I slap you with this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://indyposted.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ChuckNorris.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.indyposted.com/12891/happy-birthday-chuck-top-10-chuck-norris-facts/&usg=__q4MLbwf8f7YSriEyMvGZfioZDCU=&h=750&w=600&sz=86&hl=en&
I slap you with a S.A.C.F.P.W.A.A.C.W.I.P.A.M.R.N.A.I.C.L.W.A.E.F (super annoying cute fluffy panda with AIDS and cancer who is playing Armor Mayhem right now and is completely losing what an epic fail)
I slap you with a S.A.C.F.P.W.A.A.C.W.I.P.A.M.R.N.A.I.C.L.W.A.E.F.A.H.J.D.A.N.H.I.G.T.P.S.C.2.I (super annoying cute fluffy panda with AIDS and cancer who is playing Armor Mayhem right now and is completely losing what an epic fail and he just died again now he is going to play Sushi Cat 2 instead) This is getting sort of ridiculous now...