Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Thing thing 4 overview.
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This is a short overview.
Powerful Weapons:
1.Hades rifle-a powerful weapon that pierces enemies.Not good to use in some situations because of its slow firerate.useful against crowded enemies or in the zombie and stinky bean part.
2.Desert eagle-a magnum more powerful than the viper.has a medium firerate so keep it close to you.has a very hihg damage.a headshot will instantly kill an enemy(in normal mode only)but in hard mode(after you finish the game)it will take about 1-3 hits.useful against batteling black and white enemies.
3.Gause shotgun-one of the most powerful weapons in the game.this weapon has a slow firerate and will shoot a spread line of gause laser that can kill black and white enemies easily.useful for beating hades.
4.SOCOM-16-a powerful weapon with a medium firerate.enemies in the office part usually hold these things.this weapon has a high damage.useful against any enemy.
5.USAS-12-a fast firing shotgun.uses 2-3 bullets per shot.this weapon is very dangerous to any enemy and the zombies and deals a very high damage and shoots fast.useful against hades and normal soldiers.
6.GL-06 Flechette-a very powerful gun that shoots out balls of spines that explodes and blasts out tiny has a slow firerate and the ammo is scarce.useful against any enemy.
7.EX-41-a weapon that deals massive damage.this uses explosive balls as bullets.dangerous to your character is your character is near the explosion.kills in one hit(dosent kill a boss in one hit).useful against crowded enemies.
note-dont worry is the enemy has a weapon like this cuz they kill themselves with it.
8.Laser cannon-a powerful gun that pierces any enemy.has a kinda slow firerate.donsent kill the boss in one hit.useful against enemies in a straight line.
9.XM-345 Skull Drill/Braindrill-a powerful weapon that kills an enemy in one hit(dosent kill the boss).kills the enemy in 3-5 seconds(dont really know the exact seconds).fires only on an aimed enemie.not much of a help.
10.X6-Flechette rifle-a powerful weapon like the GL-06 Flechette but instead of shooting balls, it shoots a spine that pierces or wounds enemies.useful against enemies in a straight line.useful in the zombie and bean part.
1.soldier-an easy enemy that usually holds pistols, smgs, or rifles.
2.upgraded soldier-stonger than a soldier but kind of easy to kill.usally holds pistols, smgs, machineguns, or rifles.
3.super soldier-a trained soldier that is harder to kill than the upgraded soldier.usally holds machineguns, rifles, flechette guns, smgs, or grenade launchers. soldier-the strongest soldier in the bestiary of soldiers.hard to kill and more trained than the super soldier.usually holds machineguns, flechette guns, grenade launcher or smgs.
5.hades-the prototype of system corp.easy to beat at the first but trans forms into a spider like monster.holds the hades rifle.
6.subject 153-an experimant that broke out of his containment chamber.when batteled, he rides a helicopter.
Prototypes(just wrote it for fun)
1.Posiedon-a prototype holding a mega laser gun.killed by subject 154.found in thing thing 1.named after the ruler of the seas.
2.Zues-a prototype holding a large rifle.killed by subject 154.found in thing thing 2.named after the king of the gods.
3.Hades-a prototype that was the last creation of system corp.killed by subject 154.found in thing thing 3/named after the god of the underworld.
Subject 154-made by system corp.escaped out of his comtainment chamber and killed his gaurder.killed 3 prototypes:Posiedon, Zues and Hades.also killed subject 154 and Hades.wanted to kill his maker.made to kill.
Hope this helps