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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

6854 5531600
6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
5,420 posts

hmm a mod double post fail?Also so far I have put up two images,and not a single comment on either one....thats a bit odd.

10,816 posts

Oh yeah, my browser was acting funny and I didn't notice as the posts originally went over the page. Before I deleted one!

I haven't commented on your images because the latter isn't official and the former I don't think I've seen. Was it official?

5,420 posts

the second one is an edited version of my official entry,which is on 309.I can't say it is probably one of my funniest,but I am not sure if I will ever be able to pull off those same grass effects like that in the near future,as I did not save the original presets for the brush I had(In photo shop it allows you to change settings for the brush itself,and when you do this you can save those settings as things called presets.I was saying that I didn't do that,just so you know what I am talking about)Anyways whatever the case my official entry is on 309

9,434 posts

Working on the judging now, we are~
And mwuahahaha. You won't get to see our entries before the judging gets posted.

13,657 posts

Judging delayed because I am a horrible idiot that only think of what can make me better.
Horrible horrible person. Me.

9,434 posts

Judging delayed because misunderstandings from my side let to an argument, and now Cen is doing the usual "all my fault" thing, while it really is quite the opposite.

And Cholo. I liked you first entry better.

13,657 posts

all my fault... it is... but I have commented each entry now, just waiting for Zophia to decide if she still wants to be a part of it (seemingly not)......

1,667 posts

And Cholo. I liked you first entry better.

Uhh thanks? Haha, I just kinda doodled random stuff on MS paint. The second one was inspired by Old Gregg. But yeah, thanks I guess.

Awh guys come on. If you two cant judge together then take turns judging. Less arguments, less stress, more variety in winners. Just no more fighting or guilt trips. k? Thanks. ^^
13,657 posts

C: The beginning of a new and... wonderful... era!!
Finally we got ourselves together and voted, and I will proudly present the result, again:
Zophia WON! And I will make sure she will be judging, as I won as well. Wonderful thing about ties, eh?

Z: Indeed... I'll stop being so inactive, and if I fall back to it, punt me.
Btw, realized we're the ZC? We counter the ZSC! Or... Somefing...

C: ... Anyway, just ignoring the Champions exhibition, because...
(Z: This is basically just a Champions Exhibit with mine added in because you feel like it, innit?)(C: Bah..)
Instead we have procastinated, because judging is tiresome.

And to the judging:
The winner is...


C: I like this drawing. Pretty much the same feeling about it, as with Gabriels Trumpet. Childish glee in a blend with understanding, and the voice in my head that says "I see dead penguin".
Another good, though cryptical picture. And this time easy to understand.
Z: Immediate win vibe hit me when I first saw it, and that just lasted... Quite well made, though I think it could have been tweaked to look even better. Took me a few seconds to see the penguin, btw.


Z: Almost tempted to say thank you for not using photobucket... Yours was one of the few I could actually see while I was away from home. And I like it. You did a good job on both the technical parts of drawing and the idea portrayed. I'm still not sure who Lt. is, though. The penguin? This entry would have been a bit more win if the tank had been a rhino (dunno if there is a tank model called rhino, but you hopefully get my point), but it is still win. At least 2nd place win.
C: Agree. And the rhinopart is the penguin, Zophia. He is called Lt. Rhino. Let us just ignore the missing rhino, they get all the fame anyway.
Z: You write like I'm an idiot... >_> I knew that, it just wasn't clear.
C:Sorry... *corrects a lot of Zophia's corrections with a sly smirk*
Anyway, for the third... Well... *stares at Zophia walking off* I knew it...
Z: ... You know why. *corrects one of you corrections with a frown*
C: Huh?



C: Never played Donkey Kong ever, but still find this, if not funny, then somewhat cute. I think Zophia's comment was "It looks like an elephant without a trunk", and... It does. But that is the charm.
Z: That was a Donkey Kong reference? I feel slow again now... But it is cute.

C: For the next entry, I one thing to say: I still do not get it.


C: If you had not chosen this one as your official entry, you would have had the 3. place. Zophia was voting for you, until.. she found out about this... No, still not getting it.
Z: I lieked the misshapen elephant from the other entry! D: And I think I should find out what the heck is with this Greg thingy.
C: We will never knoooow...


C: Your style is getting better, Crimson. A lot, actually. The expressiveness and the ways of Sasquatch is increasingly more realistic in a cartoony way. And the - non-entry was rather nice as well, though red is not Sas's colour.
Z: I... Don't think I have anything to add to that.
C: It is stunning, huh.


C: Uhm... Run, penguin, run?
Z: *gives the rhino coffee* *the rhino runs faster and stomps the penguin flat against the FST6s*
C: Lack of comments < <..
Z: Yep. It's still sort of... Cute, though.


C: I am pretty sure most of my high school class would ask if it was some kind of pokemon. Actually, the design is better than most of the fourthgens, at least more original.
Not so penguiny and rhinoy as I was hoping, though.
Z: O_o The crossbreeding went too far on this!


C: Actually my first thought. I do not really like tag-style writing (because it is hard to read, and annoying to look at), but the penguin and rhino question itself is okay. Hmm, graffitti penguin? And I hope this was your official entry. And not the other. Yes.
Z: I possibly like those letters better than Cenere. Would have been nice with some colours on them, though. But nice work.


C: Obey the command of... But really good paint rhino! Somehow rhinos tend to be annoyingly hard to draw.
Z: I don't get the caption. It's pretty well drawn, but... Wtf? Obey the command of what? What is it with these red eyed creatures? Where did that penguin come from on that grassy field? Why do I keep asking completely pointless questions? I'll stop now...
C: You missed the "We might know in the next episode!"

And just gonna mention

C: Because there was no official entry, and.. It still looks good.
Z: Light effects... *drool*
C: *pokes with stick*
Z: *mistakes stick for light effect, drools on it*

Z: Okay, that's about it... Hopefully it will be a bit easier next time (our text editing programs seemed to have some issues with each other, and ... yeah).
Double judging ftw in the future, hopefully?
C: Without all the trouble with me as well... *yawn*
Z: Wasn't your fault~ So. Generally just without the trouble.
C: Yes.. You know, the only thing we need now is to agree on a theme. Piece of cake... Portal?
Z: But the cake is a lie?
C: Naaaw, just thought I had found the perfect theme... :<
Z: There is no perfect theme! But... Portals and spoons? Just to continue the weirdness of rhinos and penguins? Or?
C: Ooooh!! Niiiceee!!!
Z: We has a theme! :3
C: Yeah. So... Stay tuned, and we will pop in next week!

Z: Theme: Portals and spoons
Deadline: February 30th...
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
C: Second, Zoph, February the 2nd.
Z: Oh, right... That was weeks ago, dear. It's March next month. :P
C: *facepalm* *headdesk* Next Monday okay baibai!!

9,434 posts

It's a judging!

Awh guys come on. If you two cant judge together then take turns judging. Less arguments, less stress, more variety in winners. Just no more fighting or guilt trips. k? Thanks. ^^
We can do it together,we just need to agree on the way we do it. X);
13,657 posts

When: 2nd of March.
What: Portals and spoons
Who: Us.

Look at the end of the post:P

13,657 posts

As you have seen, I do not know the date > >...

9,434 posts

Wrong! I'm the one who doesn't know the date, you're the one who can't tell the months apart.

13,657 posts

We are screwed!! D8
Why do I have this sudden urge to draw Cen and Kai ... expressions...

5,420 posts

if this was the animation competition it would be a great excuse for me to test out my new knowledge on using masks in Flash CS4,but since its the Art Competition I will have to figure something out.

Showing 2941-2955 of 6854