The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
I'm going to guess 14, maybe?
I am not saying I'm 19 I'm guessing Your 19. Sorry for any inconvenience.
No problem. And 19 is wrong. Hmm, how about 15?
I'm taking a break from rhyming.Are you 15?
Nope. I'm going to say either between 14-16. I'm not sure if I've guessed yours yet.
I'm going to say either between 14-16.
Nope.What about 15?
I say you are 777 Years old.You were born in 1234
I'm gonna guess that 1138 is 17?
I guess you are twenty-four.
Und you are 14, ja?
Ich glaube, du bist 17.I believe you are 17.
Art thou 16?
Nien, 13. HA. Und der minnche ist 13-14? My Deustche is a little rusty.
I'm gonna guess you're 14.
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