here are all the answers you need.
1.people2. cup11.012.113.yes14.7115.no16.match17.a stamp collector18.yes19.Honorary Harlem Globetrotter20.meat21.Muhammad22.clam x1, blue x2, red x1, yellow x1.25.yellow x2, blue x2, orange x3 [orange is tiny button in bottom left corner], green x1, orange x226.59342065214116127.6226067312366243678928.philatelist29.Flash
ty 4 the answers!!!i win!!!!
your welcome
Thanks for the help but i already hate the game!!It doesn't make any sense and it calls you stupid!!
The game already has a walkthrough why did you make one.
dude people are really stupid if they need a walkthrough, heres jsut 2 reasons why1.It's easy and u are stupid if u cant beat it on ur first try2.Even if u lose, u can jsut go back through with all the right answers until u beat it, duh
I didn't know there was a walkthrough for the game.
Agree whit Helrayser. that game is a test so finding walkthroughs for it does not make you smarter "snickers".
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