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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

6854 5534849
6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
5,642 posts

So stop it, or I will brush you with the ban next time.

I would waltz in here and say that it should be the other way around, but I can only assume it's an attempt at being humourous with your banbrush....unless you really did screw up, in such case it's just a lawlfail.
288 posts


Now, I would appreciate people not posting here until the judging has been done, as there is nothing constructive said besides that you hate the theme, and are impatient about the judging.

Hear that thoad? *says "shut up" in a non abusive way*
9,434 posts

I would waltz in here and say that it should be the other way around, but I can only assume it's an attempt at being humourous with your banbrush....unless you really did screw up, in such case it's just a lawlfail.
It's just an attempt. My ban brush is teh ban, and I shall brush ye all with it, if ye does not behave.

Sorry I just didn't think you would mind I was only messing, can Cenere and Zoph forgive me and for get this happened?Again sorry guys didn't know it would hurt your feelings.
Sure, apology accepted, just don't repeat the pattern~

Judging plz?
13,657 posts

Z: So, uhm, yes... This much delayed judging. *unpacking tomatoes, preparing bread* Nom?
C: Yeah... Food... ... Anyway, cutting straight to the point:
Crimson won last time. Yeah...
Z: And made quite a good entry this time around too. At least rather amusing if you know the background for it~
C: I need a new tablet... And the winner of this round:

Z: The let-tab~ I'd never heard of a tab before. What does it taste like?
C: Probably like regular soda.
Z: *googles, can't find the info* Ohhh... Why didn't anyone draw guitar tabs?
C: They did not think of it? Besides, a little guitar tab?
*cough* Tab
Z: Hmm, dunno~ And I found that too, but failed my spot check on where the taste is described. Anyway, sidetracks aside~
C: Uhm, yes... My comment... Just nice.
The next was... Uhm...
Z: Ogt2, yes?
C: Yeah, the one with all the tablets AND the pills. Rather amusing, though the background colours annoy my eyes quite a bit.
Z: *nomming sandwich* Habby covours~ *finishes chewing* And creative combination of them. Still a mystery with the gel cabs (caps?), and could have used a soda, some guitar tabs, and a browser in the background. For the max tab'ing~ But tabletwise, nice filling.
C: But still annoy my eyes.
Z: Sowwy.
C: Oh well.

We got Thoad and Mike for the third place.
Thoad first I guess.
Z: Yes, Thoad, mocking tablet writing?
C: And a pencil... For some reason unclear to me...
Z: I think he might just not know how to draw a stylus. Or maybe he wrote it on the tablet with a pencil?
C: We will never know... Unless we ask him, of course. Now... Uhm, Mike.
Z: Who fails, for writing "win AG Art" on his list of goals... But it's still a good drawing.
C: Nemesis in the shape of a moderator. How cruel. Hmm, I have some of those things on my list as well...
Z: Yes?
C: Buy Flash... Anyway, the rest in a random... randomnes.

Z: Minimalist award, had we used awards.
I actually really like it, though. Pun!
C: I never got it... Still do not....
Z: Table let's talk. Say that fast in a certain way, you get "tablet's talk".
C: Oooh.... ... *slow hesistant exhale* Pixie?

Right here
Z: Oh yes. Lol. Would require quite a large mouth to swallow those tablets~
C: It is for God... Oh, wait, Pix is an atheist... It is there... For some... reason...
Z: For a super nova to calm down the burning sensation.
C: Pftahahahaaa!! Fantastic!!
Z: ^^
C: *continues giggles*
Z: *noms sammich #2*
C: *goes from giggles to a deep depressed sigh* Oh, well...

Z: Oh yes. The one with the tablet part being that it is drawn with his new tablet?
C: Yes. Well, most of my drawings could fit that, then..
Z: Bwahaha. Yeah...
Glad to see he's enjoying it, though.
C: Well, it is rather nice...

Z: I don't know Scottish accents well enough to have an opinion of that.
C: Uhm... ... *another slow, hesistant exhale* Food?
Z: Yes! Cen... *pokes bread and tomatoes at screen* Eat!
C: But, I have eaten... Sort of...
Z: Clearly not enough.
C: How'd you know... It is not like I am passing out or anything.. yet...
Z: *tomato juice now dribbles down screen*
C: Not my fault, you know...
Z: We need screens that can teleport food. Srsly.
Anyway, we have... Zega-
C: The so called "What the heck" entry...
Z: Yup. That pretty much sums that up.
C: Yeah. Last but not least, we got Gantic.
Z: Mouse on tablet~
C: Har har har...
Z: Uh?
C: Uhm, devolution. Yeah...
Z: Yup. *has nothing further to say*
C: Oh, well, that was it.
Remember, the theme is "But to be stopped on the stairs, to be forced to listen to her trivial, irrelevant gossip, to pestering demands for payment, threats and complaints, and to rack his brains for excuses, to prevaricate, to lie--no, rather than that, he would creep down the stairs like a cat and slip out unseen."
And the deadline is on Monday.
And it would be nice with something else than... what have been entered already...
Z: Oh yes the theme. Your theme? This means I get to pick one next week?
C: Hmm, sure.
Z: Yay~ >:3
C: Yeah. And sorry for my... Absent-mindedness... "At these moments he would become conscious that his ideas were sometimes in a tangle and that he was very weak; for two days he had scarcely tasted food." *Dizzy smile*

2,278 posts

Sure, apology accepted, just don't repeat the pattern~

I hope I don't.

Congrats on winning Necromancer, and congrats on coming second Ogt.
5,420 posts

yes my first time being in the Champions my self.Anyways I guess at this point its a matter of just waiting...

288 posts

O.O I got second place...*faints*

2,278 posts

You did very well Ogt you were so close to winning maybe you may win this week.

5,642 posts

Z: I think he might just not know how to draw a stylus. Or maybe he wrote it on the tablet with a pencil?

It was meant to give a sense of Irony, the top one says that it was done with a mouse, and there's a lot of complicated (yet half assed) designs around it, so with the writing saying "I wrote this with a tablet" had a preschoolish feel to it, attacking all who saw it with Irony. I guess you just didn't get the point of the pencil, which was to give it a sense of kiddish nature...but w/e.

P.S. I do know how to draw a stylus, tyvm.
5,642 posts
Yet another attack of irony, only a more simple, retarded and unappealing joke this time. Fear the irony or embrace it, either way your gonna get a <bleep>shot all over your chest.

5,420 posts

Thoad that was a perfect use of the theme in my opinion.In a way its the "Make fun of the really long theme"....theme though I don't speak DDR,could you try to translate the second part for me?

5,642 posts

Thoad that was a perfect use of the theme in my opinion.In a way its the "Make fun of the really long theme"....theme though I don't speak DDR,could you try to translate the second part for me?

I actually used wingdings 3, and then just copy/pasted the entire thing from the page here, so it's actually the exact same thing. On a side note, I think that Cen is gender confused of himself because he referred as himself a "she" and not a "he" once (maybe twice) in the passage...well then again she was drunk off of no food/sustenance...hang in there I s'ose.
13,657 posts

... Even now with a more ... simple rephrase of the theme, people are still..
And besides it is... making fun of the lenght... It has nothing to do with the theme.... At least I can get a feel of the will to actually think something up... To be creative... To be artists.....

5,420 posts

I actually used wingdings 3, and then just copy/pasted the entire thing from the page here, so it's actually the exact same thing.

I know,I kind of figured that out when I saw it,but I was too tempted to joke the fact that it looked like the arrows from DDR.
13,657 posts

On a side note, I think that Cen is gender confused of himself because he referred as himself a "she" and not a "he" once (maybe twice) in the passage...well then again she was drunk off of no food/sustenance...hang in there I s'ose.

Examples, Thoad? What passage? The theme? The other quote in the end of the judging? Or is it just you keeping up the she to a degree that you are starting to hallucinate....
Showing 3271-3285 of 6854