This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
@Cen You could if you like. I am very very lazy so I would appreciate it. lol. Seriously though, It was really really nice.
@plokkey Trippy dude, trippy. I really like it. At first glance it looks kind of spastic and crazy, but if you look harder... Its still kind of spastic and happy. That's why I like it. Shape is kind of odd though. Background was my favorite part.
The Jack of Hearts can represent a fair-haired young man
Definition: A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
Definition: The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will;
Definition: The nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within
Definition: Vigorous and efficient activity;
Hmm, yes, think that was it. And a lot of random colour-meanings (in Danish, hahaha!! becuase I do not care to translate my rambling)
"Ja, når man ser på den gennemgående grå farve og de løse skygger ser man et fællesskab i de to figurer. De er et, lavet af det samme, eller har måske et fælles mål. Måske deler de noget, en hemmelighed eller følelser. Når man ser på de eget skarpe farver, som den grønne og den røde, så trækker de farfver en til dem, og de lyser op, som noget der viser, disse figurer er i live. Den røde farve giver også et fælleskab. Eftersom dragen har meget fine livagtige øjne, i gyldne farver, kan man sammenligne det med dens sjæl, da øjnene er sjælens spejl. At mennesket mangler øjnene, kan måske vise grunden til striden, mangel på sjæl, logik, viden, osv. Det blonde hår er steriotypisk til en helt, og kan måske skabe kristisk til heltefortællingerne, om dragedræberne, der besejrede ondskaben."