ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
13,657 posts

One of the best drawings I've seen on all of AG!

I do not think that is true.
Phenomenal, truly phenomenal.

Nah. Though I like he actually look less like a bum than he usually do.
I hate to draw suits, because they are hard to get to look good...

And for the expression: I do not really like graveyards. Not because of the dead people lying in the ground or anything, but because of the atmosphere. Respect.
The thought of someone I knew not being there anymore.
I usually keep from my family when visiting the graves, mainly because I am unable to speak without sounding like I am crying, and because my siblings are noisy and restless.
This habit often leads me to feeling even worse...
9,821 posts

And for the expression: I do not really like graveyards. Not because of the dead people lying in the ground or anything, but because of the atmosphere. Respect.
The thought of someone I knew not being there anymore.
I usually keep from my family when visiting the graves, mainly because I am unable to speak without sounding like I am crying, and because my siblings are noisy and restless.
This habit often leads me to feeling even worse...

I would try to console you, but I'm usually rather obnoxious and loud, so my sympathy would be pretty transparent. >.<
Why not? It's still really good. You're just being overly-critical of yourself in this case.
1,667 posts

I do not think that is true.

Cen, it may not be true but it still is exceptional. You have talent and you seem not to notice it. Not all of us can draw that well. :/

Why not? It's still really good. You're just being overly-critical of yourself in this case.

*nods head in agreement*

And I finally figured out how to color without killing myself ^^
Yay for paint bucket fill in button.
13,657 posts

You're just being overly-critical of yourself in this case.

Yeah, sure, only in this case...

Anyway, guessing I do not need to add that FSM to the list of entries, or am I wrong, Cholo...
5,420 posts

I think he was just showing an example.I seriously don't know how that could fit the theme,as the flying spaghetti monster in itself originated from a few words from what I have heard.To be quite truthful Cholokid unlike the Chuck Norris and Old Greg jokes the Flying Spaghetti Monster thing is the only one I truly hate with a passion.

That. Is. Astounding

well I would say its quite good

One of the best drawings I've seen on all of AG!

Maybe not,as I believe I have seen better from Cenere.While Cenere I have to say it is a great drawing,I'm not going to say its his best,because he has done some great stuff in the past.Especially some of his more (quite literally) colorful works.

You're just being overly-critical of yourself in this case.

Well I have had a discussion with Cenere in his very own thread and I remember thoad was in it as well,but Cenere tends to be overly critical about everything he does.I think this may have been the one time he seemed accurate to me about his art work,because you sort of exaggerated the way it looked by saying it was like the best piece of art you have ever seen like Picasso or Da Vinci made it or something.It just seemed a little over the top for me.Again Cenere it was a good drawing though.
13,657 posts


I wonder why some people think that that kind of art is master pieces... Pretty must like badly drawn fanart being instant win.
Da Vinci

A nice man.

And mainly agreeing with Crimson for one reason: I have drawn better. Or at least, I have coloured better. If the colour from the blue one and the lineart from this one was merged, I might even have been proud.
5,420 posts

I wonder why some people think that that kind of art is master pieces... Pretty must like badly drawn fanart being instant win.

well I was trying to think of a famous artist that people would recognize.I haven't really studied Art for a couple of years now,so I forgot what his art work looked like.
1,667 posts

guessing I do not need to add that FSM to the list of entries, or am I wrong, Cholo...

Noooo its not an entry. I just didn't know what to do with it. :<
My entry is page 382
5,420 posts

oh yeah thats right it was right underneath my entry.I almost forgot about that.I suppose 10 pages later you tend to forget stuff...

13,657 posts

Noooo its not an entry. I just didn't know what to do with it. :<

All fine, just wanted to be sure. No harm done.

Oh, and for Ogt: No, neither Zophia nor I will tell you who the winner is. No even on msn.
1,667 posts

No harm done.

The frowny face was more for the people who were like "omgwtfbbq that has nothing to do with the theme!" But thanks for your condolences.

Ogt: No, neither Zophia nor I will tell you who the winner is. No even on msn.

Yeah, Ogt, that should be common sense. waiiit. Never mind, I used to beg strop to tell me who was going to win via AIM. He never broke. But yeah, asking them to tell you probably just makes them want to flick you on the nose. :/
13,657 posts

But thanks for your condolences.


He never broke

Hmm, I think I might be even more stubborn than Strop, though this has not been tested. The chance of being wrong is there..

asking them to tell you probably just makes them want to flick you on the nose.

That as well. Especially because of two things: There is still time for people to enter. And we do not really care about the judging beforehand.
But for people who feel the need to ask: The answer will always be "Cen". So, Ogt: I win.
10,816 posts

My stubbornness is more a long-term than a short-term thing. That's why I have dreams.


I wonder why some people think that that kind of art is master pieces

Because it was innovative (read: new), and as a recognised innovation it was exemplar. Hence it would be natural to think of it, in that present, as a masterpiece. Dismissing it now is merely a process of hindsight.
9,434 posts

Fawning over novelty for the sake of it being new... *unfinished thought posted*

5,420 posts

hmm innovative thinking always seems to be the most popular form of thought process it seems nowadays...

Showing 3676-3690 of 6854