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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
2,770 posts

I can't seem to find who won last round, so if someone would be so kind as to post it here. If I don't see anything I will just presume no winner. :P


1,667 posts

Zophia won!!! Zomg!!! ZOPHIA! For the love of all that can be loved! Zophia won! [/dramatic yelling of zophia winning]

5,642 posts


Again, expect me to be one of your cases <_< >_>

2,770 posts

Alright, well you must understand that there is a lot of pressure on my first and only guest appearance as judge, so I want to make sure I do things right. I found this hard to do, mainly because there were multiple I found that deserved to be in the top 3, but it doesn't work that way. But I want to say, I loved the entries. So without further ado, here's my judgement! :P

Champions exhibition!

Zophia's 'Displacer'

Cute little thing I must say, and I like the whole displacement idea. Artwork fit for exhibition! But I would have loved some color. Maybe purple? :<

Time for first place. I know some people are better artists than others, you know who you are, and I do take this into consideration, and I still know how much effort was usually put into it so it doesn't matter that you are a good artist, but that you put your full effort not only into the drawing, but the idea. So without any further ranting on how you shouldn't judge my judging. By the way, for the judging I will do 3rd to 1st. To build up the anticipation,and probably confuse people who don't read the titles. :P

Third Place!

Finally! Strop is done judging and I can finally see his entries once again. Great picture done in what I can only presume is MSPaint. Funny picture with an appropriate caption, it's just so fun! Well done as usual Strop. But may I suggest a frilly dress to add to it? Then it could be a D&D rendition of you. =0)

Second Place!

Yeah! Although not the most artistic piece, lots of effort was obviously put into the idea. It's simple, but it really sums up my, and most people who have never played's knowledge of D&D: there are large, cumbersome, and not to mention overly confusing dice. To me, just like KingRyan's die, it looks like chinese to me. And I am sure some day they will be forced to come out with a die so utterly confusing that they will have to pay KingRyan intellectual property rights for it. My only quarrel was that it could have looked better. If you had worked a little more on it, I daresay you might've gotten first. Nice job KR.

First Place

Cenere! =D

Thankfully, like a shining white stead at the last moment, posted a refined version of a great piece of work quite close to the deadline. I am very glad that you got this in on time.
Where to start with this picture, I don't know. Well, I just loved it. The absurdity of dragon's playing D&D is just so silly! And I think what takes this role-reversal over the edge for me, is the glasses. I don't think that this would have had the same impact on me without them. Just the sophisticated look and feel of the dragon having his reading glasses to look at the GM thing. Brilliant. As usual I am always a sucker for these kinds of pictures(saw a picture of ice creams having humans in cones, I died). And I could see them playing us! Although I would have loved a caption, something along the lines of "Rolled a 24, I get to pay off my mortgage!". But I am sure you could think of something better than that. Congratulations cenere! DD

Now that I got that out of the way, time for my patented and copyrighted Klaushouse Awards For Those Who Didn't Win but I Would Feel Bad For Leaving Out Because They Also Put A Lot Of Work Into Their Stuff So I Need To Give Them Fun And Clever Awards That Will Make Them Laugh And Chuckle And Forget The Fact That They Did Not Win And Hate Me For Not Appreciating Their Work As Much As Others Awards!
(in no specific order)

Lovable Reoccurring AG-like Mascot Award

I love Rawr, I really do. He's such a cutie pie. Plus he is playing D&D, and being the savant that he is, he knows never to sully his precious hands and use a 6 sided die.
Plus he is wearing a magicians hat. Hell yeah!

Picture That Reminded Me Most Of Paper Mario Award
The style of this monster is very similar to Paper Mario, with the large thing strokes around the dragon, and the cool cartoony look.
I wasn't sure if this was a D&D monster or a tracing from somewhere, but I really like this drawing Style. Also Firefly seems to be a newcomer, hope you stick around for other competitions, cause I really like this style.

Furriest, And Most Filled With Peppers Award
From the beginning of Sasquatch, I have seen a large improvement in the drawing of him. For this you deserve merit. He looking better. And I think the humor is improving. Quite the hilarity that he thought it was a die that Sasquatch. I am just very much curious on how he will know what he rolled. :P
Keep on rolling in the free world, Sasquatch!

Biggest Portrayed Hypocrite In A Comic Award
Gantic! :O
Such a hypocritical thing to say that they will play M: The Gathering and not Dungeons And Dragons. I took me a while of thinking but after a set amount of time, I really took in this picture and got mad. Not mad at gantic but mad at the guy in it. This picture evoked pathos, which is great. Cause I was genuinely pissed that some guy would have the nerve to not play D&D, yet go and play M....

Creepiest Picture I've Seen In A While Award

thoadthetoad! :S
Don't know if that's what you wanted or not, but that's what you got. The face of the guy flying was creepy, and he seemed to be having some sort of spiritual moment there. I didn't like the dang rookies thing, maybe something about people who play more often would be more appropriate, cause he seemed to be on some sort of power trip. Or you could be saying that noobs goes on power trips when they are GM for the game, which is equally possible, in that case I think it's clever. Or I could just be over analyzing this picture.

Most Likely Monster To Haunt my Dreams For The Next Week
I like the way he looks. Dragon head with a squid-like tentacle body. But I would not want to meet this in a dark alley. Or specifically in my dreams, which I will. He looks interesting and it's original for a monster. Again don't know if you thought him up or not, so yeah. He's cool!

Randomest Entry I Have Seen That Really Is Just Weird Like Look At It Oh God It's Looking Back At Us Stop Looking Award
From what I see, Ash Ketchum, who at this point suffers from anorexia, had a neck transplant for a toothpick, and seemingly has a large tumor in his head, mistook a checker-like board that is I think suppose to be D&D, for a pokemon battle, and the amputee magician whose missing his left arm, and has crippled his right, and is holding a week-old poo, has been misconstrued as a pokemon trainer. I am not sure how D&D boards look like, but google images reassured me it's not like that. :P
This is one odd piece but I can't stop laughing while I look at it! It was a good attempt cholo, keep on trying. !

Well, with that, this concludes my judging. I hope I was fair, I thoroughly enjoyed all the entries and I hope you enjoyed my judging. Now is when I am suppose to pick a new topic for the week? So I guess I will pick something interesting... I have wanted to do this for a while. Now bear with me, this is a strange one, but I want to see what comes out of it. Hopefully something original.

Next Theme is: Rhinos and Penguins!

Due Date?: Tuesday, 24th of February!

Just to clarify, the theme is open to you, do whatever, it just needs to include either reference or anything to atleast 1 rhino and penguin. Now this can be loose, like you could have a rhino-skin bag and a penguin or whatever, just make sure we know this in the picture. :P
Can't wait to see what creative ideas come out of this one. :3

And whoever is new judge, good luck judging this one haha! <3
Update!: Zophia won! Congratulations Zoph, I knew you could do it! :P good luck with this week's theme bwahahaha.

oh god I hope I didn't make any mistakes.
2,770 posts

Update!: Zophia won! Congratulations Zoph, I knew you could do it! :P good luck with this week's theme bwahahah

Well it seems it was a tie between Cen and Zoph and they are both going to share judging(or that's what I got from it. Forgot who on the last page was screaming about Zoph winning, but I was going by there word. I am disappointed in you person.
Anyways congrats both of you!
5,420 posts

no one said that zophia won on the last page of the thread that I could find,but as far as the entry goes.I had recently discovered how to use some new custom effects with the brushes in Photo Shop,that allowed for better textures in their fur.The humor is just stuff that typically pops into my head.Thats typically how it works as far as that goes.Now then what were you trying to gain from choosing such an annoying theme again?

5,642 posts

Don't know if that's what you wanted or not, but that's what you got. The face of the guy flying was creepy, and he seemed to be having some sort of spiritual moment there. I didn't like the dang rookies thing, maybe something about people who play more often would be more appropriate, cause he seemed to be on some sort of power trip. Or you could be saying that noobs goes on power trips when they are GM for the game, which is equally possible, in that case I think it's clever. Or I could just be over analyzing this picture.

Well, the whole thing was a joke about how moms and mtv think that DnD is a way to do dark and demonic rituals. I made the rookies (The guy all freaked out and the guy on the evil power trip) be new to the power, one afraid of it, and one extremely embraced by it. The long timer was saying "Dang rookies" Because he was a little PO'd that whenever a rookie plays for the first time, they either get all freaked out because their friend is power tripping, or because the rookie is power tripping on Satan. It just seems you didn't quite get the joke entirely. IT was a joke of sarcasm on why the media blows DnD into hell because the church thinks it's demonic. The caption to it was even, "You know all those claims from MTV and the news saying that DnD is a way to contact their dark lord and master? This pic proves that it is true." That gives you the sense of sarcasm in the picture (or at least I intended that). So yeah :P lol.
However, I did not totally get the idea, it was more inspired by:
huh, can't find it, it's some series on newgrounds though *shrug*
2,770 posts

Now then what were you trying to gain from choosing such an annoying theme again?

Dunno. :3

I want to see what people do with such a broad subject. Cause really Rhinos and Penguins don't fit together, live in different places. So I think this will be a real stretch on your imagination, and will be a test of who can really think out of the box to make this seem as natural as possible!

no one said that zophia won on the last page of the thread that I could find

Zophia won!!! Zomg!!! ZOPHIA! For the love of all that can be loved! Zophia won! [/dramatic yelling of zophia winning]

,but as far as the entry goes.I had recently discovered how to use some new custom effects with the brushes in Photo Shop,that allowed for better textures in their fur.The humor is just stuff that typically pops into my head.

Well keep it up bud, cause it's great.
5,642 posts

I want to see what people do with such a broad subject. Cause really Rhinos and Penguins don't fit together, live in different places. So I think this will be a real stretch on your imagination, and will be a test of who can really think out of the box to make this seem as natural as possible!

I have the perfect Idea.
2,770 posts

Well, the whole thing was a joke about how moms and mtv think that DnD is a way to do dark and demonic rituals. I made the rookies (The guy all freaked out and the guy on the evil power trip) be new to the power, one afraid of it, and one extremely embraced by it. The long timer was saying "Dang rookies" Because he was a little PO'd that whenever a rookie plays for the first time, they either get all freaked out because their friend is power tripping, or because the rookie is power tripping on Satan. It just seems you didn't quite get the joke entirely. IT was a joke of sarcasm on why the media blows DnD into hell because the church thinks it's demonic. The caption to it was even, "You know all those claims from MTV and the news saying that DnD is a way to contact their dark lord and master? This pic proves that it is true." That gives you the sense of sarcasm in the picture (or at least I intended that). So yeah :P lol.
However, I did not totally get the idea, it was more inspired by:
huh, can't find it, it's some series on newgrounds though *shrug*

Ahh ok. :P
I never keep track of my D&D news but I can see the church and media denouncing D&D as a gateway to Satan. As for the series on NG, many make reference to D&D, be it Retarded Animal Babies, the 8Bit series, or I believe that squirrel thing that goes on rants, Foamy I believe his name is.
5,642 posts

As for the series on NG, many make reference to D&D, be it Retarded Animal Babies, the 8Bit series, or I believe that squirrel thing that goes on rants, Foamy I believe his name is.

that is a good point, I forgot it anyways :P it was on the front page, at one point of time :P
4,196 posts


I...came...second??!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! You're an aweomse judge Klaus! And there wasn't ONE sexual reference! Its a miracle...I am so surprised i'm not yelling KKKKKLLLLLAAAAAUUUUSSSS!!!!!! Right about now...

Well Done..!

13,657 posts

Slight edit of the deadline, because... I have the mornings to do the judging. But I will have to figure out which day is the best (not the weekend, and not Thursdays > &gt

Next Theme is: Rhinos and Penguins!
Due Date: Monday, 23th of February!

Just to clarify, the theme is open to you, do whatever, it just needs to include either reference or anything to atleast 1 rhino and penguin. Now this can be loose, like you could have a rhino-skin bag and a penguin or whatever, just make sure we know this in the picture. :P
Can't wait to see what creative ideas come out of this one. :3

So yeah, official judge for now. I do not know if Zophia is going to judge anything, but that is not really mine to explain.

And thanks, Klaus, for the wonderful(ly evil) theme!

Hmm, just realized that will be my last merit in the next long time, unless I want to... comment games!
4,196 posts

Hmm, just realized that will be my last merit in the next long time, unless I want to... comment games!

Animation Contest. Poetry Contest.

Which reminds me to poke Zoph...otherwise something may have to be done!
5,642 posts

on a non-topic point....
HA! I got to 3k posts before you CENERE! I ROCK YEAH!!!!
<_< I refuse to let yet another person beat me in my race uh, goal.
I have the perfect Idea for this, but I don't have half the skill to do what I want to do.... -+

Showing 2866-2880 of 6854