enter these at cheat menu: looney = faster rackem = all weapons bin = infinate ammo
Is that it?I think there should be moreWhere'd you get them?
i found another one. i think you get one for every 500 points you get on arcade mode. the first 4, in order, are:looney speedbin infinate ammorackem all weaponsand the new one....adiosturdnuggets level 20!
whoops i meant 5000 points
Nice Game that is!
thanks for the cheats!1
Cool thanks for the cheats.
yay lvl 20 thanx a lot scientifico
cool, ty
[i]looney (faster)bin (inf ammo)rackem ( all weapons unlocked )adiosturdnuggets ( level 20 )prime ( infinate rage )
Why are there two topics about Rage 3 cheats?
i dont no
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