well this game is not in armorgames and this can be found at [url=www.y8.com].i suggest that armorgames put this game here but anyway heres the walkthrough of grow is land.follow the steps 1 by 1.
thas everything.hope armorgames put this game on this site cuz this is a game that is creative and awesome.if you played this game and got bored then your such a bummer.
heres another one.its like grow island only RPG.grow rpg is a cool game on armorgames if its here(sigh)heres a walkthrough.follow the tips or else you will lose.
Building Order: 1) House 2) Tree 3) Castle 4) Water 5) Tower 6) Rock 7) Treasure 8) Stairs
oh and i almost forgot,heres the URL: http://www.y8.com/games/Grow_RPG