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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
5,420 posts

how is it a math joke? Halloween? guess is that it is trying to say something like this


Some kind of weird math equation,although I'm sure its probably an inside joke anyways so its best not to really worry about it unless he chooses to explain it.
10,816 posts

Ohhh I think Gantic's joke goes even over my head!

Unless it's dastardly simple and I'm racking my brains entirely too hard.

Judging was thwarted today but maybe tomorrow!

566 posts

Lol @ Christmas-Santa=Halloween

And ugh... I don't have my scanner, I don't have my tablet pen, and the batteries for my camera are dead. All hail bad luck :/ I had a nice idea, too!

13,657 posts

Strop, I wonder: Who is going to host this competition, while you are away?/Will there be a break or something?

9,434 posts

I need less drawings with deadlines on my hands, so... I can do it, if ye want me to?

759 posts

so you get to judge now? and you cant win because your the judge, and your one of the best drawrs.... that ups the chances of me winning!!!

10,816 posts

The show must go on!

But indeed, I've been thinking about that. Judging will be today (again if nothing else comes up.)

5,642 posts

lol, too busy playing dress up with your sister?
mr. negligee (yep, I'm never gonna let that go >&lt

9,434 posts

It was me who started that back in October, yes? Or was there someone before that?

I don't think I'll make an entry for this round, I have absolutely NO ideas whatsoever.

So I'll just annoy you all with a photo of my Christmas present (I got it early):
It's a "goosh ball", and it is ridiculously fun to play with.

759 posts

is that the kind that turns inside out? you shoot put it over your head and take a picture = D

10,816 posts

Zophia indeed planted the "Strop cross-dressing" seed back on Halloween. I merely allowed it to flower and bear fruit.

The router chose a very convenient time to break, so I will have to do a truncated version of the judgement. Unfortunately I will only be able to consider the top 3 entries, and I can only hope that doesn't take too much shine off the whole thing.

10,816 posts

Right, here I am again!

Ubertuna commented on the previous poetry contest, Out of Context Quotes, that not many people made entries that were actually relevant to the subject title. Unlike him, though, I've decided to be extra-harsh (mainly due to time considerations) and have only judged those entries that I deem to be relevant.

But fear not, I shall at least explain what I was thinking!

Truth is, out of all those entries, many of them were arguably related to the theme of Nostalgia, but the operative word here is arguably. Crimsonblade explained it quite well- I wanted to either feel nostalgia or recognise the feeling of nostalgia unequivocally, which in fact is very difficult to do! But I was even more stringent than this.

Many entries portrayed a character who was experiencing nostalgic thoughts, but unfortunately many of these could have been taken as a simple wistfulness, regret, misery or any number of other emotions. There are two realistic ways I can think of articulating the theme, both of which were covered by the entries which I have ultimately decided to place.

But first, I need to mention The Champion's Exhibit. By now most of you may have forgotten that Cholokid won the previous round for his hilarious DBZ parody, and here he comes with another well recognised joke:

Frankly whenever I think of Piccolo I also happen to think of pickles, so this made me laugh. I will further mention now that between the caption and the picture, this picture is actually relevant to the theme so even more well done on this count!

And since I'm short on time, I'm gonna cut straight to the chase:

Grand Winner: Cenere

Were it not for Zophia saying the image was clickable, I would not have thought to check until judging time and therefore would have gotten quite a surprise. I particularly like the picture for the following reasons:

1) The colour scheme is nearly monochromatic, which references a popular device used for conveying nostalgic themes (particularly in sepia tones!)

2) The scenes at the top convey (what I consider to be) universally recognised scenes that evoke a sense of nostalgia, that being of the innocence and carefree days of childhood.

3) Some might say that this is too predictable, but the picture explores deeper meanings to nostalgia, via the phone, and the text on the screen which reads: "Calling home: engaged". Often one is nostalgic for a time which is long gone, which has irretrievably slipped into the past.

So yes, there you have it. I of course acknowledge that certain participants tend to have much success with my style of judging and that's because the competition has not that many participants so my bias is going to be very apparent. The next placing isn't going to do anything to change this, either.

Second Place: Gantic- Fits the Fish

...Though it may surprise many of you that the person most likely to approach the theme from an abstract angle seems to have done something that I consider relevant to the theme! Have I gone mad!? Have I somehow contradicted myself, thus bringing about the end of the competition as we know it!?

Of course not. Again, the notion of universality comes up- that most of us, if not all of us has in fact drawn (and I would bet money on this) a fish and the sea and the sun in crayon sometime in our childhood. I remember Ricador said that the title made the piece, and while I also remember saying that in one round in the past that this was the case, I'm actually going to disagree here. Here, it is the context that made the piece.

I suspect most of you, such as crimson, pedspog, zophia and slliM (that's off the top of my head) will be wondering why I've mentioned these pieces and not yours...what the difference could possibly have been. Universality is one of them, but then one could argue that Deth4, with his Coke ad, would have passed muster (the problem there was that Coke is still current, so it takes more than subject matter to convey nostalgia). Here is one place where in both cases the technical aspects, especially the choice of medium emulated has come in rather instrumental as part of a whole. Memories are sketchy. Heck, just the mere mention of crayon is enough to make people nostalgic. Well, at least me, who last used the blasted things somewhere between a fourth and a fifth of his current age.

So there you have it. I wouldn't say that I rated the pieces so much as chose a couple of representative ones, and once again I apologise for not being able to be more thorough. I probably won't be on until after Christmas, so have a good one, and I'll catch you on the other side.

Oh yeah. Finally: as predicted, Klaushouse gets a DM for ripping a screenshot of Games of Gondor, lol. Your forfeit shall be to dunk your head in a bucket of soot :P

9,434 posts

I used crayons as recently as last year. :P

But I'd say you amde a good choice this round, Strop. Even though it's a shame you didn't have time for a full judging, but it's understandable.

And LOL at the forfeit for Klaus! May I add that he needs to take a photo as proof?

1,463 posts

In retrospect, that is probably who I would have picked, had I been judging.

Applaud for Gantic's awesome simplicity.


I sense Cen's had some hidden message to it.

LOL Strop.
My name is on the list of jealousy? Hooray? Honestly, I don't care if I won something or not. I know mine was terrible!


5,642 posts

....strop totally got lazy XDDD.
sides, it wasn't a very easy theme now was it strop?
You fail at making a good theme 2 theme's ago.
yes, I'm doing slimms little enter thing. . . .

You cross-dressing pony -_-

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