This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!
Competition Rules 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. 5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.
Right now I'm just annoyed because you didn't even say a . about my grammar entry. Where's the wtf expression from the grammar nazi I was hoping for?? D8 *almost just kidding*
Lol the mazzehl one? I am not sure I fully understand, sorry, I am a bit slow today! :<
As for Cenere I didn't say any of that to be mean or offensive, I care that cenere is sad its just need to talk to someone about it instead of just posting!
Mazzelh grammar is understood through tail motions. Mazzelhs talk with both sounds and tail motions, thus making it easy to understand what a mazzelh is dreaming about by opserving the motions of its tail. This is considered rather rude, though. /info
Hey guys, just here to tell you that Strop (i.e. me) is failing at judging the Zombies round because his classmates like to schedule all the sessions the doctors missed from earlier in the year in the last three days of teaching period.
Therefore I get home around 630pm and get up at around 630am. So I don't actually have a solid 2 hours in which I can judge the contests right now!
But tomorrow class finishes so I might take some time off or something.
Lol the mazzehl one? I am not sure I fully understand, sorry, I am a bit slow today! :<
Go read about teh mazzelhs then! :P
And go talk on profiles instead of posting then. Lazy bear creature.
I don't get it... *Confused tail motions*
Bwahaha first time I've made an entry that will confuse the general population.
Mazzelh grammar is understood through tail motions. Mazzelhs talk with both sounds and tail motions, thus making it easy to understand what a mazzelh is dreaming about by opserving the motions of its tail. This is considered rather rude, though.
Yay for person who knows them. ^w^ As said, most of the grammar of Massel (mazzelh language) lies in the tail movements~ When they are not speaking, the tail movements are used to pass on silent states about emotions, making mazzelhs rather empathic creatures when it comes to understanding each other. Speaking and conveying feelings/thoughts happens instinctively, but learning to add grammar and structure to their language needs to be taught. Thus my little grammar picture. It's actually quite hard for the cubs to learn to control the movements.
Oh yes, judging the Zombies contest. There were over a dozen entries this week, a testament to zombies' enduring popularity as a cultural icon. Strangely enough (or as per usual), last week's winner, gantic, opted to take the obscure approach for the Champion's Exhibit
I got it :P Not sure how many others did though.
I'll skip the preamble and get straight to the business end of the matter. I think all I did here was repeat myself anyway lol.
True, this judging was in part delayed due to the lateness of this entry but this is hardly preferential treatment, I saw it fit to wait due to the sheer extenuating circumstances beyond Zophia's control. And then I ask you, IS THIS NOT EPIIIIIICCCCCC???
Second Place: klaushouse
That's right, a zombie dino. I didn't see that one coming!
But one day it will be your day klaus :P At least this time there was nothing inappropriate, with the exception of that discussion about tombstones...
Third Place: njaard
Njaard hasn't really been to the art contests for a while but comes back this time with a piece widely recognised to be excellent. In fact I think it's rather edgy, and wouldn't look out of place on a poster for some edgy independent arthouse zombie film...
These are the entries I've decided are to be placed, but that isn't to say there weren't many others full of varying kinds of awesome. Which is why I established the Honorable Mentions, which are listed in approximate order of submission:
The Hall of Creepy Zombie Portraits
An excellent monochrome lineart. I am reminded of the zombies of the office cubicle world actually...
The description said it all. A grotesque smile. A really really grotesque smile.
What I wonder is how this was done!
The upturned gaze and blood dribble leaves me speculating as to how it was that Danstanta met his untimely demise.
Comic corner:
Sasquatch and his sister Yeti get along like a bell-pepper on fire.
Dude, I don't know what TV you get down in South Australia, because I just end up saying "whut?"
The AG closet
I think cholokid just broke the DM system.
Naturally kevin44 would also feel the need to have a dig, since I outed both he and cholokid of the closet :P
Thankfully I can declare that kevin has fallen to a case of mistaken identity. I don't drink coffee >
I am glad to report that estel has learnt his lesson from cleaning up 200 pages of sonny spam. Strangely enough I didn't see any sonny jokes, come to think of it...
But I lol'd at this one. Carlie must appreciate those big beefy arms.
Honorable Mention for What Must Be by Far the Sexiest Zombie Ever
If that's how it is, then bite me already please?
First Night At Fight Club (courtesy of Klaushouse, formerly known as the Newcomer's Entry)
We formally welcome both frogger and ajal to the contest! Frogger has come up with some wicked pencil art, and we hope to see more, perhaps, as has been said, cropped and on blank paper! The standard seems to warrant such well enough.
And then, since this is the internet, there's the Special Mention for Motivational Lulz that Had To Be Said
And that, people, is a wrap!
The grammar judging shall be soon. I'll shut the entries within the next day or two, but I'll give some warning first.