ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
10,816 posts

Guys...please...not too much discussion of who won and how many times? It makes me feel rather insecure about the integrity of my judging style. But thank goodness somebody sees what I'm at least attempting to do:

At least Strop is judging the idea, creativity and way the creativity comes out, instead of favoriting the ones that draw better than others.

Can't say I'm perfect at all (and this DM idea might be running out of hand a little), but I did think it was pretty evident.

Actually you know what, screw political correctness, I'll make the comment that has to be made. I do place a lot of stock on the idea and how that idea is brought out. If I were to judge based on technical merit alone, the list of winners would be very narrow, very narrow indeed, as was the case in the previous competitions.

This is perfectly fine when the competition is relatively small. But I noticed pages upon pages of comments accumulated about how so-and-so always won the contest. In any competitive pursuit, there is fun but there is also the potential for jealousy and resentment etc. etc.

Because this is a community activity, I have a number of things in mind, even while keeping the integrity of the art in this thread in mind. I want to foster the competition as interest in it grows, since I have the community in mind. That's not just a personal agenda, but also a duty I have as a moderator. I also want to foster as many individual talents and efforts as possible, without appearing discriminatory or excluding anybody. I expect that not everybody will be happy with what I do and I'll listen to objections/complaints as much as possible but I can only do so much.

Furthermore I would like to point out that the range of winners (and placegetters) has been quite narrow lately. I believe this is linked to the general attitudes and the quality of the ideas that are being submitted lately- different approaches will have different effects depending on execution but some people are naturally inclined to approaches that will appeal to me.

Zophia, you won the Halloween contest because both your idea and execution I found superior, simple as that really :P Nothing to do with insulting me! For...the most part... c.c Looking over your previous entries, you're more than capable of articulating ideas well, and now you appear to have keyed into what makes me tick, it remains to be seen how you'll respond.

Cenere has won multiple times due to, well, what I'm going to call "whole greater than sum of parts" phenomenon, otherwise known as "x-factor". Because that's not clear, just look for trends in my commentary.

Gantic wins because Gantic is on a mission to explore the boundaries of expression and relevancy and sometimes things just click and create deeply throught-provoking pieces coupled with unique execution.

Cholokid won because at the time his use of Chuck Norris lulz was extremely fresh for the Art Contest. Since then Cholokid has formed a trademark humor which is great fun but generally less likely to win you that merit. Provided you're going for the merit.

So that's my thought process currently. See what you make of it.

I dunno Strop because I haven't seen Strops work

Most weeks I slip a "guest" post into these threads...I tend to neglect my own thread because of the community-oriented activities that I run, including this and the poetry contest.
13,657 posts

*wave flag*
It was not to make a fuss, I just think it got a little off topic. And I like the way you judge, at least because it is difficult to do so.
And I wish people would try not to get the DM, as it disturbs the competition... Mind you, you would all lose to me, if I tries getting it:P And I would most likely get banned...
*wave flag*

9,434 posts

This is perfectly fine when the competition is relatively small. But I noticed pages upon pages of comments accumulated about how so-and-so always won the contest. In any competitive pursuit, there is fun but there is also the potential for jealousy and resentment etc. etc.

Do you remember Sniperjesus' flip?
Zophia, you won the Halloween contest because both your idea and execution I found superior, simple as that really :P Nothing to do with insulting me! For...the most part... c.c Looking over your previous entries, you're more than capable of articulating ideas well, and now you appear to have keyed into what makes me tick, it remains to be seen how you'll respond.
It's all about getting the bloody ideas! (Not literally bloody...most of the time.)
10,816 posts

And I wish people would try not to get the DM, as it disturbs the competition... Mind you, you would all lose to me, if I tries getting it:P And I would most likely get banned...

Yeah, uh...I believe you. Seriously. But then there's also...


...yeah, there's also that... D:

Do you remember Sniperjesus' flip?

That's precisely what I had in mind, hehe.

Ultimately, my rant above was something I was going to get around to saying sooner or later. but the circumstances were such that I just went HURROBOROWROUOGHGHGHHBBLBLBLLLLBLLLL!!!
5,420 posts

Not literally bloody...most of the time

Exception being the headcut I presume?Anyways it is good to know better how you think Strop.Even though I typically don't mention it.I like to figure out how people thought processes work,so I can adjust the way I converse with them for the better.This shall take me one step closer to figuring out the way the people in this community as a whole think.Anyways back on topic,it shall be awhile until this week is up.If I feel like it,and think of a really nice idea,then I might replace my idea,with something else that I would think would be better.I doubt that will happen though right now.
1,667 posts

Cholokid won because at the time his use of Chuck Norris lulz was extremely fresh for the Art Contest. Since then Cholokid has formed a trademark humor which is great fun but generally less likely to win you that merit. Provided you're going for the merit.

Hahaah nahhh. Not anymore. I just go with Chuck Norris now because I make myself laugh. Which is all that matters to me anymore. If I make others laugh. whoop dee doo, pop open a wine bottle and celebrate... unless your under drinking age, then open some sparkling grape juice? But anyway, I no longer go for the win.
1,780 posts

If I make others laugh. whoop dee doo, pop open a wine bottle and celebrate... unless your under drinking age, then open some sparkling grape juice?

Ummm... yeah.... grape juice... definitely...
But I am not really expecting to win either, I just want to improve as an artist and hopefully someday I could win.
5,420 posts

I just go with Chuck Norris now because I make myself laugh. Which is all that matters to me anymore

Did you not add Chuck Norris at one point,just because of a request that another user made,during the food theme?I am just curious,thats all.Also...

If I make others laugh. whoop dee doo, pop open a wine bottle and celebrate... unless your under drinking age, then open some sparkling grape juice?

Instead of those two,I choose Mountain Dew.Just don't mix it with alcohol.(even if you are of legal age,as carbonation and alcohol can have some strong effects combined.These types of things is what alcohol awareness is all about)
11,891 posts

I can't get the joke right, so it will go without one:

Raptor based off GNU FDL Utahraptor image from Wikipedia.

5,420 posts

is that a bunch of Mountain Dew bottles gantic?I really don't get what it has to do with zombies though.

4,571 posts

Lol what is it with you and raptors O.O

10,816 posts

bahahahaha, man, that came out of left field.

Utahraptor --> decaying fossilised materials --> millions of years of sedimentation + pressure --> dredged up as oil and refined --> hydrocarbon polymerisation --> plastic bottles.


As Mountain Dew, no less.

10,816 posts

Did you not add Chuck Norris at one point,just because of a request that another user made,during the food theme?I am just curious,thats all.

Chuck Norris jokes are cholokid's trademark lulz. He won once, now he wants to relive the old glory days :P
5,420 posts

bahahahaha, man, that came out of left field.
Utahraptor --> decaying fossilised materials --> millions of years of sedimentation + pressure --> dredged up as oil and refined --> hydrocarbon polymerisation --> plastic bottles.
As Mountain Dew, no less.

Wow,gantic always has such complex art ideas.I see what you mean,and I find that to be quite interesting.Also its quite a good quicidence that he posts something related to the theme somehow,while also making a reference to something I was just talking about,in the comment before his.I find it quite interesting,although the link to the theme is a very long stretch.
2,770 posts

And I wish people would try not to get the DM, as it disturbs the competition... Mind you, you would all lose to me, if I tries getting it:P And I would most likely get banned...

No. Like... really no. You would not get CLOSE to competing with me. I know, if not helped create, some of the worst memes and cruel things known to the web. :P I am dosing my jokes down with ritalin and morphine at the same time.

ANYWAYS... my picture is coming along quite well, and I am excited to see my end product.

I was looking at Estel saying he won a few, and it just reminds me that I have been here since the beginning of the first one, I helped start it up with whats his face... forgot his name but he is gone now.. :P OH! AraxNisanu! But that's besides the point. I still haven't won a single one, came second a few times but thats it. I will have to up the ante and win once! Bwahaha.

And this is by no means me trying to get Strop to pick me this time, because he wouldn't do that. LOL!
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