These are just some of my tips for The Missile Game 3DThe game is really good but it seems kind of unknown. On to the Tips!
Random/General Tip Each level has 20 obstacles.(not counting the level finisher) I count them to know how far along I am. I usually count to 10. One, two, three, four, five, six, sev, eight, nine, ten. Then start again. I don't like having to say to two syllables. It's strange...
Don't aim for where the opening is when you first see.Try to judge where the opening will be when you are there. (kind of Yoda-esq I noticed after I typed it)
I find this one very difficult. The curve nearthe center seems to be misleading. I strongly suggest going close to the wall on this one. But at higher speeds you don't have a lot of time to come back from your wall spot. Good luck judging it. Especially when it's spinning quickly.
2 Unnamed
Pretty much the same as it's single counterpart. Aim for the one that is closest to you.
2 Mouths
This one is a little bit like the Unnameds but with strange corners. go closer to the middle of the opening because the space their is much larger than that on the ends.
3 Circles
This is the most difficult one I find. Just try to judge where the opening will be, and go for the one that is closest to you. Good luck with it!
I think this is the easiest obstacle in the game. I guess I'll tell you the secret...[psst] the middle doesn't move [/psst]. IT'S TRUE! Aim for the middle, it's a fairly large opening. Should be pretty easy
If there was a circles in the middle of this it wouldn't move. So just like you do in the Keyhole obstacle, aim for middle =)
Level Finisher
This one should be pretty easy. Honestly it's kind of hard to not get through. The only time I've messed up this one is once, I was hugging the wall on an Unnamed on like level 5 and I hit the edge because I wasn't fast enough coming back into the middle. Let's hope you don't make stupid mistakes like I do.
Closing That's pretty much it. I found this game pretty fun. Good luck beating it!
P.S sorry the pictures all aren't from the same depth away from the obstacles. It's hard to make them exact :P
That was a pity post wasn't it. lol. You didn't have to do that. I know that no one plays this game, but I had time and half baked ideas so I finished them and posted them.