You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
He changes it to a picture of a pie, the natural predator of your armatar!I wish to visit the armatar jungle.
you dont know where the location is I wish I had a better armatar.
granted it is of a pupa because it is the state of a butterfly after eating squishy bugi wish i could have a wish that would wish for a wish that would confuse the person thatg posts to this
Granted, here is your wish that wishes for a wish to confuse the person thatg posts to this.I wish to know what thatg means.
you never find out...I wish for my forum post count to improve.
Granted, you end up spamming and lose your acount.I wish to ninja invalid again.
you cant because he left games of armori wish for a wish that would wish for a wish that could wish for a wish to have darkfire post below me on post below you thread
GRanted, as soon as I post, the universe explodes.I wish that I didn't have to wish for anything.
hey there you are darkfireunfortunatly as long as you have a disire you have a wishi wish ffor a wish that would wish for a wish for me to stop trying to do these confusing i wish post because its confusing the wrong person
Granted, but the wish god decides to ignore you due to your excess of wishes.I wish for an awesome looking sword.
granted the sword has a mind of its own and cuts your head off
i wish for a wish to stop all wishes from being wished
granted except it counteracts so your wish was never wished which blows up.I wish for a new foot
granted you become lizard master that regrows exerythingi wish for someone to post on my other thread(sadly almost serioslyas i have like 17 of the first 20 names of last post made by
I wish for yuck.
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