Alrighty, this has been brewing in the artistic minds of a few AGers lately - an animation contest!
Similar to the Art Skills Competition we need a few rules in place (largely copy/pasted, so credits to Carlie for parts of this): 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program (GIMP is a nice free one with a build in animation filter - google it). Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your animation is larger than 630 pixels wide, please provide a link to the animation instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the animation will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. Unless only one person submits......let's hope that doesn't happen!
Alright, let's see if this kicks off. First theme will be ~ Jumping. It's a basic thing to learn in animation, and it can be anything from a pixelated blob performing up/down motions, to - anything jumping. Like: I don't know who will do the judging yet (will be me, if no one else (like Strop?) decides they'll do it). Deadline for first round will be October 20th, since animation is a somewhat time consuming process. Go make those pixels jump!
Good entries everyone. Hopefully you're not disappointed in my judging/commenting... Oh well. Since I'm too busy to animate anything myself atm, I'll continue the judging. Theme:Sprites Judging:October 21st You all know what sprites are in games, right? Now animate some!
Argh, I guess I didn't make it very clear... >.> Sorry guys! Sprites, as in sprites. Like...
I don't care if they are tiny pixel sprites or vector drawn or whatever you might think of - just make them do a few sprite-like things, like walking, sliding, jumping, blinking - all depends on the kind of sprite you make. Also, you must draw them yourself, not just grab them from somewhere - though this contest is about the animation rather than the drawing, it's still more fun to see user-created art. kingryan and Pazx, you may draw some that resembles those sprites, but originality is strongly encouraged. :3
Was that enough info? I'll try not to fall off the forums again so I can answer...
You couldn't have picked a more sophisticated example. PoP was earth-shattering in its treatment of sprites because the animation is by far and away smoother than almost every other game of its type.
Which is to say that I would not expect anybody here to acheive that kind of standard with the time we have, unless they're like, you know, crazy.
I'll go generate a SF type character template now!
Should I apologize for just grabbing one of the first things Google came up with? Good stuff is good for inspiration, right? Not discouraging anyone! A sprite can consist of very few pixels in a simple formation...
Ya know, when I looked at it, it reminded me of alladin stead prince of persia. Mainly because the chara. has allidins skin, fashion sense, and turban.