You get to be but everyone is jealous just like many are with firetail now and they are planning your kidnapping/assassination. Now you need to get away...
but orks take it (it happnes) playaholic that makes no sence i wish 4 a real full sised operating with the power of the michine spirt land raider (nothing cant take the land raider[i know why])
Defiler cannot be taken either because it is a daemon not crew those who control it.So i use my plagueship "Terminus Est" (guess who am i) and bombard the whole planet with the destroyer plague.Then my soldiers land by thousands and they totally destroy your land raider.
I wish for a soul iron doom strider of chaos! Of course ultimately controlled by me!
an iron doom strider grinds your soul...whats the most embarrasing part,that it was controled by you?no!its the part where you control it to grind your soul!!!