Level 1: 1: Pull plug 2: click pistol(magazine will go in) and click again and it will shoot wall and fall on floor. 3ull plug again and click other metal thing on table(not lamp) 4:click metal thing again on floor 5:He should to touch it and will fly near pistol. 6:click pistol on floor
Level 2: 1: Open Fridge 2: while he closes it click fruits ontop of fridge. It should go near blender. 3: Click Fruit 4: when he sticks hand in blender to get fruit turn it on 5: click pans on wall 6: when it goes to his face click pans again 7: click his shirt one on floor and then again after he moves 8: Click Knifes 9: click his shirt 10: click oven (it should open) 11: click knife that came out of wooden thing and is on the counter.(it should stab him and throw him in the oven)
Level 3: 1: Click end of fishing pole 2: Click small fishing hook on his(the guy with a hat) seat. 3: click cooler or whatever it is (the box) 4: Click fishing hook that went in air 5: When he hits the other man click the anchor in the boat. 6: click the guy in the white shirts face. 7: Click engine on, on back of boat. 8: Click snake 9: Click guy in hat's face