ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
859 posts

I haz no pokemon games, so I dunno if they are crappy or not :P.

I don't even like pokemon that much XD. I just used to play it when i was like 10. that's why i have no idea about any 4th gen except Piplup
896 posts

I don't even like pokemon that much XD. I just used to play it when i was like 10. that's why i have no idea about any 4th gen except Piplup

I used to love pokemon (knew all 1st gens by heart) when I was 5. For some reason I stopped, and now I rediscovered them. I like them a lot now. Will buy platinum when I can. Drawing the pokemon is allowed right?
6,921 posts

Of course it is allowed!..

859 posts

I used to love pokemon (knew all 1st gens by heart)

i sitll know most of the 1st and 2nd gen off by heart
896 posts

Then 4th generation I have no idea what they are.

There are some pretty awesome ones *coughchatotcough*. When's deadline? does it matter that the cursor and the selection square is shown? :O
2,128 posts

Deadline is...Today O:


9,434 posts

Yes it is, and goshdarnit (or, you know, the more censored version of that), I REALLY wanted to get judging done on time, but it's just not happening. Stress cramps and headache wants to push judging to tomorrow. Sorry. But oh well, you've been used to Monday as deadline.

does it matter that the cursor and the selection square is shown? :O
Only for aesthetics.
2,128 posts

âYou can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the futureâ

We can Wait.

896 posts


what the hell is that? lawl.
2,417 posts

Mock judging round 3, woot! And a special thanks to Zoph for conveniently had to post-pone judging. Once again I'm gonna leave mine out, but I will talk about it a little.

1st: Cenere! A may not think dragons are cute, but I'm about the only one here who thinks that. NOTE, your picture isn't loading for me right now, so this critique is off memory. The mesh/scale detail on the mom(?) is a little sloppy and some of the edges of the egg are invisible. I can't say anything else since I can't remember...
2nd: Zega. If there was a deffinition of cute, your little yellow guy would be it. Good shading for paint. You really made it look bright and cheery. I might of left the outline of the sun out, but overall very cute!
3rd: RaptoooordoubleX. Really good job here. Nice simple shadings/highlights. Is that paint, if it is, very nice symmetry. The main thing against it is that the colors are very dull, which kind of takes away from the cheery effect. Also, does it make sense to say that it is more of a happy picture instead of a cute one?
Da Rest

Perslos's: Nice smiley + c/p = neat idea. Executed well. Once again, it seems more of a happy thing than a cute one if that makes sense. > <
Guitar's: The Pac maneth troupe. It is cute, so good job there. Is there shading, it is such a minimal difference in color that I keep second guessing myself (color blind maybe > &lt. The little black specks on Mr. Pacman's head(?) seems completely out of place and the little one's hat is perfectly bending with the contour of his head, and that is just odd.
Pixie's: Bambieraptor is a cute name. You have a nice raptor there, some points of heavy detail but some areas that show a lack of effort (like the dark blue squiggly line that goes over the edges in a few places. Also, I would of left out the cute fruit, funny yes, but it just seems like you were trying to pass the cute card to hard (awesome rhyme).
Goumas's: Awesome little kid there, problem is that I would be called a pedo for calling it cute. Other than that very good cartoon character, in fact I can see it being in the top 3. Also, the big fat middle finger made me laugh.
Supapikl's: I guess the bloody one is the one to be judged? Well, it kind of is cute in a very disturbing further comment.
Jdoggparty's: Slicked back hair deffinatly helped, I think that a little pink top would of been ok and not really hurt the fancy pants theme. True love is very adorable, good job.
Thoad's: Awesome comic. Funny/slash cute characters. Just to clear things up, was the hill thing controlling the feline character?
Owen's: The difference with yours from Zega's is that yours lacked the brightness and color contrast from the shading. Also, sad triangle makes me sad
Zlith's: Fun little picture, the cutest thing was the misspelling of believe, and I'm sure that was intentional . Also, the stars are very sloppy, shame on you for sloppiness!
Apocalypse's: Stretching cute aren't we? It is also a very simple paint, and that is saying something on here :P
KR's: Cute, simple. I don't know the rules on animations so I'm not gonna touch that issue.
Parrotsixfiveseven's The birdie (guessing it is a pokeman) is cute, the box with the little squares must of took some work :P

Umm, I think I mentioned somewhere that I don't like to color, so I decided not too. I decided black and white would look better this time.

And why am I the only one doing this?!

859 posts

Is there shading, it is such a minimal difference in color that I keep second guessing myself

There was shaidng, but only a slgiht change in colour to add little effect.
2,202 posts

The main thing against it is that the colors are very dull, which kind of takes away from the cheery effect.

I leik pastel-ish colours, since almost everyone would go for the straight green or dark green.
Also, does it make sense to say that it is more of a happy picture instead of a cute one?

I dunno, I'm not good at 'cute' things, but then again, if we're going by that a couple entries have more to do with 'love' or 'shapes', than 'cute' =P [lol].
Stress cramps and headache wants to push judging to tomorrow.

Everybody's head, arms, and legs fall off sometime, it even happens repeatedly to some! Just remember to pick them up afterwards, nobody wants to trip over your arms, Zoph =|.
5,420 posts

Yes it is, and goshdarnit (or, you know, the more censored version of that), I REALLY wanted to get judging done on time, but it's just not happening. Stress cramps and headache wants to push judging to tomorrow. Sorry. But oh well, you've been used to Monday as deadline.

well for me at least I already know I'm not going to win! It takes all that anticipation out. This is going to be the last judging before school starts again for me(tomorrows last day of Summer vacation for me) well anyways hope whatever theme is next that you guys get judging done tomorrow so I can get it done before school starts back up.
859 posts

When's zophia judging..

13,657 posts

When's zophia judging..

Now, she has stuff to do, did not get done yesterday (which she wrote), and will finish before nighttime, hopefully, so... Technically she is still judging.
Showing 5821-5835 of 6854