ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
9,434 posts

quote a single person and then say "You" I would assume you are talking to that single person, unless you said otherwise.
I would agree, but English you/you thing is really annoying to handle sometimes.
Woul be easier if it was still thou/you.

And what Bronze said. >_>

Also I made something for just about every theme that was too specific or too broad...and at first I thought the word to only have 2 meanings, but then I looked at and it has 55 definitions, including phrases that can be used with that word.
o.o Broad theme is broad.
5,838 posts

Fuck knows.... I decided I liked the colour red while I made this

13,657 posts

Sorry for being so... vague in my scolding. I still have had complains about a good bunch of the themes, either as jokes or actual complains, and it seems that no theme is good enough for some people.

2,417 posts

and it seems that no theme is good enough for some people

We could do dragons *winkwink*, not a very creative theme but who doesn't like the scaley dudes?
2,128 posts

and it seems that no theme is good enough for some people.

Random Ideas~


And Words you may actually use~

-Video Games
13,657 posts


Kinda have been used.

And the rest, they are either rather broad or rather vague, or both.

Hmm, at some point I regret the theme was not "Close", just because of the opportunity to make fanart > >;
Anyway, I will just lean back and enjoy the show.
2,417 posts

What about the winner picking the theme? Everyone who actually post here comes here regularly, so there shouldn't be much of a wait.

5,838 posts

What about the winner picking the theme? Everyone who actually post here comes here regularly, so there shouldn't be much of a wait.

With the current "judge choosing theme" there is less moaning than ther is when the winner chooses... then the judge might not like it or the participants might not so it changes and gets confusing etc.
859 posts

OH darn, just realised i had already entered

13,657 posts

With the current "judge choosing theme" there is less moaning than ther is when the winner chooses... then the judge might not like it or the participants might not so it changes and gets confusing etc.

As it is the judge(s) that is judging the theme, it is often the easiest if they choose. Then there is some actual thought behind it, and people will be yelling that the judges instead of flaming the winner.
For most part, it is kinda hard judging a theme someone else has chosen, simply because what is laid weight on might be something different for the winner and for the judge.
9,434 posts

Judging might be late tomorrow, as I do not have internet at home and have a lot of stuff to do during the day, so not sure I'll be able to get somewhere where I can borrow a connection.

Just saying.

2,417 posts

Well I don't think anymore entries are coming in so I'm gonna do my mock judging, and I don't think Klaus is gonna do it so my new tradition failed . Also, I'm not gonna judge mine because I would be biased .

1st: Cenere and his two figures. A lot of emotion in this one, the guy keeping girl (I guess) and all. Is that done with paint? If so very well done, only beef I got is I can't really tell the where the legs apart in the shadowy area and it appears that the left leg is at an awkward bend.
2nd: Crimson and his little castle scene. Now you always impress me crimson, but I guess I'm not the best judge for your work because I have no experience with any art program except MS Paint, but I like it anyway! I really like the expressions of the characters and I really like the fire. What I don't like is that the actually castle wall doesn't look solid (more like a marshmellow) and the door is all 'bent' lookin.
3rd Zlith and his super protected cookies, really I picked this because almost everyone did paint and I just picked the most complicated one XD. Well even though I know that the light circles aren't cookies anymore, but they could still be more solid.

The Rest
Owen's: It is definately a solid structure, well done but is all straight edges. A simple green ground might of been good too.
Marton's:Same for owen really, but I see you mad a nice curved gate . "Stay thy **** out", eh? I guess it would be funny to hear them talk that way.
Jdogg's: Don't get it really, but maybe I'm just stupid. It is a dollar I guess, I like the pyramid, but I also think you were trying to push the 'keep' issue to much :P
GuitarHero's: Lol, the shuckles? Well that is what you get when you spend a minute on something, plus the middle bar is floating :P
Zega's: Well if you don't have any idea, then how am I supposed to? The clouds are good. *sigh* I'm just mad because I know you can do a lot better ,because I've seen your other stuff. Could you not really figure out something to do for this theme?
Raptor's: It is very stylized and I like it. It just don't know what to do with it because I don't know what dragon cave is.
Thoad's: Now I was about to put this in the top 3 because I'm biased towards hand-drawings. The prespective is good, I just don't know if I'm looking out a window or at a picture. And holy crap man, that dragon is huge, probably viewable from the moon XD.
Pixie's: The little guy on that HUGE safe is funny. Wish you could of made the safe more square though.

And then there is mine, well I'm not gonna say anything about it.

9,434 posts

So the theme is Keep.
And we lost a judge to school stress... Again... :<

Oh well.

Judging this round might seem slightly rushed, but considering I'm doing this from a public library, you'll just have to live with it~

I don't think there was something for the Champ's Exhibit? Or was there? Terribly sorry If I've missed any entries, I missed one last round, but Cenere fortunately noticed... No Cen to cover my donkey this time. (No, I didn't know I had a donkey either.)

First place

The gradient you used for the fire brush stamps needs more work. Unless you went for crimson fire, in which case it maybe only needs a slight colour tweak.
But ut's funny, and as usual you have managed some good, simple expressions^^ Particularly Yeti's~

Second place

As for association with the theme, I still see it as a "My axe, you can stab me all you want, you're not getting it;" kinda thing. Nice armor, and you're definitely working towards some good movement in your style. It still stiff, but you seem to know at least some of what needs work, and you're working on it.

Third place

Simplistic. A little difficult to make out the details, but that is probably the idea. It's sweet. And nice to see that meaning of 'keep' in the contest too.


The simplistic award or something~
Good solid brick laying, not really much else to say. A slightly dull entry, but at least it is an entry. Nice looking earth tones for the colouring. You should possibly have angled the vertical lines at the - roof, too make it seem less flat.


Slightly more complex and detailed than Owen's. Not sure what the **** is supposed to censor... Good detail with the nails in the draw bridge, but the rooftops really lack any sort of detail. Nice fortress, though~


1 keep? How much is that in dollar? 1? Interesting idea, neatly executed~ Very green. I like green. A bit neonlike, though.


Really good detail with all the little chains and locks~
It looks like a LOT of copy/pasting, but it's set up so it looks good. The spotlights loo really weird, though. Not too badly for a Paint drawing, but... It doesn't look like spotlights, more like spots.
*gives cookie for the secret stash*


Oh noes! Escape! Gotta keep trying to catch 'em all, then~
Is your scanner still broken, btw?


... I really don't have any idea either... And I don't speak French...


Ohhh, HATE when that happens. I really like this entry, and I find it really funny, but it just missed out on the top three. You can have a cookie, though~ *gives*
Really well drawn in a sweet simplistic style.


Still kinda sad you didn't go for making a whole three image entry as you originally planned, but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to get you to do with it.
That dragon looks huge, btw. Not sure what else to say about it... Little people defending their keep from big dragon?


If that little guy is to keep safe, think he should probably get down from the huge safe... Unless that's the safe he's trying to keep... Augh! *death by puns*

*randomly respawns*
Oh right, theme.

I'm gonna shove the deadline to Sundays because Mondays don't fit as well into my being online as Sundays do. Actually Saturdays would be even better, but I won't cut the round that short.

Now, after considering themes such as 'Monsters', 'Dream Eater', 'Nightmare' and similar, I've arrived at this:

Theme: Cute
Deadline: September 6th

That's right, drown the ASC with all the disgusting or just adorable cuteness you can.
Feel free to associate it with the other themes I considered, 'cause they're like ttly related. :3

9,434 posts

Crap, I didn't notice I misspelled Pixie's name.
I'm not gonna retype the whole BBcoding for that. Apologies will have to do. Sorry about any and all typos in the judging. D:

13,657 posts

Is that done with paint?

Why yes, yes it is.

A little difficult to make out the details, but that is probably the idea.

Pft, who needs details anyway!
Contrast is goooood fooor yooou!!

And If can actually manage to get done with what struck me as a decent idea today, I will enter. Otherwise... I might enter in Saturday with something rushed...
Or not enter at all, would be better for studying....
Showing 5716-5730 of 6854