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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
2,128 posts

More epilepsy inducing art from Owen.
(i was drawing a blank for this topic)

859 posts

Helpz Owen i is having an epiletic fit

4,536 posts

No idea where the Autumn months are...

Aren't they the ones killin- Oh, riiiiight. Australian seasons.

316 posts

I thing Kr's is good.

689 posts

Superpickle, I could draw an elephant eating a banana with its ears and have the word "month" in the corner of the screen. Superpickle, it has NOTHING to do with months.

Apart from the word month. Other than that, no, I agree with you. But it does have something to do with the word month.
13,657 posts

Judging tomorrow as soon as possible (but after 11 am GM +1).

Otherwise there will be a delay until Wednesday (and we would not like that, now would we?) so get the drawings done.

404 posts

March isn't winter. :P

It is in canada
859 posts

I think kingryan will lwin

2,417 posts

Well, I'm just gonna review all of the submitted pieces and try and predict how Cenere will too.

1st Place: Crimson with is 4 month/seasonal piece, I love the effects of how the grass and the snow look. Good shading for the most part, the only thing I would have to criticize would be the little red guy for November, he is just such an odd looking guy, but he really doesn't look bad just odd.
2nd Place: Klaushouse and his Jew Lie, It is really witty and has very simple but with a very appealing cartoon style.
3rd Place: This might be the big surprise because I pick Owen's "epilepsy" piece. I chose his because I know for a fact that if that was painted over a large canvas people would pay well for it.

The rest: well there were alot of entry's that could arguably be in the top 3.

-Kingryans is a ver funny one, and I believe that if a little bit more detail would of been added, it might of had a case for first.
-Jdog's: Overall nice for MS paint, and a funny litte joke, but there is a lot of empty space, like how the tree just appears to be floating.
-Zega's: Now I really like this one, and wouldn't be surprised at all to see it in the top 3. The circles are all centered very well and I know that can be an annoying process. The tree looks very good, you shade with paint very well.
-Marton's: Real good, only wish you could of made the spaces more even.
-GuitarHero's: Another one with a case to be in the top 3. It has great detail, but there are a few places of white (not the snowy areas) that could of easily of been filled in.
-Goumas's: Great hand drawing and another one that could easily be in the top 3. The only thing from me adding it in mine is I just don't know if you can call that a complete piece. Like I said, could be in the top 3, don't know if Cenere will say it is following the theme though...
-Zlith's: That is deffinately Jack, and a really good one, the only thing I'm unsure of is if it fits the theme because it is showing holidays and those aren't really months, but lets see what Cenere decides.
-Superpickle's: That is random...but it isn't bad, just not really going with the theme.
-KingNick's: Again, a very good painting, but it isn't really going along with the theme.

Well that is it, alot of worthy entries. With this long post I hope to start a tradition of the previous winner writing about all the pieces

9,434 posts

I just finished my half of the judging. So I'm now posting here to go:


Well that is it, alot of worthy entries. With this long post I hope to start a tradition of the previous winner writing about all the pieces
That could be interesting.

Btw, Cenere isn't the only judge. I've just been busy. But you never know when I'll return. >:3
And I could technically post a complete judging now, but Cen wanted to know when I'd be available for judging today. Turns out I won't be, as I'll be catching up on some sleep, hence mailing Cen with ma comments for tha entries.
13,657 posts

And I could technically post a complete judging now, but Cen wanted to know when I'd be available for judging today. Turns out I won't be, as I'll be catching up on some sleep, hence mailing Cen with ma comments for tha entries.






So much for two judges, huh...


Judging hopefully around 6am AG time, when I am done doing.. stuff.
13,657 posts

C: This is awkward... Oh well. Also, links did not work.

Zoph: *hooks up judging-while-sleeping equipment* (Okay, actually I just judged while Cen was hopefully asleep and emailed my set of comments on the entries... Hence lack of usual chatter.)

Gogo Cenere setting up judging something something! (Really need sleep here... It's like half past midnight AG time, which is like 6 am here...)

Champions Exhibit: Bronze

Zoph: "*pffffffffahahaha* " or something similar was my original reaction to that~ It's brill~
Would possibly have looked better if you'd let the upper opening in the M (see that V-shaped bowl in it?) be the mouth, it does have sort of a good expression for it.~
The nose looks out of place, but the perspective more than makes up for that. Good use of edges and shortening. The right side of the background looks odd, though, would maybe have been better to crop the image and have the edge before that mighty vertical line.
C: Agreeing on the background part. It might be because Feb is standing in the doorway, but it would have been more clear with a different wall colour inside if that was the case. Also, yes, the face is bit confusing to look at, but that might be my state more than the drawing.

First place:

Zoph: Klaus, you darn inappropriator~ You do that so well~
It's a decent pun, it's a funny comic, and you obviously made an effort with it. Nice Cyanide&Happiness style too~
You might wanna make your future frames a liiiiiiittle less sloppy, though. It's like some bear painted it over the frames with it's tongue. You wouldn't know anything about licking your art, would you?
C: I want that brush. Besides that, yes, it is a good interpretation and rather creative.


Zoph: Oh the pun! Pretty neat drawing, used to do those in art classes, I always found them sort of tedious to do. So good job actually drawing one voluntarily, and nice job on the folds. :3
C: I find this rather interesting, not because of the pun, but mainly because he was the one who took the days from February. It is prestigious to have a month named after you, but even more so, if the month has 31 days. So he took them from February. Thus making both July and August have 31 days.
Also, creative way, and only showing one month as well (Theme was singularis).

KR, who did show more than one month, but I cannot really discuss the judging with the other judge so yeah. I am not sure it would mean anything either way.

Zoph: O.o... Oh dear.
Btw, you could have fitted that in if you had made your canvas bigger and moved the drawing down. Or basically just made the canvas bigger.
If it was not for the crime-theme already taken, I would choose Mafia as the next theme. January has a nice smirk, and the expressions are rather good for the most part.
At least months does not seem to bleed.

As for the rest:

Zoph: This image makes my browser laaag... And again, season related, though a specific month in each season. It's pretty well done, though, but you might want to consider getting another grass brush than just the default PS one?
Btw a calendar with your characters would be totally win~
C: What she said. Besides it being a more.. silent piece of art this time, I would say it actually lacks some of the dynamics you usually put into play when it comes to drawing. It might because of the aforementioned silence, but the poses look stiff. A bit of light practice might do well, but then again, who am I to talk.


Zoph: The force of copy/paste~ Also more year/season based than month related, and a bit ... simple looking. Cute snowman thing, though~ (Are those called snowman/snowmen in English?)
C: I think so. If it had been for Denmark, it would have been "Storm", "Storm", "Snow", "Storm", "Rain", "Rain with a bit of sun", "Sun", "Sun", "Rain with a bit of sun", "Storm", "Storm", "Storm".
A bit of lazy work, though, and not so much month as months.


C: I cannot seem to find the judging from Zophia with this one... This looks rather good, actually. It reminds me a bit of Calvin and Hobbes, with the crazy looking snowmen, usually either grotesque or actually alive (which was the part that reminded me, besides being really random). That and a song, but better stop now.
The melting effect is good.


Zoph: A classic way of portraying the seasons. Seasons. Seems a bit rushed and uninspired, but please continue participating in the contest! Maybe the next theme will inspire you more.
C: Snow. I like the way many call their work for "Month" when in fact there are either more than one or it is portraying seasons... Sadly theme entries are there to stop us from using themes that is related (Poltergeist round now closed down the ghost or horror, while this closed downs seasons and possibly holidays), but that is besides the point.
I think it might have been better to use a different background colour, at the very least in the last frame, because the snow looks rather... unclean. Also: grass keeps most of the green for some reason all through the year, so even though the brown matches the colours, it might have been better to blend it a bit with green in some way. Colour schemes are colours.


Zoph: Did he go to Australia? No wait, he said July... WHO FORGOT TO TAKE THEIE DECORATIONS IN? D8
Interesting stylized tree, you might wanna do something different next time you draw whatever that blue stuff is, though. Is it supposed to be vertical water...?
C: Jul, jul, jul, jul, jul, jul jul. Jul, jul, jul, jul, jul, julegaver... Jul-y? Anywho.
I think it is a twisted perspective, Zophia. The water is seen from the air, while the rest.. is not. Also, tree looks spiky.

And while we are at Christmas:

Zoph: Nice layout, pretty good amount of details for a Paint drawing~
The specific relation to 'month' is a bit vague, though. He's the king of Halloween, with a Christmas related - hat (I know what it is, I don't know how to say it in English), an Easter egg, a heart from Valentines Day, a drumstick from Thanksgiving and a pot of gold from I-really-don't-know-what...
Holiday-based entry, but since Jack Skellington is known from a Christmas related film, I assume you aimed for December~
Really awesome movie, btw.
C: He shouldn't have looked that mean. Considering he thought he did something good by overtaking Christmas (at least it seems so, because it is so popular and all), he would probably look happy that he got some more holidays.
But yes, rather good image.
Also: I think it is called a cap... Mayhaps...


Zoph: That is... Disturbing. o.O A calendar tentacle monster~ Glad to see you took Cenere's tip line thickness, it works nicely for this drawing.
Not so much month related, but like most others season related.
C: It looks creepy... But yeah, linethickness = gooood. Also, is that a shadow I see on the tree?
Nice work.


Zoph: Acid trip calendar! You were kinda drawing a blank, weren't you?
C: *cough*hesaidso*cough* I have a great dislike to the colours... And would have been more fitting if you had done that with only one month.


Zoph: I agree with your filename. O.o
C: You know, you do not have to enter, if you do not have an idea > >

Zoph: Yay, done! A theeeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Pick a theeeeeeeeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm not gonna pick, because I'm distance-judging, but whatever you do pick, make it something beginning with a k.
If it's not too difficult to think of something~

C: She is a bit creepy like that, is she not?
Anyway, since I am dizzy-tired and my arm have been hurting since I started this (Needle, THIS big, srsly!) I will pick a good BROAD theme for you, since it seems themes are hard to keep to.

Theme: Keep (yes, that)
Deadline: August 31

Also, I will take a break from judging due to stuff.

Now, to end this round properly:

9,434 posts

I cannot seem to find the judging from Zophia with this one.
I missed it, it seems. o.o What page was it on? I had a few problems loading some of the entries (namely crimson's and Klaus'... Might have not loaded.

But, uhm, nice snowman~ Getting better with digital work, it seems~

That's cuuute~

Oh and you're all stuck with me as the only judge for now. Percentage chance for delayed judging is probably around - 60-70?
13,657 posts

Because it is a problem, and I seemingly is a butthead.

who did show more than one month, but I cannot really discuss the judging with the other judge so yeah. I am not sure it would mean anything either way.

This meaning that I might have put it up higher if I had had a chance to discuss it with Zophia. Zophia was asleep which means I had the judging for myself pretty much, and while being tired and annoyed put it there. I don't think anything would have changed, maybe besides Zophia being able to persuade me, but due to my condition of tired and lacking food/energy, that is what I chose.

For all of the other judgings goes the same; It would have been nice to have a real judging for once, but that is not how it became because I am really stupid and mean, so too bad for you.
At least you will have the evergreat mod-judge that won't make stupid annoying themes for the next couple of rounds.
9,434 posts

You know you've confused me with that, right? Especially by going on-site with it when the rest of the argument is elsewhere.


Showing 5656-5670 of 6854