Hey, everyone!! This is a topic for all who oppose,dislike, or are irritated by breakfastarianism!! You don't have to hate breakfast, you can even eat breakfast every day!! You just can't worship breakfast!! All those who think that breakfastarianism is stupid and dumb, comment here and join Anti-breakfastarianism.
NOTE TO MODERATORS: please don't lock down this thread! I am just giving power to ALL the people, including those who don't eat breakfast! And even if you do, others will rebel....YOU WILL NOT SILENCE THE ANTI-BREAKFASTARIANS!!! Besides, how could this ever get out of hand?? =)
Going to lock it anyway. The title is all caps. AllCaps is not a cruise control, it is a way of disrupting the flow in reading, as well as a nice way of gaining negative attention due to aforementioned disruption. This is also an anti-* thread, which is not only frowned upon, but more than often locked on sight, because it constituted hate towards a certain group of people, is about a certain group of people, and more often than not ends up in spam, flames and stupid comments.
Other than that, Breakfast is a rather important part of your day, and you should eat it whether you find it worth to be - worshipped or not.