The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
16 maybe
33..definetly..dont know why.
Uhh not 33, no not even close. But that is may favorit number, i wonder what tiped you off * rolls her eyes in the direction of the 2 numbers at the end of her name* And while i am at it, ParalysisTerror is 18 ors naybe!
*thinks intently* I am pretty sure you are in your teens so I will say *gulps* 14-16....
you are still a fetus.
ok lige, 6 for immaturity, 15 for knowing disturbing things. You are 15...and a moron
well for still being in the womb, you sure have an abrasive personality.
why are you two arguing with each other?
Pazx just got mad after I made a joke. we're not arguing, pazx just has a stick up his butt.
come on, can't you guys just get along?
that's up to pazx...
he's probably not here, so I don't know
I choose to ignore those comments...Paralasis, you are 19... I guess.
meh, I really have NO idea.19032485?
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