why? It had nothing to do with the content and therefore was disruptive to the lecture. If she really felt the need to point it out (and it may be good to do so as the slides would no doubt be used in future) then she should have done so in private, after the lecture was finished.

How does that relate to this case? You could deduct that I am implying that since Xzeno's comment was misdirected that it was a display of rudeness. Maybe, maybe not, again that is context specific and a matter for each and everybody to decide. Which brings us to the more subjective matter of tone and delivery.

This is the tricky part since on the internet, tone and delivery is difficult to discern as we can't read body language, volume etc. nearly as well. All we have to go on is conventions like bold but reliable examples are few.

Then there is the matter of judging whether a comment is valuable whether or not it is rude. I'm not a DnD player and I know jack-all about why you'd use so many different dice for it, so I found the explanations interesting. Given that dice and DnD jokes based on misunderstandings of the system are very common on the internet, I understood however that none of us purported to have any real knowledge of how DnD works. Where Xzeno appears rude is that his delivery implies that we did, which is presumptuous and also makes him look...not-so-bright. Hence my backhanded response.

That's my breakdown. What you choose to do with it is up to you. I'm not demanding any apologies from anybody as I don't think any are specifically required but just be aware that your behavior here will always somehow reflect on you.

p.s. Thoad, please don't use so many &quotwns" in one post- once in a while is perfectly fine but when your posts start resembling something that'd come out of an unmoderated thread on Newgrounds, I do start twitching :P

5,642 posts

p.s. Thoad, please don't use so many &quotwns" in one post- once in a while is perfectly fine but when your posts start resembling something that'd come out of an unmoderated thread on Newgrounds, I do start twitching :P

w...what are you implying?
So I like to call it a pwn (pronounced pawn, I can't stress this enough guys, PAWN.)berry cloud instead of a TONberrycloud.
what's the matter with that...? :*(
10,816 posts

Well thoad, I'll give you that I don't appreciate the humor of pwnberry cloud, but...I can't resist poking a little off-topic fun here.

Pwnberry cloud here
*hits Xzeno in the face*
pwnberry cloud complete.

That's 3 &quotwns" in 4 lines, which according to the "leet-o-meter" is entirely too much for a respectable forum such as ArmorGames D:

...was I telling somebody they were taking the internet too seriously just now? >.>
5,642 posts

That's 3 &quotwns" in 4 lines, which according to the "leet-o-meter" is entirely too much for a respectable forum such as ArmorGames D:

I'll have to agree with fst6, it's both 1 post, and it was to nadbash a person whom was taking the Interwebz <insert shoopdawhoop reference here> way too seriously. Plus, I would like to point out that 2 of those Pwn's were in the context of the same noun. Nullifying at least 1, or in my book. Thus I win. The "Pwnd" part was in reference of a Pwnberry cloud, because it pwns, that's how it attacks.

You overuse pwn, newgrounds references, and sillyness just as much as I do. Thus, as fst6 said, Hypocrite. lol.

I rest my case. That is my closing statement.

Has the Jury reached a verdict?

Yes, we the jury, find the defendant to be .... <epic tension building silence here> NOT, guilty! For an awesome closing statement.
2,770 posts

Ah Klaus. Where you at? Unless I'm mistaken the deadline is today. And there is only 1 hour and 15 minutes left of today. :'O

It's on monday. :P

And just for clarification deadline is Monday, before I look at the thread. So I will post and give you 2 hours to touch up, then it's closed. And this is all EST time. So yeah. :P
5,642 posts

And this is all EST time.

exactly how east, asia east or eastern coast east?
1,667 posts

It's on monday. :P

whoops. In that case, way to be not late! yay! *cries*
10,816 posts

I was about to respond with another off-topic post, then I realised that it'd only take me about twenty minutes to actually make an entry and be on-topic, you know?

There. You guys can resume being all mutually masturbatory and whatnot :P

10,816 posts

Also, thoad, I believe EST refers only to Eastern Time (US & Canada), which is GMT -5:00.

Showing 2821-2835 of 6854