aaboyboyd: it stares you in the face, with everything and nothing in it, holding all information in no words. It is ethereally empty, yet at the same time, abundant. 9/10
It's short. It's sweet. It gets to the point, and doesn't bother with making you scroll a ton. I see you also prune your favorites to keep it from making another page. I do that too! I'd say a 8/10.
You definitely turned your about page into an about page CederDude XD That looks more like an autobiography LOL good work on that.
It just needs a little more... organization. Space it out a little so we know you're going off different subjects. +'s, ~'s, -'s, doesn't really matter. But Carlie makes neat designs on hers =)
Overall rating: 7.7/10 extra points for length (without the FRII stuff that irks me. Kudos for that). If there was organization, I'd bump it up to an 8.7/10.