ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
859 posts

know it sucks, thanks for the compliment.

No prob
13,657 posts

Delay will go on untill Monday, because I dun have time tomorrow, hadn't today either.

5,838 posts

Delay will go on untill Monday, because I dun have time tomorrow, hadn't today either.

Cool I was just wondering thanks.
2,417 posts

Ok, gonna update my Mock Judging since people decided to start posting pics. I'm to lazy to add places (2nd 3rd), even though there are enough entries now.

Da Winna Mon! HECTIC the lil hermit. I truly do believe this is the best one. The pumpkin is great, nice shading. It is really giving off a great vintage vibe, like an old Norman Rockwell painting. Though I do wish you could of defined the ground. And you did! I think that really does help it out.

Da Rest--------------------------------------

Zega: Autumn Monster This one definately fits the theme better. The little guy is shaded very well. One thing that is bothering me is that the rest of the picture isn't really the same style as the monster was done, as in the monster has depth and everything else is flat. But that isn't to much of a deal since the monster is the main focus. I can really see this placing, good job Zega.

SKE: It doesn't 'suck', quite the opposite really. Nice autumn colors, you captured what looks like an autumn sky very well. Decent shading. Just two things I would like to point out: 1) What is up with that ugly black line one the horizon and 2) perspective is lacking with the road, it just doesn't look like it is going into the distance. Those to issues are the only thing keeping this piece from arguably being number one (for me).

Goumas: Nice leaf. The outline around the leaf probably should have been a lot thinner. The ripples(?) are also a little thick. And this is just my opinion but I think a nice brilliant red/orange leaf instead would have been really nice.

Dudeguy(BUDDY): Uh? Is that a worm in an apple? Don't know if I would of known it to be for the Autumn theme without the title.

Marton: Odd looking trees, did you really have to copy and paste them? I would suggest practicing shading, simple cell shading really makes MS Paint pictures stand out. The sky is a shade of blue that is just to dark, maybe add clouds? Simple things could of been done to beautify your picture, and none of them take very long. And another victim to jpeg.

Nilo: Hmm, I like it. Yeah you editted it a little. Leaves are a little better. You could have put a little extra to the background. Can I ask what the little symbols on the trees mean?

Gantic: I like it. Simple. But maybe just a little to simple to win. AND, you actually took the time to make a leaf, everyone else just did circles or rectangles...

Jdogg: Cool, almost gives off one of those optical illusions. Its like a Autumn disco party.


Don't know why you said "Failfailfailfailfailfailfailfail"...because I think it looks great. Nice overall detail, but what is really awesone are the colors. You just nailed the colors! I can just sense being in the woods as the sun is rising up over a cold dewy field with Canada Geese flying over. The powers of proper colors eh? JUST one thing, a distant tree line would of been nice.

4,196 posts

Ignorance is bliss.

Late entry ftw.

13,657 posts

Don't know why you said "Failfailfailfailfailfailfailfail"

Because it was multiple fail.
Especially the tree and the leaves > <....
2,417 posts

Because it was multiple fail.
Especially the tree and the leaves > <....

Why don't you just say you were going for folk art?
13,657 posts

Why don't you just say you were going for folk art?

Because I... don't know what it is.

And I am giving up on this judging.....
2,906 posts

And I am giving up on this judging.....

floyd take cenere place?
13,657 posts

floyd take cenere place?

2,417 posts

Well, if you are serious about giving up on the judging I would probably do it if asked.

13,657 posts

This judging due to the lack of time, since the original judging was delayed, and the lack of Zophia when I do have the time.... And she is on a lan, so she has to proxy the images to see them too....
Bothersome and annoying...
I even have plotted down my top three and all, but I kinda lack my partner in crime... Have a feeling she is either pissed at me, or that I have hurt her feelings because I cursed at her because I had to collect the images, due to the proxy problem.....
Either way, it is most likely my fault....
Anyway, doing the judging if I get some time tomorrow, Zophia or not, just to get it over with.

To be honest, I have been considering quitting the judge spot, since I have increasingly little time, especially at the same time as Zophia, but I kinda have to stay, otherwise there won't be any judgings in time...
Unless, of course, we start having ninja judgings that is there whenever Zophia feels like it.......
*deep sigh*

11,891 posts

Your self-deprecation is as amusing as your lack of armatar, either of which is ambiguous as this sentence. I don't know why you guys strain yourselves over judging. (Sure, we can blame Strop for turning judging into a chore.) Just do it when you can and not when you have to.

In less than two hours, it will be one year since I first posted on this thread and got from Strop relatively long comments on "What is art?".

Also, does everyone not see the bigger picture? Not that it's better.

Also, I don't enter to win (either first place or the merit, since I have 4 for the ASC I've never collected). I enter to put in some perspective. It doesn't feel as if anyone is stepping out to be different anymore. It seems more like here is my picture. Judge me.

9,434 posts

What, ninja judgings?
Like this?
(And yes, I do have to use a proxy in order to view most of the images, so couldn't have done this if Cen hadn't gathered the urls. Also can't check if I screw up an img code.)
Normally I'd type the entire username, but Cen doesn't, so I'm not sure I get capitalization and/or numbers right here... Sorry.

Anyway, Champion's Exhibit!
*jawdrop* Awesomeee~
Absolutely love the details of the face~ And in general it's just awesome~ Squee~

But onwards. Trying to do this kinda quickly.

First place
We kinda agreed on this one. It's lovely simplicity, and portrays one of the very key things of autumn... The falling leaves. Pretty, simple, congrats~

Second place
As Cen put it (over AIM), the main reason this isn't getting first place is because both of us connect pumpkins more specifically to Halloween than to autumn in general. That said, neat picture, colour choice and composition.

Third place
Seems a pretty quiet image. Kinda reminds me of all the people getting depressed around here atm... Last green leaf fallen?

And the rest.

This was actually in my top three, but got pushed out when merging with Cen's. Aside from the oddly strong black horizon, it's a pretty neat pic. Very nice brush effect on the leaves. Yay.

Uhm... Autumn colours, I guess. Kinda more fiery colours, if you want my honest opinion. But abstract approach at an autumnal forest? A bit boring to look at, but it looks like it was fun to make.

I've made a decent amount of images like this one, they're quite fun, but uhm... It may have taken a fair bit of time, but... Pixie, I know you can draw... Or at least fill out white space... Know you can do better... :<

That's cute~ Sorta fakemonish. Also interesting twist on your signature. A shame the tree trunk isn't shaded when you were so thorough with the critter itself.

I see Pacman changes his diet from ghosts and cheese to worms and apples during autumn? That could probably be an okay remake of the game... The worm looks amusingly scared~ (Probably logically enough. ^^

Autumn forest~ A sparsely planted forest, but still. A shame your image came out so blurred (try saving as .bmp or .gif next time if you're working in MS Paint).

Pretty much the same as above, only slightly more forest-y and up close. Not sure what you've made it in, but if it isn't Paint you might wanna consider using a softer brush some other time.

An autumn leaf fallen into water~
I really like the subtle colour variations across the leaf's surface, unfortunately the lines' pixelation clash rather harshly with it. The water could have used some shading too, more than the ripples.

Alright then.
Let's throw a random theme up.
Or well... I'll let Cen do that when he gets up. Best I could come up with is 'Glasses', but since I don't know when to put the deadline anyway... Ceeen? (It's 6 am... Cen'll be up in some hours, I guess, maybe.)

9,434 posts

It doesn't feel as if anyone is stepping out to be different anymore.
I agree. Sorta.

And I miss entering. I don't mind judging, but I miss entering...

*really hopes there's no more typos in the judging* Posting blindly here... x_x
Showing 6166-6180 of 6854