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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
2,120 posts

Yayz! Comedy prevails over skillz! Anyway, thanks Zoph, glad you like the submission Now Crimson: What's the next theme?

5,642 posts

Sowwy thoad. Does it comfort you that I still like it?

sorry but no. The HM's to me just feel like a handout at this point, like the kind you get at summer camp so no one gets left out. The HM's are just a catergorizing now, so I'd really just prefer for you to say "huh, that's cool" 2 days after I post it rather than me waiting an entire 2 weeks to hear the same thing, only 1-up'd with an HM that everyone seems to be guaranteed to get. I didn't like the way my "heart" ended up anyways, the lighter side looked too happy and the darker side didn't look demonic enough.
I said it once, I'll say it again.
F*** art, I'm going to Iraq.
*walks out of the room in both shame and distaste, again.*
9,434 posts

Lol, fail @ title.
You seem to accidently have written a s after the title of my entry. I have no idea why, though.
But the key is RIGHTS there next to all the others! ... Sorry about that one. If you hadn't posted, I could've reposted the entire thing~

Yayz! Comedy prevails over skillz! Anyway, thanks Zoph, glad you like the submission
Yays~ *wanders off to find a random comment of yours to merit*
9,434 posts

*sighs a little over thoad* You'll win eventually...

13,657 posts

You could still do it, you would just need to erase mine too.

Oh well, fail at winning because of too many symbols (the thing Gantic seem to win on).

5,642 posts

*sighs a little over thoad* You'll win eventually...

At this point, I don't even totally care about wining, I just care about recognition. I've tried everywhere, even free-lance forums hosted by clans on Combat Arms, but the only time I can blow someone away is if they hadn't been within a e-3mile radius from you or DA. I'm just a little mopey that no one actually says "wow, that's pretty cool" without those exact words in either regret or just plain dishonesty. Every time I had shown my father, mother, and even friend my drawing, it's species, backround, and overall existence in a humorous, fun way, no one even says "Wow that's srsly cool dude!" without it being at least half filled with crap. So then I broke away from drawing and I did something few dare to do, I wrote. Turns out, people totally ignore writing pieces just about everywhere. Before you can get a big arse publishment from some hot-shot from holywood or a publishing company, you seem to get absolutely nowhere in the art of writing until your at the point of prodigy.

I guess my point is that I don't care about winning as much as I care about other people caring to say something more than 10 words about a piece of artwork, besides saying how bad it sucks.
*is signing draft papers*
9,434 posts

If I were my old commentary babbling self, I'd throw me at your drawings, thoad. I honestly do like your works and admire your imagination (and those writings about the Nergyls and that world especially).
I'm just not that babbling anymore. And you're absolutely right about writing getting less recognition, and it's annoying, but that's just how it works, apparently.

Oh well, fail at winning because of too many symbols (the thing Gantic seem to win on).
Not really.
5,642 posts

I honestly do like your works and admire your imagination (and those writings about the Nergyls and that world especially).

to say the truth, I haven't heard anyone say something to that effect since I first created them. I thank you, but it's not just you.
*raises hand*
I request to not get an HM lest I deserve it for realz plz. Just put it under "and other entries" if it really doesn't deserve an HM. I think that's the main thing that got to me. I always hated awards that made people feel special and non left out. Misses it's meaning.
13,657 posts

Okay, listen up, Thoad. First of all, all artists get the "hell, I hate my missing ability to draw". Even people who are good at drawing, because THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE BETTER! You are still young, and I think you might lack the rules of anatomy and such. You should start practising that, so you have something to work from. I know many artists older than you, who lack the basics, and you do not get very far without them.
Then begin asking for advice (though it is hard to take critique), and learn from it.

I like the idea of your entry, it is "cool, dude!", but (there is alwaysa but, huh?) you might need to get some better work tools. A basic 0.5 or 0.3 pen to do the outline, and some better colour pencils. I am sure that would help a great deal. Or at least make sure the lineart fits a little better (the black outline of a pen would have fitted better than the pencil one). Pratice basic colouring techniques and a way to make the shadows fluid, merging with the colour (often done by starting out with a light layer of colour, then a darker nuance for the colour harder and harder, then a layer of a lighter colour or white to merge).
And then pratise anatomy.

13,657 posts

*looks at own rant*
Ha! What an idiot.
I hate the fact that little to no people care to read. It is the society of today...

5,642 posts

you might need to get some better work tools. A basic 0.5 or 0.3 pen to do the outline, and some better colour pencils. I am sure that would help a great deal. Or at least make sure the lineart fits a little better (the black outline of a pen would have fitted better than the pencil one). Pratice basic colouring techniques and a way to make the shadows fluid, merging with the colour (often done by starting out with a light layer of colour, then a darker nuance for the colour harder and harder, then a layer of a lighter colour or white to merge).
And then pratise anatomy.

*breaks it down (thx for the critique btw)*
A basic 0.5 or 0.3 pen to do the outline, and some better colour pencils.

I have heard of doing pen on drawings, but for some reason I always thought it made it look like crap because of my terrible inability to draw decent lines without the sketch marks. I have Prismicolor, and I think it has to do with my skill more than my pencils, but the sad part is that I won't be able to get them till August the 17th, because money is probably the tightest it has been in a very long time.
Or at least make sure the lineart fits a little better (the black outline of a pen would have fitted better than the pencil one).

I agree with you, but since I am something of a newbie to the professional art (actual measurments, intermediate shading techniques, etc. I was self taught and my mom is teaching me how to do shading with a colored pencil), I'm not sure what you mean by a 0.5/0.3 pen, all I have are ballpoints and colored sharpies ^^;.
Pratice basic colouring techniques and a way to make the shadows fluid, merging with the colour (often done by starting out with a light layer of colour, then a darker nuance for the colour harder and harder, then a layer of a lighter colour or white to merge).

Like I said, I know maybe 2, and I'm pretty fresh as far as color shading. *looks up "naunce"*
ERROR, did not find "naunce".
yes, I did have a lot of trouble figuring out how to merge the white and black sides of the heart, so that overly made the right side of the picture look utterly flat, so I can see why this didn't get as far as the top 3.
And then pratise anatomy.

Yeah, I have to start doing the "skeleton" thing again. To help show anatomy so I can make it look more...anatomically correct. I, however, don't quite know how to make a heart look anatomically correct, besides the wings though.

thanks for the critique!

Okay, listen up, Thoad. First of all, all artists get the "hell, I hate my missing ability to draw". Even people who are good at drawing, because THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE BETTER! You are still young, and I think you might lack the rules of anatomy and such.

*is a little embarrassed for being whiney and emo*
There's rules to anatomy? I mean, I thought that most things you could make the anatomy from scratch, or at least with original species (I hope o-O).
5,642 posts

*looks at main epic fail*
*types in nuance*
oh I see, so using soft shading you mean?
I thought I did that ^^;

5,420 posts

OK uh sure I come on here and find out its my turn now.So I had this idea in my head for awhile and thought "Lets see what they come up with" so without further torture here it is...

Theme: Culture
Deadline:NEVER!!!!(AKA February 4th at some time Mid-Day Possibly,which is next Wednesday)

OK so I guess I should elaborate on the topic.Culture can be whatever you see fit as culture.This could include artistic values,things concerning literature,Fine tastes in music,or ethnic heritage.I'm not really looking for anything in particular for this theme as I want to see how creative you guys can get with this theme,and see what you can come up with for it.Just for kicks I went ahead and made an example a couple of days ago.(I had this planned out after all)Although I'm not so sure how much it will make sense to you guys.Anyways here is the Example with Sasquatch and all I have to say after that is well...Good Luck with the theme!!!

Example for Theme:
Watercolor Paint, and a Bell Pepper.Enough Said(I hope)

9,434 posts

I'm not sure what you mean by a 0.5/0.3 pen, all I have are ballpoints and colored sharpies ^^;.
Ballpoint pens RULE! you just needa learn to control the pressure and the angle of the strokes, then they probably classify as one of the most versatile drawing tools in existence.
I, however, don't quite know how to make a heart look anatomically correct, besides the wings though.
Lol. No, symbol hearts are difficult to make anatomically correct. X)
*is a little embarrassed for being whiney and emo*
Aw, don't be. It happens.
There's rules to anatomy? I mean, I thought that most things you could make the anatomy from scratch, or at least with original species (I hope o-O).
You can, but if the "rules" aren't followed, it doesn't look alive.
13,657 posts

I have a saying (that is smacked into my head a couple of times every time I draw) "You have to know the rules to break them".
Basically you need to be able to draw something realistic to do something cartoony or made up. A good way of learning is by looking at yourself (or have an annoying fascination of shadows > &gt
Stuff like that. Your Nerg should end up looking more real, when the boundaries of (a) reality binds him.

On the pen issue: A 0.5 pen is a black pen (used for inking or caligraphy), because ballpoints usually suck butt, when you are making a good outline you need to colour.

Yes, softshading. SOmehow it seem harder when you have more than one colour to use. I had a course in mind, but I dropped it again, because I made the MWT. Might end up trying again. (just how colours are used).

Prisma being... ? Well, everything darker can be used... I would recommend that you start practising on stable lineart, though even good artists end up with a little shaking.

*is a little embarrassed for being whiney and emo*

You have no idea how many times I have been going "Oh God, I will never be able to draw that or that, because I really suck at this, and I cannot even draw a simple (something), I will never draw again ever!"... Just think of how my younger sister feels.. She is a decent artist, but I am better (due to agedifference)...
But pratice makes better. Just look at the "COUGH"-drawing. Better than some of my other crap... Though still crappy. But not crappy enough to keep me from being just a little proud of myself.
And you should be too. Be proud of actually finishing a drawing, og get an idea down on paper before it slips your mind. Little stuff like that.

*fails to continue due to heavy a** migraine*
Showing 2566-2580 of 6854