i like them both. i am still deciding witch one is better.so witch one do u think is better?
i like them both too ... wait i like puddle of mud just a little better
I don't really know either of them. it's not my style of music
They're not really that alike but I think puddle of mud is way better.
Puddle of mudd and Maroon 5 arent even comparable because they arent the same music. but as far as my interests go. puddle of mudd
I like Puddle of Mud better, but neither one is really my style.
Maroon 5, only because Puddle of Mudd only had one hit.
only because Puddle of Mudd only had one hit.
Why must you bring something up uotside the subject?
Maroon 5 i think is a lot better .... because i dont really like the puddle of mudd's songs that much
I don't like neither, but Maroon 5 are slightly better, though it's not my style of music
Asking that is like asking "Cancer or AIDS".
I tking Maroon 5 sounds gay.
Maroon 5 is better by far.
They both suck. Maroon 5 used to be good. Now they suck.
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