You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
joking about that last wish.Granted,but once you take a shower your name changes to Johnny clean.
I wish for a custom armatar.
Granted, but it's sooooooooo bad.I wish for a sooooooooo good custom armatar.
Granted,but its only good for you.i wish for more wishes.
granted, but nobody granted those wishes. XDi wish i had salad
Granted, but you dont get salad dressing.I wish that no one corrupts my wish.
granted, but i just corrupted iti wish i had salad dressing
Granted, but a hobo stole it.I wish I was a rhinoceros.
granted, but the hobo poars salad dressing in the rhinos mouth, choking it to death.i wish i had a ipodtouch
Your iPod breaks.I want to be God for...EVER!!! MUAHAHAHA!!! (lol)
granted, but the power of christ then compels you! MUAHAHAHAHA! (whos laughing now)i wish i knew how to pronounce paarfam's name
Granted,but people start thinking that you are french.I wish we WOULD UNITE AS ONE!
granted, but paarfam leaves us in our alliance ):i wish paarfam was a cool name
Granted,but it simply isn't.I wish WE WOULD UNITE AS ONE without Paarfam.
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