I need help or at least a few tips on WbTD. everything goes down the drain after that really powerful green critter. no matter how complex i make the maze, i cant seem to get past the level after that one. HALP!!
The unbeatable low-cost method for Whiteboard Toower Defense is to build a dual-door pathway. Because of the shape of the map, building two pathways by splitting the map somewhere along the middle will create two labyrinthine pathways of different lengths when the entire map is finished. If they are of approximately equal length, the enemies will go either way to get to the exit, but they will take the shortest route from the beginning, not their current position unless they are near the exit.
With this method, there will be a short path and a long path when the whiteboard is filled with peon turrets. All of the enemies will head down the shortest path. Before they reach the end, that path can be closed off with a turret, because the map has two exits. They will have to turn back and go all the way back down the short path and then up the long path. However, the long path is still the longer path, so if you sell the turret that closed off the short path before the enemies get near the exit on the long path (about halfway to two-thirds down the long path), they will head back down the long path to the short path! You can keep this up for as long as you like so long as you build the blocking turret out of range of the enemies so that you can obtain a full refund for building the turret.
Getting to that dual-door trap, however, is the hard part and I leave to you to figure out how to do it.
As for me, I try not to make a maze, but rather to just make one big pathway. Making a maze wouldn't help, the game system would try to find the easiest route out of the whiteboard.
Sometimes, making a maze may confuse even yourself and you tend to put turrets in places that are unnecessary.
yeh Q0704 is right just make the first 4ish round peon tower then upgrade and then just make expensive tower when all are upgraded to max and i suggest upgrade all to be same lvl of upgrade xD
Here is a good one that always works: build only the cheapest towers and make a large maze. the good points are that they are cheap to upgrade and they attack land + air! good luck.