ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
9,434 posts

Hmm... *concludes that I disregarded Cen's comment about Strop's entry, partly 'cause I was distracted at the time, partly 'cause I expect them to friendly bash each other somehow* ... Hm.

... Hmm.

5,420 posts

Zophia....hmmm....its strange how much you said hmm....don't you think hmm....anyways hmm....I think somethings at times are blown out of proportions at times because of poor wording or miscommunication hmm.....Thats all I have to say for now....oh except hmm.

2,202 posts

Hmmmmm, lol, we should, hmmmmm, all talk like this from now on hm?

Hmmmm, perhaps I'll make an entry this time, hm, don't feel lazy hmm, but I don't have an idea hmmmmm. HMMMMMM, I'll make something completely random, hmmm, that doesn't really make sense hmm.

Hmmmm, a poorly drawn flag, hmmmmmm, and a stick figure hmm, and a peice of land...hmmmm. Yes. Yes, that is genius. Epic Genius. Epic Possum Genius!!! EPIC POSSUM GENIUS! I SAY!

9,434 posts

I think somethings at times are blown out of proportions at times because of poor wording or miscommunication
Happens on a weekly basis here.

Would it have been more fit to say that entry of Strop's is simply ... below his standards? Unless including sketches...

Also, it annoys me that the not-so-PG13ish stuff that it put in my head is now stuck there. Darn you for discussing it so much (and... why didn't ye just take it up over MSN?)...

... It's fun to piss people off, though~ Occasionally~
9,434 posts

And guys... Putting a hmm in between every other word just creates odd breaks in the flow odd your sentences.

That wasn't what I did... I just emulated a thought/action bubble with asterixes, so that my post wouldn't only be hmms. >_>

5,420 posts

OK,well I thought before I go to bed that I would throw this updated piece up on the wall of slightly charred thread we like to call the Art Skills Competition.

5,420 posts

And guys... Putting a hmm in between every other word just creates odd breaks in the flow odd your sentences.

That wasn't what I did... I just emulated a thought/action bubble with asterisks, so that my post wouldn't only be hmms. >_>

Did I mention that things are sometimes blown out of proportions?

Also I forgot to add that since I didn't create that British flag thats not an official updated entry but more of a side note.I somehow got the hats the British loyal guard wear and those Russian hats that you can find on Google mixed up so instead of fixing it I just did that because I am lazy.
2,202 posts

Did I mention that things are sometimes blown out of proportions?

Yes yes, extreme exaggeration it is!
I really did try my best:
Yes, I'm mourning my crayons atm...crayons I never had.

Country Country Country. Music Nation Region. Yay for bad references =D
But hey, it sure is country.
10,816 posts

srs bizniss (at the risk of, say, blowing something out of proportion):

Would it have been more fit to say that entry of Strop's is simply ... below his standards? Unless including sketches...

That's correct, as best as I can tell it could have been (much) better. It was a ten-minute sketch, unlike the Super-Raskolnikov comic strip which took 3 hours. But I was pleased with the idea of it, which was completely overlooked. That's okay too, since the job of the judge is simply to judge, not to be comprehensive about it. Also possible (even likely) is that I failed to communicate the idea effectively.

Whether it should have been better, looked like Strop had been "hit in the face with a shark", and what is meant by "looks off" is more subjective. I am thus exercising my right to protest these expressions.

The reason I got stressed out when I was the judge for this thread was because I kept these things foremost in mind, and it can be a delicate balancing act. As I said earlier, however, this is only important if you wish to be considerate...and there are places where being a, shall we say, character is desirable! (Hint hint...oh, it will be made so very clear in the coming weeks...)

Short version- I was slightly miffed, I hinted so. I got slightly more miffed at the response. Cenere will probably read this huge spiel for the first time when he logs on again and be -_-; (unpleasant side-effect of discussing a small issue on a public forum) but that's not what I want, the only reason I'm discussing this is really because I'm discussing around it. For future reference, hopefully.

less srs bizniss:

Also, it annoys me that the not-so-PG13ish stuff that it put in my head is now stuck there. Darn you for discussing it so much

But I didn't discuss it at all D:
9,434 posts

But I was pleased with the idea of it, which was completely overlooked.
T'was not.
Idea of it wasn't particularly clear, though, at least not to me. I do realize that I can occasionally be rather ignorant and really need things cut out before I see what they are, but my first impression of it is still what it looks like to me...
Mind in gutter, maybe. Or perhaps that is actually what you meant it to be, and... @_@

Also possible (even likely) is that I failed to communicate the idea effectively.
I reply before I finish reading~ *points up* Bwahaha.

And okies to the rest... Ish. Considerate is boring, though. Also, I've concluded that I'm not really good at it. Just be glad the DM didn't get back~

But I didn't discuss it at all D:
11,891 posts

Still kinda wish he'd have done the tongue thing though.

It would have been cooked. Placed on a china plate. Au jus. With chopped chives.

Needless to say, it is delicious, obviously because it is pork.

hmm Cholokid I'm not sure I understand your entry.The guy is in the country as in a rural area,but other then that I don't quite get it.

It's a pun. It could have been more literal if, say, each tree had two branches sticking out on opposite sides.

As for this theme, it's too hard not to think of a political joke or an Australia joke, and the latter comes far too easy at far too low a joke threshold.
10,816 posts

I would have laughed if I'd gotten a DM based on other people's mistaken impressions.

I dunno, maybe people no longer press their fingers to their lips to say hush. I'll wind things up, though, and say no more on the topic.

You may post your Australia joke, Gantic, chances are I'd let you get away with it!

9,434 posts

I would have laughed if I'd gotten a DM based on other people's mistaken impressions.
That... Whut?
You know, that people thought you'd win didn't have anything to do with that you didn't. My mention of a DM... A good reason for not bringing it back, is that both me and Cen would probably be more likely to be mean rather than funny when it comes to picking out a dishonorable mention.


Also, would you please explain your No Words entry? ;__;
2,120 posts

Hmm, trying to decide whether to change mine to something about music or Canada not wanting to be a hat.

4,196 posts

I've seen that hat thing somewhere else...hmmm....

I can't remember where though...

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